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Evil Gays or Something
Lumin ★.*.⋆ removed Purple Squip from the group. 11/21/2020 6:00 PM
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/21/2020 6:02 PM
6:02 PM
purple squip?
Lumin ★.*.⋆ changed the channel name: Evil Gays or Something 11/21/2020 6:02 PM
Lumin ★.*.⋆ changed the channel icon. 11/21/2020 6:02 PM
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/21/2020 6:03 PM
(( Dont worry about it ))
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/21/2020 6:03 PM
(can I still write in the present tense?)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/21/2020 6:03 PM
(( fuck yeah you can!
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/21/2020 6:03 PM
(oh thank god)
6:03 PM
(thats like the main reason i was freaked the fuck out)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/21/2020 6:04 PM
(( ooohh skfnkcdk
6:04 PM
(( By present tense you mean first person right?
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/21/2020 6:06 PM
6:07 PM
(Like instead of "he did this" I'd write "He does this")
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/21/2020 6:13 PM
(( oohh oki))
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/21/2020 6:52 PM
It was a nice Spring night, a soft breeze was gently russling the trees as Gabriel walked in circles along the grass in the park that night. He had talked to a few strangers just a few minutes before this, none of them worth a damn. He was getting tired of waiting, hence the pacing in circles. Hopefully some more people would show up tonight. He didn't want to have to do this again. He stopped pacing and looked down at his watch. Only a half an hour left until midnight. That was the time he said he would leave on his posting. He sighed, slightly annoyed as he sat down at the park bench, tapping his foot as he waited.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/21/2020 7:31 PM
Zephyr walked down the gravel path holding an injured hand and limping ever so slightly. He noticed Gabriel, putting up his mask and cautiously walking over to him, “Are you the intellectual that posted an ad on Craigslist, that would definitely not backfire and bring Fidel Castro wannabes straight to you?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/21/2020 7:47 PM
((God wtf happened to him?)) Gabriel looked up at the man standing in front of him, slightly taken back by the rude introduction. But then he smirked slightly for a moment and spoke. "No need to be a smart ass. I didn't exactly have another option." He gestured to the bench across from him. "Go ahead and take a seat."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/21/2020 8:01 PM
((Don't worry about it)) Zephyr, taking a moment to debate whether or not to sit down, sighed. After a second he did, adjusting to make his injured leg comfortable. Looking back to Gabriel he said with a side-eye, "You really couldn't think of anything else? Perhaps not waiting for your desired crowd to come out at night and simply ask them? Come now," he said, lowering his mask and giving Gabriel a shit-eating grin, "not all of us bite."
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/21/2020 8:04 PM
((I'm worrying about it, also, step on me-))
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/21/2020 8:21 PM
((Thank you 🥴)) Gabriel stared at him for a moment with piercing eyes. Then he continued speaking, not really taking that last part for account. Though, he did offer a bit of a smile back to him. "I'm not going to go out of my way to hunt down people when they can just come to me. If they're actually interested, they'll take time to come speak with me... I assume you're one of those people." He leaned back slightly in his seat as he folded his hands together on the table.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/21/2020 8:31 PM
Zephyr, tilting his head to the side furrowed his brow, but continued to smile. "But wouldn't that be better in the long run? Say someone says yes that you hand-picked. If you've done research, you just scored a valuable asset. The way you're doing it now? Let's face it. You're getting street trash like me." Zephyr sat up straight once more, rubbing his injured hand, "Though you are correct, we flock to oppourtunities like this. I quite literally came running," he said, gesturing to his leg.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/22/2020 10:16 AM
Gabriel let out a low chuckle. "Did you happen to trip and fall on the way? I noticed your limp." He said to him. Gabriel would get back on topic of the conversation after this.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/22/2020 10:26 AM
Zephyr rubbed the bridge of his nose, “Yes, I did. Quite a few times, actually. Not easy running in laboratory-grade boots.” Zephyr flexed his hand, wincing as it popped. “Though I can thank a certain someone else for my limp.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/22/2020 11:19 AM
His gaze quickly shifted over to Zephyr's hand as it popped, making a bit of a grossed-out expression for a moment before looking back at Zephyr. "Well, who did it is none of my business... And as for what you said earlier, I'm not looking for the best of the best to join me just yet. They will in time. But right now, I'm looking for people who are not as fortunate as those big time villains with flashy powers but would still like to make a name for themselves. Without me, that will never happen... So, what do you say to that?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/22/2020 11:35 AM
Zephyr nodded, “That sounds fine, but it’s the inevitable attached strings that worry me,” he tipped up his glasses, “So what are they? Something along the lines of I’ll do everything you say in return for something not worth my time?”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/22/2020 12:31 PM
Gabriel shook his head. "No, nothing like that. We have to both agree to help eachother out, that's what this is. Plus, since you'll be the first person I work with. I'll make sure I properly give you what you deserve for helping me. You know, when we're inevitably a big corporation..."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/22/2020 12:40 PM
A grin crept onto Zephyr’s face, “What I deserve, hm? Do I get to choose what that is?”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/22/2020 1:31 PM
He paused for a moment, thinking. "... If it's not asking too much, I'm sure it won't be a problem." He might regret saying that in the future. But oh well, he'd deal with it then.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/22/2020 1:49 PM
Zephyr’s grin widened as he held out his injured right hand, “Shake on it, I’ve learned not to trust verbal-only agreements. Oh, and no need to be gentle...” he said with a restrained tone.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/22/2020 2:49 PM
Gabriel looked down at Zephyr's hand. Recalling that it popped earlier, he figured it was injured. With that thought, a smirk came to his face. "If you insist." He firmly took Zephyr's hand and shook it.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/22/2020 3:10 PM
((Sorry this message long as fuck)) Zephyr bit the side of his tongue and gripped Gabriel’s hand as firm as he could, reaching into his coat and taking out his syringe gun. “I hope you understand, but I have no reason to take your word for anything. Although it’s more symbolic than anything, my profession deals with DNA on abundance and the molecule means quite a lot more to me than it does to anyone else. With this infinitesimal amount I really couldn’t do anything with it. In return, you can have mine,” Zephyr sighed, “I know it may seem odd or trivial but it’s truly the principal of the thing.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/22/2020 3:32 PM
This caught Gabriel a bit off guard, wiping the smirk from his face almost instantly as he looked at the weird-looking gun in Zephyr's hand. He jerked his hand away from him. There was very few things Gabriel was scared of. And it just so happens that he had the very irrational fear of needles. "What the hell?! There's nothing I could do with your DNA!" He raised his voice as he spoke. "And can't you take a piece of my hair or something?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/22/2020 3:59 PM
Zephyr didn’t look all that surprised as he spoke, “I mean technically you could do quite a bit with it.. say you tampered with it and if I betrayed you you could always inject it back into me and I’d probably fall over dead a couple days later. If you’re scared of the gun you could also cum into a vial or I could take a skin graft, but like I said I don’t intend to use it at all,” he said, pushing his hair out of his face. “Why the hell would I want your blood anyways other than for symbolic reasons? You could have a shitty power or no power at all.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/22/2020 4:12 PM
Gabriel mumbled under his breath something about most other villains being weird as hell before speaking up again. "Fair point... And what if I refuse?" We're just going to ignore the cumming into a vial thing.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/22/2020 4:15 PM
Zephyr shrugged, “I’m desperate for a job dude. To be honest I probably wouldn’t care. This is just a preference thing,” he noticed the air had changed and glanced at Gabriel, “You can still have mine if you want to ensure my loyalty,” he said, putting his gun back in its holster.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/22/2020 4:32 PM
He began to calm down now that the gun was back in the holster. He grunted slightly. "I might give you my... DNA, on a later date. For now, I agree with what you said about me having yours."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/22/2020 4:39 PM
Zephyr nodded and took a syringe and vial off of his belt, and stuck his arm with with it, taking out a considerable amount. He put the syringe into the vial and held it while he put the needle into a case on the opposite side of his hip. After a moment, the blood began to darken and he held it out to Gabriel, “Should be toxic enough to kill me,” he said with a smirk.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/22/2020 5:05 PM
Meanwhile, Gabriel was over here squirming around slightly; mostly just moving his feet around under the table as he watched Zephyr stick the needle into his arm with ease. When Zephyr finished, Gabriel let out a deep breath and continued watching as the blood darkened in the vial. He then took it after Zephyr offered it to him, raising an eyebrow at it. "Did you use your power on this, then?" He asked, now looking over at him.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/22/2020 5:08 PM
Zephyr nodded, “Yes, my powers can affect any DNA I have direct contact or very close indirect contact with,” he chose not to mention Gabriel’s reactions to the needles.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/22/2020 5:23 PM
He grinned a bit at that while looking at the blood vial. "Hm, impressive." He complimented as he stowed away the blood in his jacket pocket.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/22/2020 5:31 PM
Zephyr smiled, “Thank you. Though I do suppose we should learn each other’s names if we’re going to be working together. I go by Zephyr nowadays,” he said, not going further.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/22/2020 5:48 PM
"Gabriel Moore. I'm pleased we could come to an alliance, Zephyr." He said, offering him a smile. He looked down at his watch and stood up. "Well, it's time for me to go. Here's my card." He handed him a small black card with maroon accents. "I expect you to be in touch."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/22/2020 5:50 PM
Zephyr stood up the best he could on his injured leg and nodded, “I will be. Have a nice night Gabriel.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/22/2020 6:19 PM
---~The Fanciest Time Skip You Ever Did See~---
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/22/2020 6:20 PM
—-Sponsored by Skippy’s Peanut Butter—-
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/22/2020 6:23 PM
(( AIDJKDNFSJKSM )) It's been a few days, maybe a week or two, I dont know I don't keep track, since Gabriel and Zephyr first met. Gabriel stood outside of a large building, tapping his foot on the concrete as he stared up at it. He hadn't been waiting that long for Zephyr to arrive, but he was already starting to get impatient.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/22/2020 6:46 PM
((REEEEEEE)) Zephyr came around the corner running, almost tripping as he came to a full stop next to Gabriel, adjusting his glasses and getting his hair out of his face. "Sorry I'm late, my freezer was broken and I had to fix it, very hard work."
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/22/2020 7:22 PM
(( Cute ))
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/22/2020 7:34 PM
Gabriel continued to look up at the building, ignoring Zephyr for a second until he started to speak. He looked down at him from the corner of his eye for a few moments before turning to look directly at him. "Is fine. Though, I don't like waiting. Keep that in mind..." He looked back at the building. "At least you fixed it relatively fast."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/22/2020 7:38 PM
Zephyr mumbled a small apology, looking at the building as well. "Wow. It's a fuckin' building," he said with pretend awe.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/22/2020 9:07 PM
"Great observation." He said sarcastically and slightly annoyed as he began walking towards the building.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/22/2020 9:11 PM
Zephyr sighed, defeated that his attempt at lightening the mood failed. He followed Gabriel, taking off his glasses to clean them and promptly running into the wall of the building. "Wall. There's a wall there," he said, backing up and putting his glasses back on, walking to the door he missed.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/22/2020 9:22 PM
Gabriel just stopped and stared at him for a moment. Ya know, judgingly. An idiot. I've hired an idiot. He sighed and put the keys he had to the place in the door, jossling them around. After a few seconds, he was still unable to get the door open. You could just feel the tentoin in the air rising around him.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/22/2020 9:45 PM
Zephyr noticed the struggle with the deadbolt and the change in the air, "Hey.. I can get it open," he said quietly, trying not to make him any angrier than he was. "Just give me a minute." He said, taking a vial from the set on his hip, holding it and shaking it. After a couple seconds, he chucked it at the lock. The slime on it promptly froze in contact to the metal, and he jostled the handle, getting the door open. "Freezing locks often makes the mechanisms weak, so you can get them open pretty easily." He gestured to let Gabriel enter first.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/22/2020 9:57 PM
Gabriel watched as this went down, his anger not exactly subsiding but instead swept under the rug for now. He shoved his hands in his pockets before walking into the building. As his back was turned to Zephyr, he muttered. "Thanks..."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/22/2020 10:03 PM
Zephyr smiled. "No problem," he said as he walked inside. He looked around at the inside of the building. "This place isn't too bad. With some cleaning up and interior decorations I think it'll make a nice agency!" He looked at Gabriel with a hopeful smile, trying hard to lighten the mood. "I know a few people who could touch the place up, I can contact them if you'd like."
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/22/2020 10:33 PM
Gabriel took a look around the interior of the building as Zephyr spoke. To be honest, he wasn't really paying attention to him. That was until the last part where he mentioned the people he knew. His gaze swivelled over to look at him. "Really? Good. Call them as soon as you can." He was talking a bit quicker than he normally would, probably because he was a bit excited about this.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/22/2020 10:36 PM
Zephyr smiled at this and nodded, "Sure. I can also help set up shop as well. If we set up a lab here, we can attract the science-based villain scene much quicker."
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/22/2020 11:16 PM
"I was planning on putting a laboratory on the top floor... I wouldn't mind if you could tell me things a scientist like you would need in that setting."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/22/2020 11:19 PM
Zephyr indexed a few things in his mind, "Well I am a geneticist, and my practices are... unconventional.. but I can point you in the general direction." He said, tapping his chin. "Maybe I can get my friends to clean this place up and we could make some basic plans elsewhere."
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 12:25 AM
"Hm... I've been coming here every so often and cleaning up here and there. I have a few plans for the interior I'd like to incorporate. But... Any help I can get in these beginning stages would be needed." He explained as he looked around the surrounding area, imagining how things would look in the future. (edited)
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 1:48 AM
Zephyr glanced at Gabriel, “Right. Well, I’ll do what I can to help. If you write those ideas down for my friends, they’ll keep them in mind when designing the place,” he said. Suddenly, a thought had occurred to him, “Wait, how long have you had this place?”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 9:36 AM
"A few months." He stated simply as he crossed his arms. "I'll be sure to show your friends some ideas I've written..."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 9:41 AM
Zephyr, confused, simply looked at his hand. He pulled his glove off and looked at the bandages that covered it, which were encrusted with dried blood. “I mean.. I guess they’re not really friends.. just other villains I know..” he tapped his fingers together.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 10:07 AM
Gabriel looked over at Zephyr now, seeing his wounded hand. That looked like it hurt. Though, Gabriel wouldn't really know. After all ost of the time he only felt the impact of pain. "... Are they trustworthy?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 10:12 AM
((I failed to mention that he does have a bag but it’s just full of stuff to fix his hand)) Zephyr looked at him and nodded, unwrapping his bandage. “They’re fine.” He rolled the used bandage up and put it in his bag. His hand was in terrible shape, but he simply wiped the blood off and put a new bandage back on. “Sorry about my hand, it might stop me from doing manual labour for a while.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 11:13 AM
Gabriel paused to think about whether or not he wanted these other villains to work on the Agency. He wasn't sure if just 'fine' would cut it. Though, what other choice did he have? He wanted to get this rolling as soon as possible. And he couldn't exactly do that with only two people now could he? He walked up behind Zephyr now, looking down and watching as he bandaged his hand. Hmph... "How bad is the inner damage?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 11:16 AM
Zephyr glanced up at him, "Ya know that one guy? His name was.. uh.. Jesus? Y'know how he had nails stuck through his hand? Imagine that, but with a train track spike," he said, not entirely minding him being that close, but even if he did he wouldn't move. He didn't want to seem like a pussy.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 11:43 AM
Gabriel chuckled slightly under his breath at that. But soon returned to his normal expression. "Shouldn't you go get that fixed then?" He suggested.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 11:51 AM
Zephyr shook his head, "No. Every hospital knows me by heart, that'd be an awful idea," he said as he put his glove back on. "I tend to treat myself anyways. Stem cell transplants are sort of commonplace with injuries like this. I think I've cut open my femur um... 23 times? to take those things out," he said.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 12:04 PM
He didn't exactly know how to respond to that last part. "... Well then.. How long do you think it will take to be fully healed? Not that I care too much. I can still easily operate without your help."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 12:25 PM
Zephyr looked away from him, trying not to show that that hurt. "U-Um.. I.. I don't know.. maybe a week..?" Still not looking at him, he shifted to his other foot, "Doing surgery on myself has its disadvantages.."
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 12:59 PM
"Once you finish the surgery on your bones, nerves, and whatever else. I can do the rest." He stated, turning away from him and beginning to walk towards the exit. For a second he wondered why Zephyr started stuttering, but he quickly dismissed that thought. He didn't really care enough to think about it. He stood by the door now and looked back over at Zephyr. "Do you want to look at the rest of the building?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 1:06 PM
Zephyr still didn't look at him, and had his glasses off, "Um.. I-I'll look around a bit, sure." He was cleaning his glasses with his coat, his hands slightly shaking. "Just give me a moment."
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 1:24 PM
"Well I'm leaving. If you want to come with me, hurry up." He said before opening the door, not paying attention to Zephyr's upset demeanor.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 1:30 PM
Zephyr flexed his hand and picked his head up, "Right. Sorry.." He said quietly as he hurried to the door. He figured he was being annoying enough as it was. "You don't need to help me with my wound I.. At the point where the bones and nerves are okay I'll be able to do everything normally.."
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 1:45 PM
Gabriel walked out of the decrepit building and started making his way to his car. He sighed lightly. "I know, Zephyr. But it'd still be painful to the touch until the muscle and skin tissue is repaired, correct?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 1:48 PM
Zephyr followed him, "In my field, pain is customary if not obligatory. I assure you, you won't need to fix it." He rubbed his eyes underneath his glasses, "Unless what you're hinting at is that you want to, in that case feel free."
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 3:16 PM
"It was just an offer. If you don't want me too, than I won't." As he walked up to his car, which was a dark brown color, he unlocked it with the car fob on his keys. The vehicle made a loud clicking sound in response as it unlocked. "You can get in the back or the front." He said as he opened the car door to the drivers seat.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 3:21 PM
Zephyr opened the front door and sat down, "Can't remember the last time I was in a c-- oh wait, yes I can." He scowled to himself, "That bitch Smug crushed mine," he crossed his arms in an angry pout.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 3:43 PM
"A hero I presume?" He asked as he put his keys into the ignition and started up his mustang.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 3:47 PM
Zephyr inhaled, ready to go off, "As IF you could call her one! Her power is puking! PUKING!! I grew up with that bitch constantly on my back about stupid shit, yet she has a fucking minion that consistently causes more damage than I do. She's apparently 'nipping it in the bud,' but I wouldn't be surprised if beating me up was just a serotonin pump." He growled, clenching his fists. "If it weren't for her stupid pet I might just lock her up and destroy her DNA."
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 5:18 PM
As Gabriel begin to pull out of where he was parked, he grinned to himself. Listening to Zephyr go off was amusing to say the least. "You know, we could easily do that if you'd like..." He said, keeping a smirk on his face.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 5:23 PM
Zephyr looked at him and smiled, “I’d love to, but the way I fight is relatively strange and takes years of preparation.” He took his gun out of its holster and gesturing to it, “All I have to do is get some blood outta her.” He looked out the window and put it back, “Not like I can get close to her, her dumb little minion thing— although he hates her— does protect her. And he hurts. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 5:34 PM
Gabriel's car was on the road by now. As he drove, he kept his eyes on the road. "As much as I'd love to continue this chat, we need to move on... I'll talk to you about it later... Where do you want to eat?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 5:35 PM
Zephyr mumbled something under his breath and tapped his fingers together.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 5:39 PM
Gabriel huffed a bit at that. "Speak up. I don't have all day."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 5:42 PM
Zephyr looked at him with sheer determination, “Fuckin’ Denny’s, bitch! And don’t you dare fucking say I’m a scrub, their milkshakes are to fucking die for I am a VERY simple man,” he narrowed his eyes, “don’t you fuckin’ judge me.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 5:55 PM
He came up to a red light as Zephyr finished his spiel. After the car came to a stop, Gabriel looked over at him and stayed silent for a few seconds. Just... Staring at him, clearly judgingly. "... What if I told you we already passed Denny's" Hid voice sounded like he was holding back a considerable amount of anger. Maybe even some disappointment.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 5:57 PM
Zephyr unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned close, pointing forcefully at Gabriel. He spoke softly with a restrained tone, “Then I’d tell you. To turn. The fucking car around. And if you don’t..” he leaned closer, “I’ll do it my fucking self.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 6:14 PM
Gabriel stared at him for a few moments more, his expression swapping out for a more angry one. Looking back at the road as the light turned green. That's when Gabriel forcefully began turning the vehicle to the right, soon after slamming on the breaks. The car quickly sped off onto the other road, making an ear piercing screech. Mind you, he wasn't in the turning lane so he almost hit a few cars in the process-
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 6:25 PM
Zephyr, dazed, processed what just happened. After a minute he shook it off and just look slack jawed in awe at Gabriel. “... I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you over the sound of WHATEVER THE FUCK THAT WAS!??” He examined all of his belongings and quickly buckled up again. He noticed the vials on his hip were cracked. Trying to not look as angry as he was, he said,”Maybe let a fucker know before you try to KILL HIM!? IM NOT EVEN MAD AT THAT BUT YOU CRACKED MY FUCKING VIALS!!” (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 6:39 PM
"Suck it up! Know who you're dealing with you god damn leech." He raised his voice at him. "You're lucky your bones aren't fucking cracked."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 6:41 PM
As much as he wanted to continue being mad, Zephyr just looked out the window, “I’m sorry.. you just freaked me out is all. I was mainly kidding..” he quietly said. “I know I got all up in your face.. Sorry..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 6:47 PM
"Shut up." He said with intensity. "I don't want to hear a word out of you until we get to the restaurant."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 6:49 PM
Zephyr did as he was told, putting the broken vials in his bag. He took a breath to apologise one last time, but dismissed the thought and looked out the window again.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 6:54 PM
No more words were exchanged after that. Not until they got to Denny's. Gabriel parked the car in the parking lot of the restaurant and took his keys out of the ignition. He seemed to be relatively calmed down now. "Come on, lets go."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 6:58 PM
Zephyr looked at him, “I’m sorry man.. you offered me a job and I basically said I’d crash your fucking car for the dumbest reason.. then I yelled at you when you were understandably angry..” Zephyr said as he pinched his brow, “I’m a fucking mess..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 7:07 PM
Before Gabriel got out of the car, he took a moment to look over at him. After reflecting for a moment, he sighed. "Don't worry about it. Just... Don't do anything like that again." He directed his glance back towards the car door and reached for the handle.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 7:12 PM
Zephyr popped the door open and got out, shuttling it behind him. He felt awful about it, but figured he’d just be annoying if he apologised any more. He glanced at Gabriel, searching for something to say to lighten the mood, but couldn’t find anything. He fiddled with his gloves and stood by the entrance.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 7:20 PM
Gabriel opened the car door as he placed the keys in his pocket. He stood up now, his dark red shoes hitting the concrete. He walked around the car and over to Zephyr, walking straight past him as he opened the door and went inside. Stopping to hold the door open for him.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 7:28 PM
Zephyr mumbled a small ‘thank you’ and walked inside, becoming visibly relaxed at the familiar atmosphere. He smiled and took a deep breath. Stopping himself from reaching for Gabriel, he just quietly said, “Follow me..” he said as he sat down at a booth, visibly comfortable.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 7:39 PM
"Don't mention it..." He mumbled back before following him inside. He looked around the establishment. He wasn't really familiar with this place, but it didn't seem too bad. He looked down at Zephyr as he requested he'd follow him. And he did, all the way to the booth. There, he sat down across from Zephyr, sitting up straight and folding his hands on the table. "I take it you.. come here often?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 7:42 PM
Zephyr nodded, looking out the window, completely satisfied. “Yeah. My first girlfriend took me here every birthday, even after we broke up. Some of my fondest high school memories were made here.” He smiled and closed his eyes.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 7:50 PM
"That must be nice..." He said, then sighed slightly as he looked down at the menu on the table and picked it up, opening it and looking inside.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 7:56 PM
Zephyr chuckled, “Yeah, we even broke up here. She was sitting right where you are, and I came out to her. She understood and we’re still great friends. She’s one of the people I mentioned could help us with the agency, in fact.” Realisation hit him and he laughed, “Deja vu is hitting me hella hard right now.” He was clearly more relaxed.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 8:29 PM
Gabriel laughed lightly. "It is? Well, maybe I should move then." He said, referring to where he was sitting. He slid down the booth a little more, moving closer to the wall. "If you trust her, I wouldn't mind her joining the agency."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 8:32 PM
Zephyr shrugged, “She may not join, but she’ll help us out in the beginning. She doesn’t much like working with others.” He looked at Gabriel, “know what you’re getting? For food I mean,” he asked, looking back up at the ceiling.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 8:44 PM
He nodded. "Yeah, I do." He stated. "... I don't usually go to these kinds of places."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 8:45 PM
Zephyr looked at him. “I know it isn’t super formal.. sorry..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 8:50 PM
He looked up from his menu and back at him. "At least it isn't McDonald's." He chuckled deeply.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 8:52 PM
Zephyr smiled and snickered. “Hey their fries are pretty good—“
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 8:58 PM
"I know, but I really don't like to eat at fast food restaurants." He stated as he glanced out the window, then back at Zephyr.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 8:59 PM
Zephyr nodded, “gotcha.” He said. “So do you wanna plan shit about the agency right now orr—“
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 9:05 PM
"I don't see why not... What do you want to know more about? I'm sure you have questions. Though, some things I won't be able to answer since we're in the public eye." He leaned back into the booth as he spoke.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 9:07 PM
“What exactly will be my role in all this..?” Zephyr said, tapping his fingers together. He tried not to remember what Gabriel had said earlier. “I’m a little confused about that..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 9:20 PM
"Well, besides contributing in the future plans the agency does as a whole. I was thinking you could operate a blood bank of sorts. Your power would really help me keep everyone in check if we were to collect DNA samples from every new member."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 9:22 PM
Zephyr contemplated this, “Alright, but you should know that making blood toxic ruins the sample forever. I can’t really change it back unless I’m allowed to take a couple days to do so.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 9:29 PM
"Understood. I should clarify that we don't have to make the samples toxic right away. Only if they were too... You know, fall out of line."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 9:31 PM
Zephyr smiled, “Well if you’d like to save those samples there’s plenty of things I could do to someone in that case..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 9:41 PM
With seeing Zephyr's smile as well as hearing his words, Gabriel couldn't help but smile as well. "We would more than likely have a whole room dedicated to keeping samples. And when the time comes for you to alter one of those samples, go ahead and be as creative as you'd like."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 9:43 PM
Zephyr grinned, “Excellent.” You could practically see the cogs turning in his head, making up new ways to use someone’s blood against them.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 9:59 PM
"So, with that settled, do you have any other questions about me or the agency?" He continued to grin at him as he placed his hand under his own chin, resting his head on it.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 10:02 PM
“Plenty about you, but I figure I probably shouldn’t ask them now,” he said, taking his vials out of his bag and wrapping them in the bandages he brought.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 10:08 PM
"Hm, that's probably for the best." Gabriel remarked as he casually watched Zephyr wrap up his vials from across the table.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 10:16 PM
—Time skip brought to you by Costco oven lasagnas, cause FUCK those things are tasty—
10:20 PM
For two years, Zephyr and Gabriel have been building the agency, and it’s at a healthy stage in development. Zephyr was currently sitting on top of the third microwave this month, currently nuking a raw herring for 20 minutes. Chuckling to himself, he was already hearing the tissue of the fish crackle.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/23/2020 10:48 PM
Gabriel was resided in his office, here is where he'd been spending most of his time the past two years or so. At this moment, he was sitting at his desk writing on a piece of paper. That was until he began to smell fish. He paused for a moment, then sighed deeply as he quickly stood up from his chair and stormed out of his office and too the lunch room. It didn't take long until he was approaching Zephyr with his fists clenched. "God damn it you fucking Leech! That's the third microwave this month!!" (edited)
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/23/2020 10:51 PM
Zephyr gave him a shit-eating grin and said, “I love it when you call me that.” Just as he finished his sentence, the fish exploded and broke the lightbulb in the microwave. He looked back at Gabriel and gave him finger guns, “You like seafood, no?”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 7:00 AM
Gabriel huffed furiously, facepalming for a moment before gliding his hand back through his hair and grabbing it in a fist as he looked at Zephyr. "I told you I wouldn't be buying any more microwaves after this!" He exclaimed.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 7:23 AM
Zephyr, still smiling, hopped down from the microwave. “You’re cute when you’re mad. Besides, don’t you have one in your office? So what if these ones get broken?”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 7:35 AM
He started to get a little red in the face, whether that was from him being angry or Zephyr flirting with him... Well, thats up for debate. "I can still smell it from my office." He said as he walked up to the microwave, pushing past Zephyr to go turn the microwave off.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 7:39 AM
Zephyr laughed, “But it smells good!” Although he was lying to himself about that, because it smelled awful, his sense of smell as ruined at this point.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 7:47 AM
"Well if that's the case, perhaps you should eat it then..!" He suggested to him as he stood in front of the microwave, not daring to open it.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 7:50 AM
Zephyr was just laughing at this point, damn near dying of asphyxiation. He couldn’t get any words out and just held his stomach, trying not to fall over. He wasn’t laughing at Gabriel, but the situation as a whole was hilarious to him. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 7:56 AM
Gabriel just stared over at him for a good few seconds before saying something. "Why the hell are you laughing?!"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 8:00 AM
Zephyr found a wall to lean on and tears were streaming down his cheeks. He took off his glasses and continued to wheeze, making sure not to let go of the wall.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 8:11 AM
He just watched him for another couple of moments before simply walking out of the cafeteria, trying to keep his cool till he got to his office. After all, last time Zephyr did this he got punched around a few times. So, Gabriel didn't want to go through the effort of beating him to a pulp if it wasn't going to set him back in line. Once he got to his office, he slammed the door behind him.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 8:19 AM
Zephyr was slowly able to calm down, so he put his glasses back on and unplugged the microwave. He slowly got it off the counter and went out back, placing it with other machinery he was responsible for destroying. Going back inside, he went back to his office, but stopping at Gabriel’s. You could practically hear his grin as he spoke, “Come on bud, you’re not gonna fuck me up? Have you lost your touch? Or could it be.. something else..? Don’t be shyyyy~” He said, simply trying to tease Gabriel.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 8:33 AM
Gabriel was just sitting in his chair next to a candle he recently lit, fidgeting with a knife as Zephyr stood by his office door and started to speak. As soon as Gabriel heard his voice, he stopped fidgeting and stood up. Gabriel walked over to the small metal trash can by his desk and picked it up now, chucking it as hard as he could at the door. A loud crashing sound could be heard from the other side of the door.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 8:38 AM
Although the suddenness startled him, Zephyr didn’t stop, “If only the door was open when you did that..~ You know you want to fucking destroy me, and I’ll gladly let you..~ just open the door,” he said.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 8:52 AM
"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU EROTIC FUCKING LEECH!!" He yelled through the door.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 8:53 AM
Zephyr chuckled, “If you don’t open the door I will.. Bree.” (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 9:02 AM
That was when the last line was snapped. He couldn't hold back his rage any longer. So, that's when he threw open the door, immediately coming out and moving to deck Zephyr across the face.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 9:06 AM
Zephyr backed up a couple steps, not out of fear, but to move away from the door. “Hi gorgeous,” he said with a smirk, “somebody’s mad huh?” He was very blatantly asking for it.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 9:25 AM
"You know, the smartest people stay silent for long periods of time- Why can't you just fucking do that?!!" He roared as he punched Zephyr across the face.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 9:28 AM
Zephyr stumbled, and although in pain, was definitely loving this. “Aww you’re calling me smart? Don’t make me blush~” he said, glancing up at Gabriel.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 9:37 AM
Gabriel was practically seering at this point. "No! I'm calling you a dumbass because that's all you'll ever be!! I don't even know why I hired you in the first place you damned bottom feeder!" Gabriel walked over to him and went to pick Zephyr up by the collar of his shirt.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 9:42 AM
Zephyr let out a small laugh, “Haha.. that was a good one.. that one properly stung..” He still didn’t move or beg not to be hit although that really did hurt. Still looking at him, he gave a small grin and said, “You’re getting better at this.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 9:53 AM
Gabriel loomed over Zephyr as he held on tightly to the collar of his shirt, now lifting him off the ground a little bit. He looked down, locking eyes with him. "Shut up." He said simply, his voice cold. Then, he threw him against the wall without hesitation. (edited)
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 10:05 AM
The moment Zephyr hit the wall he bit down hard on the inside of his lip and spat blood. His knees gave out and soon he was on all fours, coughing from having the air knocked out of him. He couldn’t say he wasn’t enjoying it but it was a tad overwhelming at this point. He tried to look up at Gabriel but succumbed to his coughing fit, doing nothing but that and bleeding onto the floor. He’d normally continue to tease him, but Zephyr knew that Gabriel was done fooling around. He might like pain, but he didn’t want to die. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 10:30 AM
Gabriel walked up to the helpless Zephyr on the floor, taking his sweet time to get there as he laughed to himself at the state Zephyr was in. "You just don't learn do you?" He asked, standing next to him now as he looked down. He smiled as he saw the blood stain made by Zephyr's bleeding lips. "See that blood stain there?" He pointed at it with two fingers. "Imagine that's you. Small in the grand scheme of the rest of the floor... Useless. Just a mark that makes the rest of it look imperfect... That stain is all you'll ever be... Pathetic" He moved in front of Zephyr now, stepping on top of the blood stain. He smirked down at him, then kicked him in the chest.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 10:38 AM
Zephyr inhaled sharply, knowing he asked for this. Coughing still, he tried not to let the tears in his eyes flow but failed. Hoping above all that Gabriel was just angry and didn’t actually mean what he said, Zephyr mustered all the strength he had, he looked up at Gabriel. Tears were streaming and blood was trickling out of his mouth. Although he wanted to say more, he could only manage to croak out a small apology before he dropped his head again, his breath wheezy.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 10:59 AM
Gabriel continued to peer down at him as Zephyr looked up. They made eye contact for a moment, and that's when something deep inside Gabriel sank a little at the sight of him. But of course, he just ignored it, as well as his apology. "I don't want to see you the rest of the day." He stated before turning and walking away from him. He went over to the door of his office and went inside, shutting the door behind him. Not bothering to even glance back over at Zephyr.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 11:09 AM
Not wanting to imagine what Gabriel would do to him if he did see him, he slowly crawled back into his own office, shutting the door behind him. He kept telling himself Gabriel was just angry, and that he didn’t mean it, but he couldn’t convince himself of it. He leaned against the door and cried as quietly as he could.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 11:17 AM
~Time skip brought to you by pain and suffering~
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 11:31 AM
Zephyr had hardly left his office for an entire week, not daring to step outside in fear of bursting into tears, getting beaten, or both. He’d done two surgeries on himself in the past week to distract himself, and wire stitches were visible down the front of his thighs. He’d run out of food in his office the day before, and was getting mentally prepared to leave.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 11:58 AM
In the past week, Gabriel had continued with his work as normal. Though, throughout that time, something did feel sort of... Off. Of course, Gabriel didn't know what this was. But then again, he didn't really care. It was just an odd feeling. As of now, Gabriel was walking down the halls of The Agency with a brown paper bag in his hand. In the past week, he noticed that Zephyr hadn't really left his office. Or at least he didn't think so. He hadn't seen him around after all. So, he thought he might be running out of food in his office if he even had any in the first place. Gabriel had been out on the town earlier today, so he thought he might as well get food for Zephyr while he was at it. He didn't think anything of this. For it wasn't meant to be a gift or an apology, at least in his eyes. Soon he got to Zephyr's Office and went to open the door. To his surprised, it was unlocked and it opened right up.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 12:04 PM
Zephyr looked startled, seeing Gabriel right outside his door. Looking away from him, he fidgeted with his glove and mumbled a small apology. He didn’t want to say anything more than that, since the last time Gabriel talked to him he told him to shut up.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 12:09 PM
Gabriel entered his office and shut the door behind him. "Stop apologizing... I brought you pancakes." He stated, setting the bag down on a nearby countertop.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 12:15 PM
Zephyr put his mask up to hide the pink tint on his cheeks and quietly thanked him. He stood there for a minute, and braced for impact. He quietly asked, “Did you really mean it.. when you called me useless..” Just the memories of Gabriel being that angry with him made him fight back tears.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 12:26 PM
Gabriel was... Surprised by that question, to say the least. He stood there, quiet for a good while as he thought about it. "... No." He said, short and simply. Then sighed lightly to himself. "Eat your pancakes..."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 12:34 PM
Zephyr looked up at him. “I know you said to stop apologising but I’m sorry I made you upset last week.. I just wanted to tease you, but I asked for it and you gave me what I deserved. I’m sorry.” Zephyr opened the bag and took what I assume would be a styrofoam box out of it.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 12:42 PM
Gabriel wasn't really sure what to say to that... He glanced away from Zephyr. "It's..." He struggled to figure out what to say. Something that didn't happen often. "Alright... I guess... Just- don't do it again. I don't like being teased in any context." He said to Zephyr. To be honest, Gabriel sounded kind of, well, off.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 12:49 PM
Zephyr noticed it, but didn’t want to say anything about it. “I feel awful about it.. we’ve known each other for two years and I still haven’t learned..” he sat at his desk and opened the box, struggling to fight off the choke in his voice, “You’ve had to put up with my shit for two years..” he put his head in his hands and gripped his hair, “You’re right.. I am a dumbass aren’t I..” Shaking, Zephyr took his glasses off and set them on his desk, pressing the heels of his hands into his eyes so he didn’t lose it in front of Gabriel. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 1:29 PM
Gabriel stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do as Zephyr tried not to cry. "I-... Yes, you are a dumbass- but not in a bad way..!" He stated, trying his best. "You... A-.. help The Agency a lot. Especially in it's development..! Without you we probably wouldn't be this far today." What he said was some lies mixed with some truths. Thats how you comfort people, right? He wasn't sure. He didn't even know why he was trying to comfort him. Why did he care all of a sudden? (edited)
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 1:42 PM
Zephyr looked at him. He wanted to make a joke, but the only ones he could think of poked fun at Gabriel’s attempts at comfort. He could tell he was really trying, so he decided not to make Gabriel upset. “T-Thank you.. I really care about..” he paused, weighing his options, “.. t-this place. I’ve gotten a lot better with my practices and I finally feel like I have purpose..” Zephyr made eye contact for a second, “and it’s really all thanks to you..” he looked down at his pancakes. They reminded him of the day he met Gabriel. He still felt awful about yelling at him that day. “... I’m sorry I yelled at you two years ago. I’m sorry for all the times I’ve been a burden to you Gabriel..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 2:15 PM
Again, Gabriel wasn't sure what to say. He looked down at the ground for a moment. This whole situation was making him feel like a vulnerable kid again. And he wasn't sure how to feel about that. "Again... You don't need to apologise. I wouldn't if I were you.."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 2:19 PM
“I know..” he said, “I wish I didn’t apologise for everything.” He looked at Gabriel, “But.. I owe you so much.. I have no right to make fun of you, to yell at you, hell— I even flirt with you..” Zephyr glanced at his stitches and gently raked his thumb over them, “I’m sorry..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 2:42 PM
"Shut up." He said immediately, almost like it was a reflex. But you could tell he quickly regretted it. "I mean..." He was really struggling with this. Too caught up in his own thoughts to notice Zephyr's stitches at the moment. "I think I should go."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 2:50 PM
Zephyr quickly shot up from his chair, “Nono, wai—“ he could only get halfway into his sentence before he accidentally kicked his desk while trying to rush over. He kicked the back of his knee and promptly fell over, landing flat on his face. He cursed loudly and rolled into his back, blood seeping through his left pant leg. Not only that, but his nose was bleeding from falling onto his goddamn face. “FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCKING SHIT”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 3:01 PM
With that, Gabriel snapped out of it, quickly stepping back as Zephyr fell. He looked down at him, surveying the situation. His eyes widened as he noticed Zephyr's promptly bleeding leg. "Holy shit-" He muttered as he crouched down next to him. "Why is your leg bleeding?..!"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 3:03 PM
Through gritted teeth, Zephyr hissed, “I do surgery on myself to distract, one of my stitches just came undone!! FUCK THIS FUCKING HURTS!!”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 3:09 PM
"Fuck- Just calm down.. What if I healed you?" He asked swiftly as he looked over at his bleeding leg. "I can do the whole thing if we were to take all the stitches out..!"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 3:26 PM
Zephyr gritted his teeth harder and scooted to a wall to lean on it. All he could do was nod as he unbuckled his belt and slid his pants down to his knees. Both of his thighs were wrapped with surgical bandage, but his left was stained almost completely red with his blood. He quickly undid his bandage and exposed the skin, grabbing wire cutters from a nearby shelf and giving them to Gabriel. Holding his thigh, he braced for the incoming pain.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 3:50 PM
Gabriel walked over to him as he moved against the wall. And as Zephyr began unbuckling his belt, Gabriel was working on taking off his tie. It didn't take him long to get that undone. He crouched back down beside Zephyr and took the wire cutters from him, placing them on the floor next to him. Taking his tie now, he wrapped it around the top of Zephyr's thigh and tied it as tight as he could with the strength he had. Gabriel glanced over at Zephyr for a moment, taking a deep breath before looking down at Zephyr's tie. He reached over and took the end of it, lifting it up by Zephyr's mouth. "Bite down on this." He said as he picked up the wire cutters with his other hand.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 3:58 PM
Zephyr did as he was told, just trying to keep himself from screaming bloody murder. Normally he was delicate when he had stitches in, but he didn’t want Gabriel to leave. Serves him right to run without his glasses on. He couldn’t even open his eyes at this point and was not appreciative of the continued pain. Not like he could tell Gabriel to hurry up anyways, he couldn’t speak.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 4:21 PM
Gabriel let go of Zephyr's tie now, placing his hand on his knee instead. He took the wire cutters and started carefully cutting the wires and pulling them out. Once a few of the stitches were out, Gabriel placed his hand on the wound and closed his eyes. He kept his hand there for a few seconds before pulling it away. Where that part of the wound used to be, it looked like it was never there.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 4:25 PM
As he was cutting the wires, Zephyr’s entire body stiffened out of pure pain. He tried to find the enjoyment in it, but the pain was too intense to get anything out of. The moment Gabriel touched his leg, it twitched, but he kept his reflexes in check so he didn’t accidentally kick him. Zephyr was gripping the shelves behind him so hard they were beginning to creak and snap.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 4:46 PM
Gabriel glanced up at the shelves behind Zephyr as he heard a loud crack coming from them. He examined the shelve's contents to make sure there wasnt anything fragile if they were to fall or break. Well... It will probably be fine. "Careful with the shelves." He said quietly to him as he looked back down at his thigh and continued what he was doing.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 4:48 PM
Zephyr was damn near glaring at him at this point. He channeled all his strength and stopped biting down. With a growl in his voice he sneered at Gabriel, “JUST FUCKING CUT THEM IT DOESN’T MATTER IF YOU’RE CLEAN!!”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 4:56 PM
"Well excuse me for trying not to hurt you for once!" He sneered at him.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 5:06 PM
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 5:23 PM
"Listen I've never done this before!! You just want me to cut them all at once?!"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 5:26 PM
“No goddammit!! I’m saying I don’t care if you clip my skin!! I fucking trust you, but I know you’re not a fucking surgeon!! Just do your best and do it fast DEAR GOD MAN!!” (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 5:34 PM
"Alright, alright! Damn-" He quickened the pace of what he was doing, not being as careful as before when he cut the stitches. He seemed to heal him a little quicker as well.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 5:38 PM
As he healed more of the wound the pain in Zephyr’s leg slowly lessened, allowing him to relax his hands, his knuckles returning to their normal colour from white. He glanced at Gabriel’s work and spoke through gritted teeth, “Damn.. you’re doing better than most surgeons I know..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 5:45 PM
He cracked a smile for a moment. "I don't know why that would be. Other than the fact that my parents gave me medical training when I was younger. I know a little bit more than the basics..."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 5:53 PM
With every suture he cut, a bit of pain resided as Zephyr looked at Gabriel’s work, impressed that not even a scar remained. “My legs haven’t had scars on them since high school..” he grinned at Gabriel, “Now the next time I do this I wont have a guide,” he said jokingly.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 5:59 PM
Gabriel set the wire cutters down beside him and leaned back, taking a seat on the floor next to Zephyr. "That's too bad." He replied. "I'm sure you'll be fine."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 6:09 PM
Zephyr rubbed his leg where the familiar scar was, unwrapping the makeshift tourniquet from his leg. He pulled his pants back up and buckled his belt, moving his leg and bringing it up to his chest, before crossing his legs. He silently stared at his hands for a moment, then glanced at Gabriel. “You did really well..” Trying not to make eye contact with him, he said, “Thank you.. I know that was a lot..” He remembered that he’d yelled at Gabriel. “I’m sorry I yelled at you when you were doing it solely out of good spirits.. I shouldn’t have done that..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 6:19 PM
"If you apologise to me one more time I'll rip open one of your other stitches. Then we'll have to go through that again." He threatened, half joking. "But.. Thank you for the compliment."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 6:21 PM
Zephyr smiled. “You deserve it.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 6:25 PM
Gabriel grinned softly to himself. "I really don't." He stated very quietly. Zephyr probably couldn't even hear him. And if he could, it was just barely.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 6:35 PM
Zephyr chose not to mention it. He looked at Gabriel’s hands and noticed they were covered in blood. “Agh.. let me clean that for you,” he said as he got up, searching in his medical cabinets. After digging, he pulled out a bag of cotton balls and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. Walking back over and sitting next to Gabriel, he put some peroxide on the cotton and took his hand, wiping the blood off of it and his sleeves. Even though he could have let Gabriel do this himself, he was just looking for an excuse to hold his hand. For some reason. He’d never wanted to do that before, but he figured he could use this as a tease later on.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 6:45 PM
Gabriel watched him casually as he grabbed the peroxide and cotton balls then sat back down next to him. When Zephyr reached for Gabriel's hand, he spoke up. "Ah, I can do it myself-.. okay." He accepted defeat as the peroxided cotton ball touched his hand. He watched tentatively as he did this.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 6:49 PM
Zephyr debated what he should do when he finished cleaning Gabriel’s hand. Should he try his chances at holding it or should he move on to the other one? You could see the gears turning in his head and his brow furrowed. He’s happy right now, don’t you fucking ruin it. But what if he held it back? With how focused he was with his thoughts, he ended up just holding Gabriel’s hand anyways after he’d finished cleaning it, but he wasn’t aware of this, because he’s a dumbass. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 7:06 PM
Gabriel just kinda sat there for a moment before he realized that Zephyr wasn't going to let go of his hand. He shifted his gaze from their hands to Zephyr's face. He seemed to be lost in thought. "... What are you doing?" He asked as his hand stayed in Zephyr's, but he wasn't quite holding it back yet. "Do you want a hand shake or something?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 7:10 PM
Zephyr jumped, snapped out of his thoughts. “Wha—?” His eyes went to their hands. Startled and embarrassed, he quickly let go of it as he hid his face in his mask, going red in the face. “S-Sorry—!” Then he remembered Gabriel’s demand to stop apologising. “W-Wait never mind! Er— N-No I’m sorry but I’m also not?? Please don’t pull my sutures out!” He exclaimed, hiding his eyes with his hair.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 7:21 PM
Gabriel chortled at this, feeling a bit of a fondness at that response to him. He took this moment to reach over to the hydrogen peroxide as well as pull a cotton ball out of the bag "Don't worry about it. I'm used to you spacing out." He put some peroxide on the cotton ball and began cleaning the blood off his other hand. He did this for awhile before pausing, realizing something. "Do you want your glasses?" (edited)
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 7:47 PM
Zephyr was still very embarrassed, but with the question he took a hair wisp away from an eye. The only reason why he was able to grab the supplies was because his medical cabinet was in an open area. There was no way he could get his glasses off of his desk. “Uhmmmm.. s-sure. Thank you..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 7:56 PM
"Don't mention it." He said as he finished cleaning off his hand. He tossed the bloodied cotton ball to the floor next to the peroxide before standing up. He brushed himself off real quick before he walked over to Zephyr's desk, grabbing his glasses and walking back over to Zephyr. He checked to make sure they were clean before handing them to him.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 8:25 PM
Zephyr squinted and tried to grab them a few times, missing them more each time. “I’m fuckin BLIIIIIIIND.” Eventually, he grabbed Gabriel’s hand and worked his way to the corner of the frames. He eventually got his other hand to the other corner and put his glasses on, of course missing and poking himself in the eye the first time.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 8:31 PM
Gabriel just fuckin watched as he did this, slightly amused. "You know I could of put them on for you." He teased as he crossed his arms, looking down at him on the floor.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 8:33 PM
Zephyr blinked and stared at him silently. “I’m sorry, that was an option? I struggled for a good solid five minutes there.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 8:37 PM
"I know... It was amusing as all hell." He said with a smile across his lips.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 8:40 PM
Zephyr sighed, standing up. He glanced at Gabriel and tapped his fingers together. “Um.. G-Gabriel..? Do.. you feel— off?”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 8:48 PM
Gabriel looked down at him, hesitating for a moment. "I.. guess you could say that, yes." He said, playing it cool. But really he was surprised that he felt it too...
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 8:50 PM
Zephyr could feel his ears heating up. “... ‘Kay,” was all he said before he sat down at his desk and began to eat his pancakes, not caring that they were cold.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 8:57 PM
Gabriel stood there for a moment, thinking as he looked at the floor. That was... A little odd. He sighed lightly to himself. He'd think about it in detail when he got back to his office. He lifted his head, shifting his gaze back over to Zephyr. "Do you need anything else before I leave?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 8:59 PM
Zephyr was currently stuffing his face since he assumed Gabriel was leaving. He just looked up at him and blinked.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 9:06 PM
Gabriel just- stared back. "..... I'll wait until you swallow."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 9:10 PM
Zephyr did so and pouted, blushing again. “Um.. I sorta uh... don’t really have good food at home.. maybe you could.. show me one of your fancy rich boy restaurants?” He grabbed the lid of his pancake box and slowly hid his face with it.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 9:22 PM
Gabriel thought for a second, then sighed. "You'd have good food at home if you didn't keep spending your money on fish to put in the microwave." He poked fun at him. "But yes, you can come. As long as you don't embarrass me. You know what might happen then..."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 9:28 PM
Zephyr went a tad pale as the thought of the possibilities. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, he wasn’t sophisticated nor was he a ‘sit down and delicately eat caviar’ kind of person. “I... I’ll try not to..” he said quietly.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 9:35 PM
Gabriel offered him a small smile. "Right, good. I know you just ate pancakes.. Do you want to wait awhile?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 9:39 PM
Zephyr nodded. “Hey um.. we’ve known each other for two years..” he said. “My full name is Vesper P. Zelenski.. You can call me Vesper from now on if you want..” he said with his voice a tad shaky. Nobody had called him Vesper since high school. He wasn’t sure if he’d even respond to the name anymore.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 9:49 PM
Gabriel was surprised at the sudden confession. "Good to know... What do you want to be called?" It'd be easier on him if he continued to call him Zephyr. So he'd probably continue to do that anyhow.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 9:51 PM
“Call me whatever you want to.” Looking a little sad, he added, “Even leech, if you’d prefer..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 9:57 PM
Heh.. He looked down for a moment. "You know, I don't mean anything by that.." He stated as he peered back up at him, lying through his teeth as always.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 9:58 PM
“Yes you do, Gabriel.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 10:03 PM
"..." With that, Gabriel fell silent. I mean, what was he supposed to do? Add a lie on top of a lie?
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 10:06 PM
“It’s okay. I get it. I sort of am a leech.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 10:11 PM
"... I also think it's fitting." He spoke a little more hushed then normal, then sighed. ".. Where did you put my tie, Zephyr?" He tried to change the subject.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 10:12 PM
Zephyr blinked, eyes half lidded. He threw the empty box away and crossed his arms on his desk. Snuggling into them, he closed his eyes. “Come get me when you’re ready to leave okay?” He paused. “You’re also free to watch me sleep.” (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 10:28 PM
He tapped his foot as he stared over at him for awhile. "Sleep well." He said blandly as he looked away, glancing around the floor for his tie. After he quickly found it, he walked over to it and picked it up along with the peroxide and cotton balls. He draped the tie around his neck, while he put the other items back in the cabinet. Then, he walked over to the door, giving one last look over at Zephyr. "Oh, one thing before I leave. My real last name is Thomas. Not Moore."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 10:30 PM
Zephyr smiled with his eyes still closed. “I like Thomas a lot better.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 10:38 PM
The corners of Gabriel's mouth upturned to form a soft grin as he looked down at the floor for a moment. Then he opened the door and casually walked out.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 10:39 PM
~Time Skip brought to you by Moss Balls, clearly the only good plant. Fuck trees~
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 10:52 PM
A few hours went buy as Zephyr was sleeping. Meanwhile, Gabriel was hanging out in his office. Doing the things he normally does. He sighed to himself, checking his watch. To his surprise, it was already four fourty -five. He stood up from his chair and walked out of his office, turning off the light as he did. Only a few steps away from his door, Gabriel entered Zephyr's office. "Hey! Time to wake up." He said promptly. (edited)
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 10:54 PM
Zephyr slept through it. He was constantly late for work on the days that he went home, and now Gabriel knew why. He was a heavy sleeper, and was snoring. A lot. Loudly.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 11:00 PM
Gabriel tisked, going over to Zephyr and putting his hands on him without even trying to wake him up verbally again. He began shaking him. violently.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 11:02 PM
Zephyr slowly opened his eyes, looking up at Gabriel peacefully. “Hm?”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 11:06 PM
"Wake up." He said intensely as he looked down at him, lifting his hands off of him now.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 11:10 PM
Zephyr smiled and snickered, standing up and stretching. Several of his bones popped, and he grunted as he pressed against his back, making his entire spine pop in every vertebrate. Cracking his neck, he sighed and pushed his glasses up, combing his fingers through his hair and fluffing it. “We need to stop at my place beforehand. I have to check on my experiments and my pant leg is soaked with dried blood.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 11:16 PM
As Gabriel watched Mr. Poppy man over here, he couldn't help but loudly crack his own neck before speaking. "I know. I can see that." He glanced down at Zephyr's pant leg, then back up at him. "Come on, let's go. It's already almost five. I got distracted."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 11:19 PM
Zephyr nodded. “Yeah, let’s go.” Suddenly, realisation hit him. “Oh... fuck.. um.. I didn’t know I’d be having a guest.. I didn’t have my shaders on when I left my lab. Y-you’re not freaked out by embryos are you? I’m gonna be honest.. they sorta stare..” (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 11:24 PM
Gabriel blinked at him, looking so so done like he did most of the time."... I'm sure I'll be fine." He said sarcastically, assuming he was talking about animal embryos. He started moving towards the exit now. (edited)
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 11:27 PM
Zephyr followed, locking up his office and turning out the light. “It’s a bit of a walk. If we drive it’ll be faster.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 11:30 PM
Gabriel laughed at that. "You thought we were walking? I didn't work for that car to just continue to walk places."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 11:34 PM
Zephyr laughed at himself and walked out to Gabriel’s car.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 11:37 PM
Gabriel followed beside him, his hands in his pants pockets as he walked. It didn't take too much time for them to get to the car. Gabriel took his keys out of his pocket and unlocked the car before getting in.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 11:44 PM
Zephyr got in as well, and for the sake of brevity he stayed silent. He told Gabriel to pull over at a field. After getting out, he cracked open a wooden panel and yanked a crowbar out of it. He dragged Gabriel to the middle of the field to a manhole, which he kicked dead grass off of.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/24/2020 11:52 PM
Gabriel huffed as he looked down at the man hole. He'd have to wipe the grass off of his pants later. "Zephyr... Do you live in a sewer?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/24/2020 11:54 PM
“I wouldn’t call it a sewer.” He said as he popped the lid with the crowbar and slid down the ladder. He opened the door and a blast of cold air wafted out of the bunker. “Ahhhh home sweet home,” he pleasantly sighed. “Come on down.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 12:41 PM
Gabriel stared down into the underground bunker. Interesting. I wonder how he found this place. Gabriel started climbing down the ladder, taking a hot second before he reached the bottom and hopped off. He looked into the bunker. He had to admit, this was pretty cool. Though, he wouldn't say that out loud.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 12:45 PM
Zephyr walked ahead, pulling Gabriel inside and shutting the door. Right now, they were both standing in a basic living room-type space. Zephyr turned a corner, looking into a room on the right. “DAMMIT!” He sighed loudly, “my fucking freeeeeezerrrr—“
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 1:24 PM
Gabriel looked around the area as he stood in the living room space. He glanced over at Zephyr as he yelled. "What freezer?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 1:33 PM
“Uhhhhh...” Zephyr was standing in the middle of four large tubes, three of which were foggy, holding frozen human embryos. The fourth, on the other hand, had in it what looked like a grossly mutated one, with a sickly green fluid flowing out of it. For lack of better words, it was disgusting and upsetting. “My cryogenic freezer.. I guess it broke while I was away..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 2:12 PM
Gabriel peered into the room for a moment. But what he saw immediately made him gag and look away. "Wha-... What the fuck?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 2:15 PM
Zephyr began to panic as he typed into a keyboard attached to a podium near him. Black screens covered the tubes, and he punched in a command that, to Gabriel’s eyes, would appear to do nothing. “I-It’s all part of my work I— I can explain—!” He walked over to Gabriel and he knew it was a bad idea to leave the house without putting the shaders on. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 3:45 PM
Gabriel had a face of disgust as he looked down at Zephyr. "Alright, what the hell was in that tube?" He spoke sternly, pointing over to the room to the right. He was clearly pretty baffled by this ordeal. (edited)
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 3:50 PM
Zephyr sighed, “A foetus. A dead one. I have to cryogenically freeze them when I’m not working with them. They aren’t attached to a womb, so their development relies solely on my powers. If I’m not there, the DNA mutates and crumbles, creating things and destroying things. But when I freeze them, the process stops completely and I can step away. The freezer in that tube broke during the week I was away, it looks like, so the embryo decayed. This happens sometimes..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 4:05 PM
Gabriel's expression shifted to a mix of disgust and now, disbelief. "Why are you developing children?..! Better yet, why were you at the agency for a week straight?!"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 4:12 PM
He grinned menacingly, “Just think about it Gabriel. What hero would hurt a child? If a child has amazing powers and can use them proficiently, a group of them could be unstoppable. No hero wants to sock a child, or pin them down. Their endless energy knows no bounds, and they could wear a hero down while still going at 100%.” He stopped smiling and looked away. “And I was gone because.. um.. I didn’t want to leave my office.. Y-You told me to get out of your sight.. I didn’t want to upset you..” He quietly muttered, “I didn’t want to get beaten again..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 4:48 PM
Gabriel crossed his arms, glancing away for a moment and sighing before looking back at him. "You have a good point... And when I said that, I mentioned it was just for the rest of the day. Also, it's not my fault you felt that way. You're the one who wanted me to hurt you in the first place, you Leech."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 4:51 PM
Zephyr just looked sad. “I know. I asked for it..” he didn’t look at Gabriel. “I’m gonna change now..” he said as he walked to his bedroom door. After inputting an.. unusually long password— especially for a bedroom of all things—the door opened with a hiss. He walked in and it automatically shut behind him. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 5:20 PM
"Alright." Gabriel said, watching him as he entered his bedroom. After the door had closed behind him, Gabriel looked over at the room to his right for a few seconds before walking into it. He stood in the middle of the four tubes, looking into them. Of course, he couldn't see anything besides darkness. Though, he did imagine what was inside. He put his hand against the glass and stood there, smirking slightly to himself.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 5:32 PM
After a couple minutes, the door to Zephyr’s room hissed again and he stood in the frame of the entrance to his workroom. As opposed to his regular lab clothes, he was instead wearing a sweater over a dress shirt, holding a coat slung over his shoulder. He glanced curiously at Gabriel, wondering what he’d been smirking at.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 6:16 PM
Gabriel, noticing Zephyr's presence, looked over at him. "You're a genius." He stated, the smirk still on his face.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 6:19 PM
Much to Zephyr’s surprise, he didn’t blush but instead reflexively cocked an eyebrow. “A genius?”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 6:25 PM
"Yes... Oh, and you look nice." He stated, walking up to him as he placed his hands in his pockets. Going out of the room now, his arm lightly brushed against Zephyr's.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 6:30 PM
With that, he blood did rush to his face. He shook it off and turned around. “I’d love to taste your fancy $500 dollar wine, but we’re doing this my way,” he said as he walked into his kitchen, pulling out several bottles of flavoured vodka from his fridge and putting them in his now empty bag. He walked back over to the entryway and opened the door, looking at Gabriel with slightly mischievous eyes.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 6:41 PM
Gabriel looked back at Zephyr, slightly curious. "Zephyr, I have to drive us home. Plus I have a reputation to keep at this place, I can't get drunk while I'm there."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 6:46 PM
Zephyr chuckled, “Then I guess I’ll be driving and you lose their respect.” Immediately after finishing his cheeky tease, he started to climb up the ladder, getting the manhole cover off and leaving the hole. Peering down it, he waited.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 6:53 PM
Gabriel grunted and quickly followed him, beginning to climb up the ladder. "For one, I don't trust you with my car. And two, no." He called up before reaching the top and stepping out of the hole.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 6:56 PM
Zephyr kicked the cover back onto the hole once he was out of it and covered it with its grass. He pouted at Gabriel. “Somebody doesn’t know how to have fun.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 7:00 PM
He shook his head. "I won't get shit faced at a restaurant where I'm a well respected man, end of story."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 7:06 PM
Zephyr sighed and said, “Fine. But you’re going to go the way of the Russian tonight somewhere, end of story,” mocking Gabriel’s tone at the end.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 7:11 PM
Gabriel furrowed his brow in anger for a moment. "Fine... Lets go." He started making his way out of the field now.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo started a call that lasted 0 minutes 11/25/2020 7:16 PM
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 7:16 PM
Zephyr followed, fluffing his hair and twirling a single stubborn strand. He’d never admit it, but he was totally terrified of being an embarrassment. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 7:22 PM
((oop)) Gabriel walked all the way to his car with Zephyr in tow. Once they got there, they got in, blah blah, you know the drill.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 8:05 PM
Zephyr was running his fingers along the scar on his hand from two years ago. He never let Gabriel heal it for him. He did it when his gloves were off, and he was lost in thought, staring at the dashboard and every so often switching his rotations from clockwise to counterclockwise and vice versa. He was only thinking of the things Gabriel would do to him if Zephyr embarrassed him, and was not looking forward to it.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 8:31 PM
As Gabriel was driving, he glanced over at Zephyr, seeing the scar on his hand. He remembered seeing it two years ago when they had met. "You know, I can get rid of that scar for you if you'd like."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo started a call that lasted 0 minutes 11/25/2020 8:31 PM
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 8:31 PM
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 8:32 PM
((Sorry, that was once again my phone being shitty)) Zephyr shook his head. “It reminds me of when I met you, I wouldn’t want to get rid of that.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 8:33 PM
((You're fine))
8:36 PM
"Alright, fine. Just remind me not to touch that hand. I.. heal things without meaning to sometimes. Lucky for you, you wear gloves most of the time."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 8:45 PM
“... hm.. I’ve always wondered.. what would happen if I affected my DNA and you tried to heal it at the same time?” He tapped his chin. “Would your power affect it? Would mine affect yours?” He looked at Gabriel, “Would you mind entertaining the idea?” He was reminded of it at the prospect of Gabriel’s healing occasionally being accidental. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 8:52 PM
Gabriel paused to think for a moment as he stared at the road in front of him. "Maybe.. But not right now."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 8:59 PM
Zephyr remembered how Gabriel nearly killed him in a car crash, and his heart sank— as it always does when he’d think of that day. He knew it was all his fault, but he’d apologised for it before. He wasn’t sure if Gabriel ever forgave him for that. He quietly stated a simple, “I’m sorry for two years ago.” Before looking out the window.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 9:05 PM
Gabriel paused again, then let out a long sigh. "Why do you still think about that and apologize for it? It's in the past. I don't know why you care about it so much when you can't change it."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 9:09 PM
“Because I can’t help but think how much easier your life would’ve been without me. You say that the Agency wouldn’t be anywhere close to how it is now without me and I think you’re right, I feel like it would’ve been better off. You’re such a strong leader and pulling a deadweight behind you can’t make your job any easier to handle.” Zephyr was teary-eyed at this point, fighting back the urge to sniffle. “Everything you’ve done you could’ve done better without me.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 9:16 PM
Gabriel, as always when it came to this type of thing, didn't know what to say. But he knew he should say something. "... You sound like me when I was a kid." He spit out.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 9:23 PM
Zephyr looked at him. “A-As a kid..?” He was having a hard time imagining Gabriel being like him in any stage of life, let alone a child.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 9:29 PM
Gabriel glanced over at him for a moment before continuing. "Yeah. I don't like to talk- let alone think about it much... But, I didn't have much self worth in my youth.." Gabriel had never told anyone this before, but he wasn't sure what else to do to try and make him feel better.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 9:34 PM
“But you’re not like that now.. are you..?”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 9:37 PM
"No, obviously not." He retaliated.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 9:39 PM
“Then you pushed past that. That’s why you’re strong Gabriel. That’s why you shouldn’t have hired me.. I’m just a dead goose at this point.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 9:47 PM
"You may think that now. But you're not.. Do you know how many people I could of chose to hire instead of you the night we met? Eight. Clearly I saw something in you that you don't see in yourself."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 9:54 PM
Zephyr was hesitant to ask, but he did regardless, knowing this might be his only chance. “What was it..?”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 9:58 PM
". . ."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 10:00 PM
He waited, looking at him with eyes filled with eagerness, concern, and pain.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 10:02 PM
Gabriel didn't want to look at him, so he just continued to look ahead. ".. I don't know." He said softly.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 10:07 PM
Zephyr didn’t say anything, and just looked out the window again. He couldn’t decide whether or not he believed Gabriel, but he wanted desperately to. Just the uncertainty damn near killed him, and it wasn’t long before he started to cry.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 10:11 PM
Gabriel's heart sank a little as he glanced over at him. He just knew, even though he couldn't see the tears rolling down his cheeks. "Vesper... stop crying.."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 10:23 PM
His breath hitched at the mention of his name. The way Gabriel has used it had gave him some sort of instinctive reaction, but his thoughts were fogged and he couldn’t understand anything. He tried to wipe his tears with his sleeves, but they kept coming back. He couldn’t focus, he couldn’t process, he couldn’t do a thing. He buried the heels of his hands into his eyes, trying everything he could to plug his tear ducts.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 10:30 PM
Gabriel continued to drive, trying so hard to think of something to say to make him stop crying. God damn it, why couldn't he think of anything? Why couldn't he help? He was the fucking reason he was crying in the first place..! For the first time in a long time, he felt helpless. "I'm sorry..."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 10:38 PM
Zephyr looked at him, eyes glassy and cheeks streaked. Although they still flowed, they lessened. An apology he didn’t deserve. He should have felt worse for accepting it, but all he could do was look at Gabriel. Searching for anything in those eyes, trying to understand why he was apologising.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 10:50 PM
His eyes were filled with regret and sorrow as he stared down the road. Those emotions, he never let anyone see. He sighed to himself as he took out a small soft silk handkerchief in the color red and handed it to Zephyr without a word. He felt too bad to say anything.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 10:55 PM
Zephyr simply held onto it, fidgeting with it as he let his head fall onto Gabriel’s shoulder, sniffling softly. He didn’t care if he was gonna get beat up for it later, because all he wanted was for Gabriel to be happy.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 11:03 PM
Gabriel glanced down at Zephyr as his head dropped onto his shoulder. He didn't move, just, let it happen. Frankly he didn't really care. He just wanted Zephyr to be happy...
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 11:16 PM
~Time skip brought to you by Luce not being able to smile for a stupid reason~
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 11:17 PM
~Time Skip also brought to you by shut the hell your mouth it’s a fucking mini-ulcer~
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 11:19 PM
It wasn't long after that that they arrived at the restaurant. Gabriel parked the car in the small parking lot and looked down at Zephyr. "Are... You alright?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 11:21 PM
Zephyr picked his head up off his shoulder. “Are you?”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 11:23 PM
".. I asked you first."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 11:24 PM
“So you aren’t.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 11:26 PM
"Zephyr, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." He spoke with a bit more vexation in his voice than previously.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 11:28 PM
He didn’t say anything more, but Zephyr was more than worried about him. He was unbearably concerned, in fact. But saying this had a large chance of making Gabriel angry, so he decided to keep it to himself.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 11:35 PM
Gabriel opened his car door. "Come on.. let's go. And why don't you take the vodka as well."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 11:36 PM
Zephyr grinned as he slung his bag across his body, getting out of the car and shutting the door.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 11:47 PM
Gabriel got out of the car as well and shut the door behind him. Now walking up to the restaurant's entrance. He stood by it, waiting for Zephyr.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 11:48 PM
Zephyr was by his side, still somewhat nervous. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/25/2020 11:55 PM
Gabriel opened the door for him, ya know, like a gentleman. Smiley face.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/25/2020 11:56 PM
Zephyr slowly walked in and looked around, pushing his glasses up and holding the strap of his bag, fiddling with it.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 12:07 AM
As Zephyr did that, Gabriel casually talked with the hostess. He put a small smile on his face as he talked. Something he never did normally. It wasn't long till the hostess showed them to their seats. A two person table in the corner of the restaurant where Gabriel usually sat when he came here.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 12:15 AM
Zephyr followed every step of the way, trying not to seem too awkward. He was a crowd pleaser, but not a sophisticated one. His powers didn’t seem like they’d amuse anyone here.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 12:19 AM
Gabriel looked over his shoulder at Zephyr to make sure he was still behind him before sitting down at the table. He ran his hand through his hair, fluffing it up a little.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 12:20 AM
Zephyr mumbled incoherently to himself, twirling his stubborn strand of hair and looking around. He remembered the multiple drinks he’d brought and took them all out of his bag, setting them on the table. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 12:50 AM
Gabriel looked at all of the bottles, a slight smirk on his face. He shifted his gaze to Zephyr. "Why did you bring so many?" He asked.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 12:51 AM
Zephyr just shrugged. “So you could try all the flavours.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 12:54 AM
"Hm, well, I only want one flavor." He said, eyeing the cherry flavored bottle.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 12:55 AM
Zephyr pushed it towards him. “Drink from the bottle. I couldn’t care less.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 1:02 AM
"Zephyr, I'm not going to drink from the bottle." He stated before grabbing a wine glass that was already sitting on the table for him. He opened the bottle and poured some of the vodka into it. Though, he did feel like he was committing a crime as he did so.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 1:03 AM
Zephyr was grimacing. “You fucking animal. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 1:08 AM
Gabriel couldn't help but smirk at that. "I know~" He said before taking a swig of the alcohol. He winced slightly as it hit his throat, immediately feeling a burning sensation. He took the glass away from his mouth and set it back on the table. "God damn."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 1:12 AM
Zephyr laughed, but took Gabriel’s glass from him. “Gabriel. I know you want to finish this, but I won’t let you with this glass.” He sipped from the glass as if it was water and pushed the bottle towards Gabriel. “When with a Russian, you do as the Russians do.” Zephyr went bottoms up with the glass, and held it, twirling it between his fingers with a smirk.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 1:32 AM
Gabriel stared at Zephyr, wide eyed. That might be the most impressive thing he's ever seen him do. "Christ, if you insist." He said as he took the bottle and raised it to his lips, taking another swig. He grunted, raising his hand to his throat. "How do you do that??"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 1:36 AM
Zephyr was grinning as he watched Gabriel, laughing as soon as he asked. “After tonight wine won’t do a damn thing to you—!”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 1:41 AM
"You better hope that's not the case. I enjoy wine." He stated. "Why don't you put the rest of the bottles back in your bag?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 1:42 AM
Zephyr smiled and did that, putting his elbow on the table and his chin in his hand, watching him intently. “I can’t wait to see you drunk.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 1:50 AM
Gabriel stared back at him, his eyes like bullets. "Yeah, right." He said sarcastically. "I hope you know you're not allowed to tell anyone about this night."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 1:51 AM
“Not even you?”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 1:53 AM
He rolled his eyes. "You better tell me if I forget anything important." He asserted.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 1:54 AM
“Alright.” He paused. “Even if it’s embarrassing?”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 1:56 AM
"Especially if it's embarrassing."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 1:56 AM
Zephyr nodded. “Sure thing.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 2:04 AM
Around thirty minutes later, Gabriel sat there, twirling the wine cup around his finger just for the heck of it. As he did this, he was chuckling to himself quietly.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 2:04 AM
Zephyr was smiling. “Don’t drop it,” he teased.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 2:09 AM
"I'm not going to drop it..!" He said, his voice a little more higher pitched than usual. As well as a little more giddy. He placed the cup down on its side, spinning it on the table now so it'd be harder for it to fall on the floor. He chuckled as he watched it spin.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 2:10 AM
Zephyr just watched him, figuring he could entertain Gabriel’s drunk thoughts. “Imagine if a duck was spinning around like that in a lake.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 2:15 AM
Gabriel looked up at Zephyr, then back down at his glass. He stopped spinning it. "Why the hell would it be doing that?? Is the duck.. broken? Why would someone break a duck like that? What did the duck do wrong?!" He seemed hurt with a mix of frustration at that last part.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 2:17 AM
Zephyr could hardly contain his laughter as he continued to tease him. “The duck was a war criminal. Basically the next Hitler.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 2:23 AM
"Wait... So you're telling me this duck had a mustache?" He said in awe. How could a duck have a mustache? Gabriel put his finger to his mouth and looked down, seeming to be in deep thought. He murmured something about ducks growing mustaches only when they commit war crimes.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 2:25 AM
Zephyr, with a complete straight face said, “Yes, Gabriel. The duck had a moustache. The CIA conspired against it, breaking it— as it was a rogue military drone— and letting it go free in a lake, where it spun around till it ran out of batteries and died.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 2:29 AM
That might of been too much information for him to process because he just kind of... Stared at Zephyr with a furrowed brow. "Maybe..." He began drawing his own conclusion. He suddenly pointed at Zephyr. "The duck was a Russian spy!!"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 2:31 AM
Zephyr was having a hard time keeping a straight face. He grabbed Gabriel’s hand and stared him dead in the eyes, he said with a dark tone, “Gabriel. I am the duck.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 2:36 AM
Gabriel looked at him with disbelief, not pulling his hand away. "No, no! You can't be the duck! You aren't spinning!! And you don't have a mustache!! Or any facial hair at all for that matter! You look like a fucking toddler!!"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 2:38 AM
Zephyr could no longer help it and burst out laughing, not letting Gabriel’s hand go, mainly because he forgot to. After barely being able to continue breathing, he struggled to say, “You don’t have any facial hair either!!”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 2:44 AM
"Wha- Yes I do!" He stated as he used his other hand, the one not in Zephyr's hands, to feel the scruff on his face. "You probably can't even grow facial hair, being German and all." He stuck his tongue out at him in mockery.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 2:45 AM
“I could if I wanted to, but if I grew mine out you’d have to do it with me.” Zephyr grinned. This was his chance. “If you grow a moustache I will too.” (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 2:50 AM
"You'd look like a duck with a mustache. And I'd look like a leprechaun. I don't want to look like a leprechaun..!" He exclaimed, somehow managing to avoid growing a mustache even when he was drunk. With his free hand, he picked up the vodka bottle and took another drink. He seemed to be handling it a bit better now.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 2:52 AM
Zephyr smiled. “You wouldn’t look like a leprechaun. You’d look really nice. Though I would look like a duck you’re right.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 6:51 AM
Gabriel shook his head wildly. "No, no! Leprechaun-" He stated. "I've already been called a leprechaun too many times in my life.."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 7:49 AM
Zephyr chuckled. “Well you don’t remind me of a leprechaun. You’re too tall for that.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 7:56 AM
"Well that's because you're short. Very short."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 8:44 AM
“I’m not that short Gabriel. I’m six foot.” He was still holding Gabriel’s hand, and he glanced at it, holding it a little tighter. (edited)
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo started a call that lasted 0 minutes 11/26/2020 8:57 AM
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 8:57 AM
((Oop sorry my hand slipped))
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 9:12 AM
(( Luce you are so fine)) "You are not six foot." He stated, laughing a litte at that proposal. As Zephyr held his hand a little tighter, he realized that he was holding onto it and looked down at it. "... Why are you holding my hand?" He asked, confused.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 9:13 AM
Zephyr chuckled, “I have been for a while.. d-do you want me to stop..?”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 9:17 AM
"I didn't realize. And no, it's fine.. your hand is warm." Gabriel complimented, smiling a little at him.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 9:20 AM
He smiled and tried to think of something else to say to entertain Gabriel. Eventually he came up with, “If you grew a beard, you should shave it in crazy shapes like villains in movies.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 9:29 AM
"ABSOLUTELY not! I'm evil, not crazy." Gabriel still didn't appear to be open to the idea of changing his appearance. Even when intoxicated.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 9:30 AM
“You’re not evil,” he chuckled. “You gave me a chance didn’t you? I couldn’t call you evil after that.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 9:46 AM
"Well, duh. That's because you're evil too! Don't be an idiot." He shook his head slightly.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 9:49 AM
“I thought you said I was a genius,” he teased. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 9:50 AM
"An evil genius." He said, sitting up straight and looking over at him. "My evil genius."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 9:55 AM
His eyes went wide in shock, and he went red in the face. Zephyr knew Gabriel was just drunk, and tried to chalk it up to that. But a portion of him really wanted to believe it was true. “Y-Your evil genius..?” (edited)
9:56 AM
((Edit for phrasing lol))
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 9:59 AM
"Yes. Haven't you realized? I own you~" He sounded serious all of a sudden, staring him down as he held onto his hand a little tighter.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 10:10 AM
Zephyr didn’t know what to say. He knew what Gabriel was playing at, and he definitely liked it, but he didn’t realise he felt that way. Or did he? Was it just his drunk stupor or was this real? He searched for the right words to say. All he could do is look up at him and rub the back of Gabriel’s hand with his thumb to let him know he wasn’t in protest of his words.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 10:19 AM
Gabriel, feeling Zephyr's thumb brush over his hand, smirked. And then that smirk turned into a smile. And that smile turned into a chortle.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 10:22 AM
Now he really wasn’t sure whether or not Gabriel was serious. “D-Do you really mean that..?” he said with pleading eyes. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 10:24 AM
Gabriel looked at him with confused eyes, a smile still on his face as he calmed down. "What do you mean??"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 10:25 AM
“A-Am I really.. y-yours..?”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 10:28 AM
"You work for me, you can't betray me you realize. So yes, you are mine. Leech~"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 10:32 AM
Teary-eyed from happiness, Zephyr nodded and gently clung to him. “I won’t betray you, Gabriel.” He put his forehead to Gabriel’s chest, smiling to no end.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 10:48 AM
Gabriel sat there for a moment, processing what just happened. He looked down at Zephyr, smiling softly now. They sat there like that for awhile. That is until Gabriel worked his hand under Zephyr's chin, pushing up lightly, forcing him to look up. Gabriel stared down at him and into his glistening eyes.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 10:58 AM
Zephyr, pink the in the face, looked at him and was still smiling. He loved those beautiful green eyes, and would gaze into them forever if he could. His own were glassy with happy tears, and in that moment he felt completely safe.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 11:22 AM
Gabriel held onto Zephyr's hand a little tighter as he star gazed into his eyes like the sky. The reflected shine from his tears like the clouds. Gabriel felt at peace in that moment. Even though his mind had been jumbled all night. He didn't realize it, but as he looked into his eyes, he began to lean closer into him. Leaning even more near, until Gabriel's lips came in contact with Zephyr's.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 11:31 AM
Zephyr closed his eyes and accepted it, allowing his free hand to find its way to Gabriel’s cheek, cupping it gently. After a while, he pulled away and took a breath before closing the gap between their chests, kissing Gabriel again. He didn’t want to ever stop, and his only thoughts were of the man in front of him. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 11:44 AM
As Zephyr let go for a second or two, Gabriel chuckled. That is, before he was interrupted by another kiss. He smiled into it, moving his hand from Zephyr's chin and instead to the back of his head. He played with his hair slightly, twirling it around his fingers.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 11:51 AM
Zephyr let it last longer this time before pulling away again, letting go of Gabriel’s hand and putting both of them on his shoulders. Zephyr pulled him closer and put his head in the crook of Gabriel’s neck, trying hard not to start crying again. He was unbearably happy, and didn’t want this night to end.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 12:00 PM
Gabriel just let this happen, moving both of his hands to Zephyr's back. Further securing the connection. He smiled happily, feeling overwhelming joy. "Can I tell you something, Leech..?" He whispered.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 12:01 PM
Zephyr looked at him, tears threatening to flow with a shaky smile on his lips. Just looking at him it was easy to see how happy he was. “What is it..?” he asked quietly.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 12:03 PM
"I love you."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 12:06 PM
The tears that were on the verge of streaming finally did, and Zephyr was able to get only four shaky words out before crying again: “I love you too.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 12:11 PM
As Gabriel watched Zephyr's tears fall, his eyes began to fill with sadness and confusion. "Why.. are you crying?" He asked softly, a concerned tone in his voice.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 12:14 PM
In between sobs, Zephyr simply said, “I’m happy.” He couldn’t help but cuddle Gabriel, sobbing joyfully into his chest.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 12:18 PM
Gabriel was still confused, but he held him a little tighter. "Why are you crying when you're... Happy..?" He spoke quietly.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 12:22 PM
Zephyr chuckled, loving being held close. Although he normally hated enclosed spaces, he trusted Gabriel, and he wasn’t scared. He couldn’t answer Gabriel’s question, because he didn’t know the answer himself. Instead, he got even closer to him and pulled himself into his lap, wanting to be held as snugly and as closely as possible.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 12:30 PM
Gabriel was surprised as he sat on his lap. His face flushed with red as blood rushed to it. Still, he continued to hold onto him. "Aaaksjxidekfnsk-" He garbled his words together nervously.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 12:36 PM
Zephyr laughed, amused by how flustered he was. He clung to him like bark on a tree, as if letting go would be the death of him. Looking up at him again, he gently kissed Gabriel’s jaw, pecking him as he trailed down his neck until he got to his collar, where he rested his head.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 12:42 PM
"Heh..." He sat there, his face hot as Zephyr did this. He didn't know how to react. So, he just stated what he knew at this time. "I love you.. I love you..."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 12:48 PM
Zephyr returned every single one with “I love you too,” as he pulled his phone out and switched it to the camera. He knew Gabriel wouldn’t remember this in the morning, and that tore him to shreds, but he wanted to preserve the memory as well as he could.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 12:53 PM
Gabriel looked over at Zephyr's camera, then glanced down at Zephyr. "Are you going to take a picture?" He asked curiosity, excitement in his voice.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 12:54 PM
Zephyr nodded. “I can take more than one if you want to.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 12:59 PM
"Go ahead!" He said with a smile. And turned to look at the camera. His grin broadened. Zephyr has for sure never seen him smile that gleefully. And he probably never will again. Good thing he was taking a picture.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 1:02 PM
Zephyr caught that moment as well as thousands of others, taking plenty of pictures. Some where they were just happy and cuddling, others where they were kissing. Zephyr loved taking pictures, and he’d added somewhere around 50 in the span of a minute. He’d narrow them down later, but right now he just wanted to focus on Gabriel. He put his phone back in his pocket.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 1:12 PM
~Time Skip brought to you by Zephyr’s impending depression~
1:16 PM
Zephyr opened the door to his bunker. Through some black magic fuckery he’d gotten Gabriel down the ladder safely. He had wrapped one of Gabriel’s arms around his shoulders, walking him to the bedroom door. He struggled to input the password, but managed to get the door open. He gently put Gabriel on the bed, kissing his forehead before going back to his kitchen to put the vodka away.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 3:42 PM
Gabriel smiled at him before he left, then snugged into the sheets, taking one of the pillows and holding onto it sight as he shifted to lay on his side. He put his knees close to his chest and curled into a ball.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 3:49 PM
Zephyr came back and looked at him, chuckling at the sight. Walking over, he gently put a hand on Gabriel’s cheek. “Do you wanna take those clothes off? They can’t be comfortable to sleep in.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 4:16 PM
"It'll be fine.." He grumbled, his eyes closed. He buried his face into the pillow he was holding.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 4:18 PM
Zephyr sighed. “If you just sit up I can do it for you.. I know you must be tired, but you’re gonna wake up tomorrow with a huge headache anyways. Why wake up in uncomfortable clothes?” he asked as he gently rubbed Gabriel’s shoulder, standing above him.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 4:34 PM
Gabriel inhaled deeply. "Uuuuggghhhh... Fiiiinnneee." He pouted before sitting up, still clutching onto his pillow though. He looked up at Zephyr, eyes half lidded.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 4:40 PM
Zephyr smiled, undoing Gabriel’s tie and the buttons on his jacket, he did his best at getting them off of him while he held his pillow. Needless to say, he failed. “Gabriel, I know you love that pillow but I can’t get your jacket off while you’re holding it. Can you let go?”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 4:46 PM
"... Okay." He said with disappointment, letting go of the pillow and setting it by his side. "... Can I keep my undershirt on..?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 4:50 PM
Zephyr took his jacket off of him as well as his tie. He set them on the bed next to Gabriel. “This one?” he asked, gesturing to the dress shirt he was wearing. This is why he himself never wore suits, there were too many parts.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 4:59 PM
Gabriel nodded. "Mhm, that one."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 5:03 PM
Zephyr nodded, but unsure of how to tackle the next part without pressing boundaries. He decided the best way to go. “You can’t very well sleep with a belt on, but I’m not taking it off for you.” He sounded prideful and confident, but he wasn’t overwhelmingly comfortable with taking a drunk person’s pants off for a good number of reasons.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 5:23 PM
Gabriel didn't say anything, just looked down and started fiddling with his belt buckle. Eventually, he got his belt off and tossed it onto the floor. "Can I lay down now?" He asked, looking back up at Zephyr.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 5:27 PM
“Shoes off. I spend 8 hours a week washing my damned sheets.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 6:27 PM
"Oh yeah..! I forgot." He said as he bent down and untied his shoes, taking them off and tossing them next to his belt. He looked up at Zephyr expectingly. "Can I lay down now?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 6:33 PM
“No.” Zephyr said as he took off his coat and hung it in his dresser. He took off his shoes, but left his socks on. Stripping down to his boxers, he glanced at Gabriel. “Do you mind if I sleep like this..?”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 6:52 PM
Gabriel just casually watched Zephyr strip as he held onto the pillow again. With every article of clothing, his face got more and more red. "Um... No, not at all.." He said casually as he stared.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 6:54 PM
Zephyr walked over to the other side of the bed, turning off the lamp and taking his glasses off. Crawling into bed, he looked at Gabriel and smiled. “I love you Gabriel..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 7:07 PM
Gabriel chuckled, laying down facing Zephyr. Though, he was still holding onto the pillow. "I love you too..." He still stated.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 7:09 PM
Zephyr yanked the pillow away from him and put it under his own head. He replaced the pillow as little spoon, hoping Gabriel would cuddle back.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 7:35 PM
There was a few seconds before Gabriel wrapped his arms around Zephyr. He sighed lightly. "You're not as soft as a pillow.." He said softly.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 7:39 PM
Zephyr smiled. “I love you too.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 7:44 PM
~Time Skip brought to you by Zephyr's Socks-
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 8:06 PM
It was around ten thirty AM when Gabriel started to wake up. He yawned slightly and rubbed his eyes before opening them. He looked around for a few seconds before being filled with dread. He immediately sat up, in a sudden panic. Where the fuck was he..?! His eyes darted around the room. Though, it was so dark he couldn't see much. That's when he felt the presence of someone in bed with him. He looked down and over at them. Oh fuck. He looked down at himself real quick to check if he was wearing clothes. Thank fucking god he was. Though, that didn't stop his panic. He started thinking about what the hell happened last night. But, everything was fuzzy. Alright, think earlier in the night, who were you with? Zephyr. And the lack of sunlight in this bedroom. That more than likely meant he was underground in his bunker... He did live in a bunker, didn't he..? Fuck it. He looked back down at the person next to him, his panic turning to uncertainty. He must of gotten absolutely fucked up last night. He hoped he didn't do anything embarrassing. "ZEPHYR!!" He yelled down at him, putting a hand on him and shaking him wildly. Oh, and yeah, why the fuck was he sleeping with him?! "GET THE FUCK UP!"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 8:14 PM
Zephyr shot up and yelped loudly, immediately yanking a revolver out from underneath the mattress. “WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY!!??” He yelled in a wild panic, but his hands were incredibly steady. After he noticed that there wasn’t an intruder, he sighed and put the gun away. “You’re an excellent alarm clock, ya know that?” He rubbed his eyes and turned on the lamp, putting his glasses on.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 8:28 PM
As Zephyr started yelling, Gabriel immediately realized he had a killed headache. He brought a hand to his head. "Son of a bitch." He said to himself before directing his attention back to Zephyr. Who he had the strong urge to punch across the face right now, but he didn't. Everything about Gabriel seemed tense right now. He stared down at Zephyr. "What the fuck happened last night?..!"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 8:41 PM
Zephyr didn’t look at him. “We didn’t have sex.. if that’s a concern..” he looked down at the sheets and snuggled a blanket, trying to find the best way to say what happened. He was scared out of his mind. “Well.. after you started getting tipsy we were talking about stuff and.. eventually you called me.. um.. your evil genius.. saying you owned me.” His hands were shaking. “I was really happy.. and you were too..” You could see his heart beating in his chest. “And.. we kissed.. you.. s-said you l-loved me..” he slowly glanced at him. “I said I loved you too and... I brought you back here so you could sleep in a nice bed.. I’ve never seen you go home.. I don’t know your address..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 9:17 PM
At the beginning of the explanation, Gabriel began to calm down a bit, for he didn't think anything sounded too bad. But that all changed when he mentioned that they had kissed and much more... Gabriel looked at him in disbelief for a moment, that is, before Zephyr glanced at him. Looking away now, he waited for him to finish. He couldn't believe this. But yet, be knew that Zephyr wasn't lying to him. He sat there in bed for a few more moments before standing up. Of course, as he did, his head pounded. But he didn't seem to care. His expression was cold, not speaking a word as he went and picked up his belt off the floor and started putting it on.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 9:19 PM
“W-We took p-pictures too..” he said, as he wasn’t sure whether or not Gabriel believed him.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 9:22 PM
"I don't want to see them." He said sternly, not even looking at him.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 9:25 PM
Zephyr was getting scared. “G-Gabriel..?”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 9:29 PM
Gabriel totally disregard him. "Where's my jacket?" He spoke with not even a hint of emotion.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 9:31 PM
Zephyr was already choking up, his voice soaked with pain. “Gabriel please say something..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 9:40 PM
Suddenly, he turned to look at him. "You want me to say something? Fine." His eyes were filled with the upmost hatred. "What ever twisted fantasy happened last night, you should forget it. I don't love you. Someone like me could never be in love with someone like you. Now, I'll say it again. Where is my jacket?" (edited)
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 9:53 PM
“...” Zephyr’s tears flowed heavily, heavier than any human had any right to cry. “You wanna play that game with me? Fine.” he pulled the revolver back out and aimed it straight at Gabriel’s head. “You get the fuck out of my house or your brain becomes a fine mist on my floor.” If looks could kill, Gabriel would have been vaporised. “For the record, I didn’t take advantage of your drunk ass. I didn’t say I loved you. You said that you loved me. YOU initiated that kiss!! YOU MADE MOVES ON ME!! I JUST FUCKING ACCEPTED THEM BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE YOU!! GET OUT YOU SON OF A FUCKING BITCH!! (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 10:18 PM
Gabriel stood there, seeming to be unfazed. Especially by the gun. In fact, he almost seemed amused. A bullet in his brain couldn't make his head hurt more than it does already. Gabriel smirked down at Zephyr, and then chuckled for a good moment before abruptly stopping. "I was drunk! Get fucking over it!" He seemed to find it funny that Zephyr just couldn't let this go.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 10:28 PM
Zephyr slowly lowered the gun. “You’re right. Someone like you could never love someone like me. Because someone like you can’t love anyone.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 10:34 PM
Gabriel smiled at him. Strangely enough, this smile, though still looking the same, wasn't anything like his smiles from last night. This smile was fabricated and just seemed wrong. "Thank you for finally taking a hint for once in your life~"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 10:38 PM
With no hesitation, Zephyr raised the gun, his finger pulling the trigger as much as possible without actually firing. There was no fear in his eyes, no regret, nothing but the truth that he’d shoot could be seen in his face.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 10:48 PM
Gabriel put his hands in his pockets and slowly walked closer to Zephyr. He had no hostility in his movements what so ever. But a smirk was still clearly visible on his face. Once Gabriel was close enough, he leaned down, pressing his forehead against the end of the revolver. He looked at Zephyr dead in the eye, and only said two words. "Do it."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 11:05 PM
Zephyr grinned. In the same moment, he moved the barrel of the gun to Gabriel’s temple and kissed him, firing just under a second later.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 11:28 PM
For a moment, all that could be heard was the ringing from the shot. Then a loud thud as Gabriel's body went limp, falling backwards and hitting the floor. He lay there for a few seconds, lifeless as blood trickled out from the wound in his head and onto the floor. His eyes were wide, having been surprised by the gun fire. Or perhaps the kiss. After those few seconds, the wound through his head began closing up. To any regular person this would be grotesque. But Zephyr probably wasn't fazed by it. The bullet wound had healed itself by now. But... Gabriel still showed no signs of life. A total of ten seconds went by until he seemed to spring back to life, breathing extremely heavily as he stared at the ceiling. He looked... Absolutely petrified.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 11:34 PM
Zephyr had never shot anyone before. His hand hurt from the awkward angle that he fired the gun at, he couldn’t see a thing from the tears that were still streaming, and he wanted to puke. Not because of the wound closing, but because he’d just shot his first real love out of pure anger and hurt without having any shred of knowledge of whether or not he’d survive. He didn’t know whether to scream, cry, or run into his bathroom and hide. He just sat there with his hand to his mouth in pure shock.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 11:40 PM
Gabriel laid there for a moment, taking in what had just happened. He began trying to stand up, but only managed to get to his knees before he started shaking violently. He looked up at Zephyr in pure shock, his breathing still quick and out of control. "You... J-Just shot me..."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/26/2020 11:46 PM
Zephyr didn’t care about what happened to himself as he reflexively dropped to the floor, wrapping Gabriel in a suffocating hug. Zephyr was hyperventilating, gripping Gabriel tighter than he ever had held anything. He couldn’t catch his breath, and the crying didn’t help it either. Even in the midst of a panic attack, all he cared about was the fact that Gabriel was okay. He made his struggle to breathe worse as he began to repeat “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” over and over again.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/26/2020 11:57 PM
Gabriel just sat there, letting Zephyr hug him as he tried to catch his breath. He stared down at all the blood on the floor, his blood. Of course he was used to seeing his own blood, but not this much at one time. He felt extremely light headed. "I... I might pass out.." He whispered. He hadn't even hardly heard Zephyr's apologies, he was too stuck in his own head to really focus on any particular thing.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 12:06 AM
Knowing he couldn’t pick Gabriel up and put him on the bed, he dragged him away from the blood. He grabbed a pillow and put it under Gabriel’s head, looking over him with concerned eyes.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 12:22 AM
Gabriel looked up at Zephyr as he laid down. He looked much paler than usual. But luckily his breathing was starting to regulate. "Vesper... I.. I think you just killed me.. I think I just... died.."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 12:26 AM
Zephyr’s tears resurfaced, “I cant believe I did that.. why would I do that.. why would I shoot you??” He began to pull his hair, “Why would I kill you!?
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 12:28 AM
"Because.. I deserved it." He said bluntly, continuing to speak in a bit of a hushed voice. "I was asking for it..."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 12:30 AM
Zephyr shook his head. “This is all my fault.. it’s all my fault this is all because of me and my ignorance, my absolute fucking stupidity.. I was mad at you for speaking the truth I.. I was mad at you for no reason..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 12:39 AM
Gabriel let out a shakey sigh, staring at the ceiling again as he got lost in his thoughts again. He couldn't help but think, was that what it was like for his parents when they died? "... I deserved it. I had it coming.." He didnt seem to really be paying attention to Zephyr's words.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 12:42 AM
Zephyr quickly got up and opened his bedroom door, heading into his kitchen and getting a glass of water. Going back over, he sat on his knees behind Gabriel and propped him up, giving him the glass. “This is my fault Gabriel. It’s not your fault. You didn’t deserve this.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 12:47 AM
"Zephyr... I don't want the water." He stated. "And.. you don't understand. I knew I was going to pay for what I did eventually... This was it."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 12:50 AM
“You need to hydrate. You can’t lose that much blood and be hydrated.” Zephyr looked at him. “And No. What this was was me being an absolute fucking moron who was mad at you for speaking your mind. I should have just stayed silent and let you go peacefully. Instead I.. I shot you..” (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 9:51 AM
Instead of drinking the water, he went to go stand up. Getting on his feet, he held his head. God, he felt like he could throw up. "You don't have to be sorry for this.." He stated.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 9:56 AM
“I am sorry..! I.. I’ll never forgive myself for this.. you could’ve died.. and I could have killed you..” Zephyr stood up next to him and wrapped Gabriel’s arm around his own shoulder. “Gabriel you shouldn’t be standing up,” he stated quietly.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 10:01 AM
Gabriel pulled away from him. "I'm going to The Agency. I have things to do today... Oh, and I don't care if I would of died. It'd be your problem.."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 10:04 AM
Zephyr looked at him, and remembered who he was talking to. He didn’t say anything, he simply stood there holding his scarred hand. He didn’t want to admit it, but now he wished that scar was gone.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 10:11 AM
He let out a frustrated sigh. "Do I need to ask you where my jacket is again?" He glared.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 10:14 AM
Quietly, he said, “It’s in the bedside table drawer..” he pointed to the one on the right side of the bed, where Gabriel slept. Zephyr sat on the left and grabbed a roll of medical bandage off of his table, and wrapped up his scarred hand. He was sniffling, and just holding out for Gabriel to leave.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 10:23 AM
Gabriel walked over to the bed side dresser. Feeling he may fall over with every step. But he tried not to show it. He opened the drawer and grabbed his jacket and tie, sliding his jacket on and putting his tie on with ease. His back was to Zephyr.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 10:26 AM
Zephyr simply got back into bed, crying silently into his blankets. You didn’t need a password to open the doors from inside, and they closed automatically unless something was barring the sensors. Zephyr quite literally didn’t need to get up.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 10:33 AM
Once Gabriel was done, he walked over to the door and walked out without saying a word. The doors shut behind him with a quiet hiss. He sighed to himself. Climbing that ladder was probably going to be more trouble than it was worth. But no matter. He needed to leave...
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 12:01 PM
~ Time Skip sponsored by Raid: Shadow Legends, a mobile game that’s sweeping the nation ~
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 2:27 PM
It had been almost two weeks since Gabriel had heard from Zephyr. He'd been trying to call him, but, no reply. He assumed he just wasn't picking up his phone. Thing is, he really needed him at The Agency. He approached the field in which Zephyr's bunker was located. Walking into the field now, he went over to a wooden fence. He looked at it, trying to find where the secret compartment was. It didn't take him too long. He lifted it up, taking the crowbar located in there and lifting it out. He gripped it firmly in his hands. It wasn't long until he stood at the door of the bunker, looking at it to see how he would go about this before taking the crowbar in both hands and swinging it between the cracks in the door. He tried this for several minutes, but to no prevail. He stood there, breathing heavily. God fucking damn it.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 3:02 PM
The only other thing he could think of was to call for assistance. He clearly wasnt getting in through brute force alone. He took his phone out of his pocket and soon put it up to his ear, waiting for an answer. Sure enough, they had picked up. The person had come, opened the door, and left. Gabriel, satisfied, leaned the crowbar against the entrance wall and walked into the bunker, looking around. In the living room, in the kitchen, and in the work room, hoping to see Zephyr. But nothing. Gabriel began to feel a little worried as he left the work room and headed to his bedroom. Surely Zephyr would have heard someone breaking into his house if he was here... Though, he was a heavy sleeper.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 3:48 PM
Gabriel began beating his fist on the bedroom door. "ZEPHYR!! OPEN UP THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!" He yelled. "YOU'VE BEEN AWAY FROM WORK FOR ALMOST TWO WEEKS NOW, I NEED YOU THERE! NOW." He carried on like this for almost five minutes. He was beginning to become desperate as there was still no reply. "Come on- I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!!" He exclaimed. "I'M NOT LEAVING UNTIL YOU OPEN THIS DOOR!" He kicked the door, making a loud bang. Some more time had passed, and Gabriel was becoming extremely doubtful Zephyr was home. But if he wasn't here or at work, where was he? Gabriel was becoming very concerned. What if he had left completely? Wouldn't he at least tell him that if that were the case? "SHIT!" Gabriel cried out as he suddenly punched the metal door as hard as he could in anger and frustration. He felt a few bones in his shaft fracture on impact. He quickly pulled his hand away in pain. "Fuck!!" He called out. Though the pain only lasted for around two seconds, tears began forming in his eyes. He had already been upset, and the pain just made it worse. What was he going to do if Zephyr was gone..? Who would collect DNA samples from the employees..? No.. no, he didn't care about that. Who would go to Denny's with him? Who would be there to flirt senselessly with him? Who would be there to try and lift his spirits when he felt bad? With these thoughts, Gabriel started to finally realized- really realize how much he needed Zephyr. How much he cared about him. A few tears began streaming down Gabriel's face for the first time in a long time as he realized what he had done. Everything he had done to hurt Zephyr. He let out a sob as he slumped to the floor, sitting with his knees against his chest like a little boy in a corner as he sniffled, wiping his tears with the back of his hand.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 4:16 PM
“Gabriel?” Zephyr said with a voice that sounded less concerned and far more exhausted. He stood in the doorway, dragging his bag behind him. He’d look like he’d been thrown off a cliff. His clothes were tattered, covered in scrapes, and his right leg was an absolute mess. His glasses were missing a lens and his hair was torn out on the side. He could hardly stand, his legs shaky. “Why are you.. c-crying..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 4:24 PM
Gabriel looked up at Zephyr from the floor, his eyes immediately lighting up with relief and shock. But then, as he looked at him, they just filled back up with sorrow. "Vesper..! What the fuck happened to you?!" He asked, his voice a little shakey.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 4:28 PM
Zephyr walked over to him, or at least it looked like he was. Instead he just opened the door to his bedroom and put his bag on the bed. “I don’t want to talk about it. Did you break into my house, Gabriel?”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 4:34 PM
Gabriel sniffled as he watched him walk closer. Hurting a little inside as he just walked past him. He stood up now, wiping his eyes again to make sure the tears were mostly gone. "Didn't you see the dents on the door..?" He tried to make a sarcastic comment, but he just sounded sad as he forced a small smile for a moment.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 4:43 PM
Zephyr couldn’t keep up the pissed off act. Not after he realised how pained Gabriel was. He looked at him with tears in his eyes, walking over to him. “Please don’t.. do that..” although he was extremely scared to, he shakily put his hand on Gabriel’s cheek. “Don’t shove them down like that Gabriel..” (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 4:55 PM
The moment Zephyr put his hand on Gabriel's cheek, the dam broke. and he immediately broke down into tears again as he looked at Zephyr. He glanced down as he put a hand to his mouth, letting out a sob.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 5:06 PM
Zephyr put the other hand on Gabriel’s other cheek, cupping his face and brushing his tears away. “It’s okay Gabriel.. it’s okay.. I’m here. I’ve got you. I’m here for you.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 5:28 PM
Without warning, Gabriel hugged Zephyr. Something he's never done sober before. Clinging onto him, he continued to cry. "I'm sorry..." He whispered.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 5:30 PM
Zephyr, although shocked, held him back in a close and secure hug. “It’s okay Gabriel. I forgive you.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 5:34 PM
"I've.. hurt you so much..." His voice was shakey as he spoke. He held onto him a little tighter, not seeming to believe the fact that Zephyr forgives him.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 5:48 PM
“You have. But Gabriel, listen to me.” Zephyr held him tighter. “I do forgive you. I’m not lying to make you feel better. I’m here for you. You mean the world to me. You’ve hurt me, sure. But I can push past that when I remember everything good you’ve done for me. For years you’ve given me a stable job. Cooperative peers. A way to work with things I want to. You’ve done countless things for me. If not for you, I’d probably be dead, in jail, or living on the streets and barely surviving. You dug me out of a huge hole I was in two years ago. You included me in a business that ultimately never needed me to begin with. You’ve dealt with me for years and let me keep a job. I do forgive you Gabriel.” Zephyr spoke softly, his hand on the back of Gabriel’s head and gently petting his hair.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 6:30 PM
Gabriel tensed up, holding his sobs till he was done. Then when he was, he let them out. He felt happier now, yet he was still crying heavily. "..I love you..." He eventually said, faintly under his breath.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 6:35 PM
Zephyr smiled, his own tears welling up. He continued to pet Gabriel’s hair and closed his eyes, holding onto him tightly with his other arm. “I love you too Gabriel. I love you so much.” He pulled away as much as he had to to kiss Gabriel’s cheek, but went back to holding him after it. “I’m yours.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 6:52 PM
For the first time since Gabriel could remember, he felt loved. He smiled through the tears. Moving his hand from Zephyr's back up to his own face, rubbing his eyes. He sniffled.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 6:58 PM
Zephyr slowly pulled away from him, putting his own hand on top of Gabriel’s as he rubbed his eyes. He simply silently looked at him with a small smile on his face, with an expression that could only be described as complete affection. With his other hand, he gently wiped Gabriel’s tears away as they came, even though his own were flowing as well.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 7:15 PM
Gabriel's tears began to slow now as he simply smiled softly at Vesper. He glanced over at his hand on top of his for a moment before he moved his hand away from his eye and instead held onto Zephyr's hand.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 7:19 PM
Zephyr held his hand and gently squeezed it, taking his other hand away from Gabriel’s face and down to his empty hand, gently taking it and holding it as well. “..I love you..” Zephyr said, feeling like he couldn’t tell Gabriel enough.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 7:23 PM
Gabriel smiled brightly and chuckled a bit. "I love you." He said as he looked at him. It felt weird saying that, but he knew now that it was true.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 7:33 PM
Zephyr chuckled, but immediately hissed in pain. “Ahhahah— hhhhhhh,” he let go of one of Gabriel’s hands and held a spot on his chest. “Yep. Definitely cracked a rib—“ (edited)
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo started a call that lasted 0 minutes 11/27/2020 7:37 PM
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 7:37 PM
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 7:40 PM
(( Me too )) ((And you're fine)) Gabriel's bright smile immediately fell as Zephyr displayed pain. He showed a face of concern. "Shit I-.. I can't do anything about that." He started panicking a bit.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 7:43 PM
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” he said reassuringly, putting his hands up. “Ribs are stable. They heal on their own as long as you’re careful.” Zephyr rubbed his chest, hissing when he pressed against the injured bone. “It’s the seventh rib, and it didn’t move under my hand. It’s just a crack, it’s okay.” He didn’t want Gabriel to panic. “And it’s only one.” (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 7:49 PM
Gabriel quickly calmed down, though he was still concerned. "Alright... Though, you should take it easy. You look like shit.. I can heal the other wounds if you want..."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 7:51 PM
Zephyr restrained a laugh and snickered when Gabriel made the ‘shit’ comment. His smile stayed on his face as he nodded. “But I really need to take a shower first. You can heal them after okay?” (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 7:58 PM
"Alright." He said. "Go do that... Also, I'm sorry for the dented doors.. I broke my hand on your bedroom one."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 8:01 PM
Zephyr had a dash of concern, but quickly remembered that it would have been healed by now. Now, he was just confused. “Wh— H—,” he stuttered, trying to understand how Gabriel could have possibly broken his hand on a door. “How??? It’s a door..! (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 8:07 PM
"I punched it." He said simply. "I was upset... Because.. I thought you left me..."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 8:08 PM
Zephyr looked up at him, looking truly regretful. He hugged Gabriel tight again. “I’m sorry.. I shouldn’t have done that..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 8:37 PM
Gabriel hugged him back, but knowing that he had a cracked rib, he didn't do it too tight. "It's okay... It's just that I hadn't heard from you and I was worried."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 8:38 PM
“I’m so sorry..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 8:55 PM
"You know..." He had a mischievous tone in his voice. He let go of the hug and looked at him. "You could make it up to me if you let me join you in the shower~"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 9:01 PM
Zephyr went a dark red in the face and his ears were hot. Wide eyed, he looked up at him. “Y-You.. u-uhm.. n-not like... s-sex, right...? J-just sh-showering right..???” Zephyr hadn’t stuttered more in his life.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 9:08 PM
Gabriel couldn't help but laugh at him. "It can mean whatever you want it to mean." He winked.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 9:12 PM
Shivers ran down Zephyr’s spine. “O-Okay— I— I-I don’t know I.. i-isn’t it a bit early?? I.. I don’t know what to say—“
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 9:15 PM
"I won't do anything if you don't want me too, I just want to observe~" Gabriel was very amused, a mischievous grin on his face as he talked.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 9:21 PM
Zephyr squeaked. “O-Observe....??” He asked quietly. His face couldn’t be hotter as he slowly stepped backwards towards the bedroom door.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 9:26 PM
"Yes, that's what I said, is it not~?" His smile broadened as he took a step towards him.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 9:31 PM
Zephyr, without turning around, input his ridiculously long password. The door opened with its familiar hiss and he stepped backwards again. He grabbed his coat and held it shut, trying to hide something which by this point was painfully obvious. “I-I gotta p-pick out clothes first— th-the bathroom i-is.. um.. over th-there—“ Zephyr stuttered as he pointed to his bathroom door. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 9:44 PM
Again, he took a step towards him. "Right. Well, I can wait. I'm not sure if you can though~" He teased, poking fun at his excitement.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 9:49 PM
Zephyr whimpered and walked backwards to his dresser. He was embarrassed, nervous and excited at the same time as he pulled out a basic set of clothes and shut his drawers, putting the set on his bed. “O-Only o-one condition.” He said, trying not to stutter.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 9:54 PM
As Zephyr did that, Gabriel went and sat on his bed. Waiting patiently as he began taking his tie off. As Zephyr soon began to speak, he looked over. "And what's that?" He inquired, a small smile still on his face.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 9:58 PM
“Y-You can’t.. make f-fun of me..” Zephyr said nervously, stepping on the heel of his boots and sliding them off. “I-I’m.. I-I’m a virgin.. I-I’ve never even seen someone else n-naked in person..” he looked away, slowly taking off his tie. “B-But I know some people g-get off on being humiliated.. I-I don’t..” he looked at Gabriel with big, pleading eyes. “S-so please don’t be m-mean to me..” (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 10:10 PM
Gabriel nodded in understanding. Though, he was a bit surprised by the fact he was a virgin. But that just made this more exciting. "I won't. I promise. Thanks for telling me." He paused. Then chuckled softly to himself. "You're in for a treat~"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 10:23 PM
Zephyr gave him a sheepish smile. “I trust you.” He stripped down to just his underwear, taking his old clothes to the laundry bin in the bathroom. He was definitely nervous, and hoped Gabriel would still love on him like normal after this. He hoped to god it wouldn’t change forever. He was sure he’d like this, but he didn’t want the sweet, fluffy, lovey moments to go away. Lost in thought, as he commonly was, he was snapped back to reality at the sound of the shower turning on. He’d been so deep into space he hadn’t realised he’d started the water.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 11:22 PM
Gabriel casually sat there on the bed, his head in his hand as he watched Zephyr strip. With his other hand, he was taking his tie off and unbuttoning his jacket. He was already enjoying this much more than when he's done it in the past. Because this time, he was doing it with someone he actually loved. He smiled as he got down to just his underwear, noticing his bulge. Gabriel stood up now, following Zephyr into the bathroom as he shook his coat off of his shoulders, dropping it to the bathroom floor. He leaned against the wall now, unbuttoning his dress shirt as he watched Zephyr turn the water on. It didn't take long for him to get his dress shirt off. He threw it onto the floor next to his jacket before looking back over at Zephyr. He stood up straight, walking over to Zephyr and putting his hand under his chin, pushing up as to look at him, and kissing him passionately.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 11:29 PM
Zephyr let out a small noise at the kiss and closed his eyes, opening the door to the shower and put his hands on Gabriel’s neck. At this point Zephyr was painfully hard and it was only getting him more hot and bothered. He didn’t know how to do this though, so he let Gabriel take the lead to avoid embarrassment.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 11:41 PM
Gabriel let go for a moment and looked at Zephyr, seeing his glasses. He knew that they only had one lense. But got caught up in the heat of the moment and needed a reminder. "Vesper... Do you have another pair of glasses?" He asked. "I'd like you to be able to see."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 11:45 PM
Zephyr looked at him and gave him a small nod. “On my bedside table.” He took off the glasses he had on and put them on a shelf with extra soaps. He smiled. “I love it when you call me Vesper..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/27/2020 11:51 PM
That made Gabriel smile. He was glad Zephyr was happy. "I'll be right back." He said before leaving, getting his glasses, and coming back. He walked up to Zephyr and put his glasses on for him. "Is that better, My Vesper?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/27/2020 11:55 PM
Looking at him, he had a bright smile. “Yes.” He gently put his hands on Gabriel’s chest. “I’m yours.. and nobody else’s.. right..?”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/28/2020 12:04 AM
"Right... Nobody else~" He spoke in a bit of a hushed tone on the last part. As he spoke, he moved his hands to Zephyr's waist, slowly inching his way down until he made it too his underwear. He slid his hands in, beginning to pull them down.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/28/2020 12:12 AM
Zephyr’s breathing hitched and got heavier. His legs were slightly quivering, but he didn’t protest Gabriel at all. Heat was practically radiating off of him and he was hot to the touch. The red from his face trickled down his chest as he felt Gabriel’s hands on his waist. He was just looking at Gabriel, clearly a bit nervous, but very trusting.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/28/2020 8:15 AM
As Gabriel slowly worked on lowering his underwear, he noticed Zephyr was a little, understandably, nervous. So he thought he'd redirect his focus. He smiled lightly at him before leaning in and beginning to kiss his jawline softly. He chuckled lightly to himself for a moment before speaking. "You know, Vesper.. You can take my underwear off if you'd like~" He stated before continuing to peck softly at him, beginning to trail down his body with his kisses.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/28/2020 8:27 AM
The kisses definitely made Zephyr feel better, and he slowly released the tension in his shoulders. Although he was still scared he’d make a fool of himself, he trailed his hands from Gabriel’s chest to his waist. Zephyr let his nails gently scrape his skin on the way down. Not enough to hurt, but enough to feel it. He kneaded Gabriel’s sides, still using his nails, and he gently put his head on his shoulder. He kissed the base of Gabriel’s neck, softly biting it. He was trying not to leave a mark so it wouldn’t be noticeable at work. Regardless, it wasn’t his job to mark Gabriel; he owned Zephyr, not the other way around— he knew this at least. He remained conscious of how hard he was biting as he slowly slipped his hands under Gabriel’s waistband. Now he was nervous.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ started a call that lasted 0 minutes 11/28/2020 9:59 AM
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/28/2020 9:59 AM
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/28/2020 10:00 AM
((You’re fine))
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/28/2020 10:29 AM
As Gabriel got down to Zephyr's chest, he paused for a moment. "Go ahead and bite as hard as you'd like~ You're doing great.. Just wait a moment." He gave him encouraging words before continuing down, soon getting down to his stomach area. He focused mostly on getting his underwear off now. Pulling it down more, he revealed Zephyr's member. By that time, Gabriel had pecked all the way down to his pelvis. He peered down at his member, pleasantly charmed as he made a delighted sound. "How the hell are you a virgin..?" He teased, clearly impressed.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/28/2020 10:51 AM
Zephyr whimpered as Little Vesper sprung free, standing at attention and already glistening. He loved the praise Gabriel was giving him and how loving he was being. In between shaky breaths, Zephyr tried not to completely buckle under his ecstasy and quietly said, “I.. didn’t want to give it.. t-to just.. anyone..~” He was restraining himself greatly, fighting to keep his pleasured noises to himself. He ultimately couldn’t when he slipped Gabriel’s underwear off, letting out a breathy moan as he gazed at his member, reaching for it. Then he remembered it wasn’t his quite yet. He could hardly contain himself, but he wanted to obey Gabriel and wait for permission. “G-Gabriel.. please..~” he begged quietly.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/28/2020 11:02 AM
Gabriel stood up straight now, looking down at Vesper. He smirked at him, his eyes half-lidded. He was thoroughly enjoying this, and was more excited than he appeared to be. Though, he wanted to keep teasing Zephyr. "Shhh~ You haven't earned it yet... Get in the shower first. Then we'll see how I feel~" He ordered him. (edited)
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/28/2020 11:08 AM
Zephyr whined wantonly, but complied almost immediately. The hot shower almost didn’t affect his already burning skin, and he desperately wanted to touch himself. He barely held back, the only thing keeping him from breaking was the chance at getting a reward if he was good. God, he wanted it. Badly.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo started a call that lasted 0 minutes 11/28/2020 11:11 AM
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/28/2020 11:11 AM
(( Hhhh sorry ))
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/28/2020 4:26 PM
Gabriel followed Zephyr, stepping into the shower. He felt the hot water against his skin, and thought it felt nice. But he wasn't focused on that at the moment. He was focused on Zephyr, and Zephyr alone. All of a sudden, Gabriel grabbed both of Zephyr's wrists firmly, pinning them against the wall. He peered down at Zephyr and smirked wildly. "Beg, my little Leech~ Beg."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/28/2020 4:34 PM
Zephyr looked up at him with big, pleading eyes. “Please, Gabriel..~ I’ll be good, I promise. Please let me have it..~” he had a whine in his voice while he begged, letting out smaller ones between his words. “Please let me feel it..~ Use me however you want, just let me have it, please..!” There was true desperation in his voice, looking at Gabriel and never breaking eye contact. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/28/2020 4:47 PM
Gabriel smiled wickedly as he listened to this. Hearing the desperation in his voice turned him on to the max. He let go of his hands and took a small step back. "Alright... Go ahead~" He spoke mischievously, the tone in his voice almost sounded as if he was about to lure Zephyr into a trap.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/28/2020 5:01 PM
Zephyr held onto Gabriel with one hand, using his other to slowly rake his nails down Gabriel’s chest. He kissed his collarbone, biting it and sucking on it. Slowly, he rubbed the base of Gabriel’s member, taking it in his hand and stroking it, refraining from touching himself at all. He let out a shaky breath and looked down at Little Bree, drooling at the sight. He knew better than to ask though. Gabriel gave him permission to simply touch it. He looked up at him, begging with his eyes.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/28/2020 5:23 PM
"Mm...~" Gabriel let out a sharp breath and crooned slightly in response to what Zephyr was doing to him. He wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling Zephyr closer to him. As Zephyr looked up with pleading eyes, Gabriel looked down at him for a moment before giving a slight nod.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/28/2020 5:48 PM
Zephyr slowly got on his knees, staring at Gabriel’s shaft, gently taking it and giving it a few strokes before licking the tip of it. Eventually he took it in his mouth, stroking it with his tongue. After a while of this, he took the entire thing, not gagging and instead swallowing around Gabriel’s shaft, massaging it with his tongue. He dug his nails into Gabriel’s hips and fought the urge to use teeth. He looked up at Gabriel with big affectionate eyes and continued his work.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/28/2020 6:18 PM
As Zephyr took little Bree in his mouth, Gabriel fought the urge to let out a soft moan. Instead, he placed his hands on the back of Zephyr's head, balling his hair into his fists. Though, it wasn't tight enough to hurt him. Gabriel's breathing quickened during this, hitching every so often. That was until his member went all the way into Zephyr's mouth. "Ah~..!" He cooed, pulling at Zephyr's hair a bit as he looked down at him. God, this felt so fucking good.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/28/2020 6:30 PM
Zephyr swallowed around him, grinning as he pulled Gabriel’s shaft out of his mouth up to the tip, where he proceeded to nip it and lick the entrance to his urethra. He grinned wider as he started biting harder and suckling more, taking the rest of Gabriel’s member in his hand and giving it quick strokes. A virgin shouldn’t be this good. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/28/2020 6:51 PM
Gabriel continued to hold tightly onto Zephyr's hair, wincing slightly as Zephyr began nipping. That was new to him, to say the least. But he thoroughly enjoyed it. He continued to look down at Zephyr, watching as he worked his magic. He was having a hard time believing he was a virgin. He had an even harder time believing that as Zephyr began giving his shaft quick strokes, while biting down at the tip. The pleasure this caused him started to become a bit overwhelming. "Vesper~..! Ah- slow down~..!" He said through quick breathes.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/28/2020 7:00 PM
Some kind of mischief filled Zephyr’s eyes as he bit down hard on the tip, grabbing the hilt of Gabriel’s member with a tough grip, using his second hand to stroke the exposed middle section. While he was biting, his tongue fondled Gabriel’s entrance. He had no right to give Gabriel this kind of treatment, and he disobeyed a direct order. Oh well, he’d deal with that later. He was looking up at Gabriel still, getting a kick out of his reactions.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/28/2020 7:24 PM
Gabriel's whole body winced as he bit down. He let go of Zephyr's hair with one hand. Using it to cover his mouth instead as he let out shakey breaths. As he was looking at Vesper, his eyes were slightly widened. "Vesper~..!" He called his name, he wanted him to listen to him. But he knew he wouldn't. "H-Holy shit~..!!" It was beginning to become to much for him now. It wasn't long until he let out a moan, feeling pure ecstasy as he finished.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/28/2020 7:34 PM
Zephyr let go of the shaft, letting Gabriel ride it out without overstimulating him. He swallowed his load, not even looking disgusted at the taste, in fact, he looked like he enjoyed it. Zephyr gently took Little Bree out of his mouth, looking up at Gabriel with a small smile. He knew he’d regret disobeying like that, but maybe Gabriel would lessen the punishment since he looked like he loved it. He was still on his knees, and although he had a small smile, he had eyes like a guilty puppy. Fuck. He was really going to regret that. “L-love you..” he sheepishly said, hoping to sugar coat it. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/28/2020 7:52 PM
Gabriel looked down at him in disbelief as he snapped back to reality. "I-... I love you too.. Leech." His expression went from surprised to a little bit angry in a matter of seconds. Gabriel pulled on Zephyr's hair, wanting him to stand up. "You realize I'm not going to let that slide." His words were stern, but not in the normal way when he was genuinely angry. No, this sounded more mischievous than anything.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/28/2020 7:57 PM
Zephyr stood up. He knew Gabriel wasn’t angry angry, but he was still nervous. “I’m sorry..! I just wanted to pleasure you.. please don’t punish me..! I’m sorry..!” He said, slightly panicked. Although Zephyr knew they were playing, there was plenty Gabriel could do to him that he knew would be a true punishment. Zephyr clung to Gabriel, pleading for him not to, trying to bargain with him.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/28/2020 8:13 PM
Gabriel chuckled deeply. "You denied a direct order! If you go unpunished, how will you learn~?" As Zephyr clung onto him, Gabriel leaned down and put his mouth against his neck, biting down on it hard before whispering into his ear. "First off, I'm going to leave you with so many marks, good luck covering them up~... Oh, and don't even think about touching yourself.."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/28/2020 8:20 PM
Zephyr whimpered. The first part sounded like tonnes of fun, but he couldn’t imagine not touching himself the whole time. He looked up at Gabriel with big eyes. “I c-can’t do that..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/28/2020 8:25 PM
"Too bad~" He said, biting down firmly on his jawline before speaking again. "I mean... Unless you want something worse~"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/28/2020 8:27 PM
Zephyr shook his head. He really didn’t want to disobey but he was rock hard. Just trying to love on Gabriel to lessen the punishment, he nuzzled him and said, “I love you.. I love you..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/28/2020 8:37 PM
"I love you too... That's why I'm going to go easy on you and not make this as long as I usually would.. But either way, you're not escaping this punishment~" He said before grabbing onto Zephyr's wrists and pinning them against the shower wall like before. He looked down at him and straight into his eyes. "You're going to have so much build up once I'm done with you~"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/28/2020 8:43 PM
Zephyr let out a shaky breath, the last statement making him throb. He didn’t know how this was gonna go. “How many are you going to leave..?” He asked quietly. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/28/2020 9:06 PM
"We'll see~" He gave him a devilish smile before going to his collar bone area and nipping him, suckling on his skin as he did. He continued this for awhile, leaving bite marks all around his shoulder area.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/28/2020 9:09 PM
~ Time Skip brought to you by Fifty Shades of Grey ~
9:13 PM
Zephyr was on the floor of the shower at this point, his legs grew weak as Gabriel left marks on his thighs. He was whimpering a lot of the time, his length throbbing and him growing desperate for stimulation. It was torture being as hard as he was and not being able to do anything about it. He loved every second of it though, and he was looking at Gabriel. Zephyr was red in the face with a shaky smile, some tears were even shed at the sheer amount of pleasure he was getting.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/28/2020 9:27 PM
As Gabriel finished leaving his final mark in between Zephyr's thighs, he sat up, looking over at Zephyr and chuckling. "Alright, your punishment is over.." He stated before glancing down at little Zephyr. He sighed lightly, a smile on his face before grabbing Zephyr's member, stroking it softly. He looked back up at Zephyr. "I suppose you'd like me to enter you now~"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/28/2020 9:32 PM
Zephyr moaned when Gabriel began stroking him, lulling his head back in bliss. “Fhuuuuuck yhess~~” he breathily slurred, not really able to make out coherent words.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/28/2020 9:38 PM
Gabriel chuckled again loving to see him in bliss. He took his hand away from little Zephyr now, still not wanting to give him too much until he could get his share. "Get up." He ordered.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/28/2020 9:42 PM
Zephyr glanced at him and cocked an eyebrow. “Up?? Why?? Can’t you just.. fuck me down here??” He really didn’t want to stand up, he was sore from Gabriel making marks on him like chicken pox.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/28/2020 9:50 PM
Gabriel stared at him for a moment, debating whether or not to further his punishment. But no, he thought he'd been through enough. "..Good point." He said as he moved closer to him, his member near Zephyr's entrance. "Put your legs on my shoulders." He ordered before beginning to formulate saliva in his mouth.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/28/2020 9:55 PM
Zephyr did as he was told, but only barely able to. He was excited, and more than ready to do this. “I.. fhuuucking love you.. haaahh~” he said, looking at Gabriel with half-lidded, loving eyes.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/29/2020 9:10 PM
Gabriel deposited his saliva near Zephyr's hole, taking his index and middle finger and moving it around the outside for a moment before his fingers entered him. He moved them around, distributing the saliva inside. "Hah.. I love you too~" He stated before taking his fingers out.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/29/2020 9:17 PM
Zephyr quickly shut his eyes and moaned, arching his back as Gabriel inserted his fingers. It was very clear that he was a virgin, as he was tight even then. When Gabriel pulled them out he looked at him with wanton eyes, but he had a hint of nervousness in his face. “C-Can you go slow..?” he asked quietly.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/29/2020 9:28 PM
Gabriel smirked at his tightness before nodding. This was going to be great... "I will at first, I can't promise anything after that though~" He stated as he put his hands on Zephyr's sides. He positioned himself to enter him. Gabriel looked down at Zephyr with loving, lustful eyes. "Are you ready~?"
Lumin ★.*.⋆ started a call that lasted 0 minutes 11/29/2020 9:39 PM
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/29/2020 9:41 PM
Zephyr looked up at Gabriel, gently putting his hands on Gabriel’s shoulders. He slowly smiled and nodded, not completely aware of the fact he wouldn’t be able to walk after this. “I love you, Bree.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/29/2020 9:49 PM
"I love you too, Leech." He stated before entering him for a moment, then taking it out, then putting it back in again a second later. He did this so Zephyr could get used to the feeling of Little Bree moving inside of him. "God, you're so fucking tight~" Gabriel said under his breath.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/29/2020 9:55 PM
Zephyr winced and restrained a moan, his core tightening as Gabriel did this. He was most definitely not expecting that. He dug his nails into Gabriel’s shoulders, his eyes shut tight. He was smiling though, and was really enjoying that feeling.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/29/2020 10:03 PM
Gabriel smiled, noticing the tension in Zephyr's body. "Try to relax.." Gabriel spoke. "You don't have too, but your climax will be better if you do~" As Gabriel finished talking, he entered Zephyr again, but didn't pull it out afterwards. Instead, he began moving his shaft up and down slowly inside of him.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/29/2020 10:14 PM
“Oh fuck!~” Zephyr cursed with the new feeling. He willed himself to relax, slowly doing so. Zephyr kneaded Gabriel’s shoulders with his nails, loving the feeling of Little Bree inside of him. If a human could purr, he’d be doing it. “Can you.. c-climax into me..? P-please Gabriel~” Zephyr looked at him with begging eyes.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/29/2020 10:24 PM
Gabriel looked at him, thinking for a moment before his smile widened. "Only if you can keep your body relaxed when I pick up the pace~.. You're doing great right now. Can you continue doing that for me~..?" As Gabriel spoke, he began gradually fucking him faster. Not by a lot, only a few notches.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/29/2020 10:30 PM
“I can—“ he was cut off by the change in pace, letting himself moan. He figured that if he was vocal and stopped trying to restrain, he could relax more. Once he got used to this he continued, “I can try..” he whispered curse words under his breath, “can I still grab you like this..?” he asked, not wanting to let go of Gabriel’s shoulders. His breathing was becoming heavier and Little Vesper was throbbing.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/29/2020 10:43 PM
Gabriel let out a small shakey breath at the satisfaction that he was getting. "Hh, yes.." He responded. God, he loved hearing Zephyr moan and curse under his breath. With that thought, he started using a little more force as he thrusted into Zephyr. "Say my name, I want to hear you shout it~..!" (edited)
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/29/2020 11:02 PM
Zephyr obeyed alright. At the sudden change in force his eyes went wide and he moaned loudly, speaking fluent German, including the words “Vati” and “Bree” next to each other multiple times. Zephyr’s hands found their way to the back of Gabriel’s neck, clawing them down to his shoulders. He had excellent climax control, and restrained it as much as he could. At the end of his rants, he included one last bit— this one in English. “Fuck me as hard as you can, Gabriel!~ Please~!“ he yelled desperately as he grabbed Gabriel’s hair and dug his nails into his scalp. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/29/2020 11:27 PM
Gabriel was a little surprised at the sudden German, but that didn't make him falter in any way. He was still enjoying his screams after all. Gabriel leaned down a little closer to Zephyr as he started clawing at his neck. That alone was one hell of a thrill for him. The constant pain of another person's nails digging into his skin. With this, Gabriel knew he was starting to get close. He stared into Zephyr's eyes as he started to speak. Gabriel smiled wildly, his breath hitching as he did what Zephyr asked of him.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/29/2020 11:50 PM
Zephyr clawed Gabriel’s neck again, grabbing so hard he broke skin in a couple of places. Zephyr was a loud, begging moaning mess, no longer able to restrain himself at all. When Gabriel turned up the heat though, that’s when he’d had it. His prostate was being abused and it drove him to the edge. Seeing white, eyes crossed and he screamed, his essence spurting out onto his stomach. He was shaking from the sheer amount of pleasure, and he was a drooling, teary-eyed mess. His chest was heaving with his heavy breath, and he looked at Gabriel with complete satisfaction.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/30/2020 12:14 AM
As Gabriel continued, he strengthened his grip on Zephyr's sides, pressing down a considerable amount more than he had been. Gabriel, absolutely going to town on Zephyr, started to moan and grunt along with Zephyr, though no where near as loud. Around a second or two after Zephyr climaxed, Gabriel did too. Cursing out loud as he rocketed inside of Zephyr. He stopped thrusting as aggressively as he was, slowing down to a very slow pump as he pulled out. Little Bree was practically dripping wet as Gabriel looked down at Zephyr. He too had a look or satisfaction on his face as he smiled softly at him. He glanced down at Zephyr's stomach, seeing the mess he had made. "Heh... Good job." He stated, at a bit of a loss for words.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/30/2020 12:20 AM
Zephyr, with a raspy voice, weakly said a small thank you as he laid his head back against the shower wall. He was in blissful oblivion, hardly able to even stay awake, he just gently put his hand on Gabriel’s arm. He definitely needed a wash now. He was quiet, and his words slurred together as he said, “That was a.. perfect first time.. thank you.. I love you~” (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/30/2020 12:52 AM
Gabriel peered up at him again, still smiling softly. He leaned into Zephyr's touch slightly. "You did amazing, Vesper... I love you too." Gabriel sighed happily. ".. Would you like to go to bed after you wash up..?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/30/2020 12:57 AM
Zephyr sat up and slowly grabbed the soap, beginning to wash himself. “Can we cuddle first..? And I’m hungry.. I want chicken. ... No wait, chicken and Mac and cheese. Yeah.” He said, clearly tired and not able to speak properly. He could hardly wash himself right, though he did manage. After a second he started to wash Gabriel, rubbing his shoulders gently and getting him plenty soapy. Zephyr giggled at the sight.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/30/2020 1:09 AM
Gabriel giggled slightly at the sleepy Zephyr. "How about I make dinner and then we cuddle..? Do you even have chicken?" He asked as he watched Zephyr struggle to wash himself. As Zephyr reached over to start washing him, he didn't protest, but raised an eyebrow as he gradually got covered in suds. He smiled as Zephyr started to giggle at him, and he chuckled slightly too. "Hey, I need to wash my hair.. I think there might be some blood in it from when you were digging at my scalp."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/30/2020 1:12 AM
Zephyr didn’t say anything and instead hugged him, ignoring everything he was saying and simply loving on him. He yawned and just laid his head on Gabriel’s shoulder. There was shampoo on the opposite side of the shower, as well as conditioners. Zephyr takes really good care of his hair.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/30/2020 1:28 AM
"... Zephyr.." He said quietly. He didn't mind, but he also wanted to get out of the shower. He sighed slightly before getting an idea to wake him up a little bit. He reached his hand over to the faucet, changing the water settings so water was coming out of the tap instead of the shower head. From there, he made the water cold and waited a second before gathering some water in his hand and splashing it on Zephyr.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/30/2020 1:37 AM
Zephyr did wake up and pouted. “Heyyyyy..” he sighed and grabbed the shampoo from behind Gabriel and began to wash his hair, trying to get the blood out of it. “Sorry I drew blood. I didn’t mean to..” He turned the water back to the shower head when he was done soaping Gabriel’s hair, grabbing it and pulling it down. He thoroughly rinsed Gabriel’s hair and his body. He repeated the process for himself, except using conditioner as well. He hung up the shower head and turned off the water. Opening the door, he grabbed a towel. He did all of this while sitting down, and was not confident he could stand.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/30/2020 1:56 AM
Gabriel laughed as Zephyr pouted. He didn't feel bad since it was only a little bit of water. He was a little surprised when he started washing his hair though. He planned to do that himself. It was a weird feeling too, since he usually did this himself. And plus, he never let anyone even touch his hair. "It's fine, it's not like it leaves a mark or anything.." He stated as Zephyr grabbed the shower head and started rinsing his body. He sat there, obedient for once as he did this. Though, he was kind of upset he didn't use conditioner. Oh well, he didn't have to use it every time. He continued to just kind of sit there as Zephyr washed himself, seeming to be a bit lost in thought. He snapped out of it though as he heard the shower door open. He looked at Zephyr, realizing he wasn't standing up. He gave a shit eating grin as he realized why. "Do you need me to help you?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/30/2020 2:06 AM
Zephyr rolled his eyes. “Don’t be an ass about it,” he teased, “but yes, I do need help.” He had a small smirk on his face looking at Gabriel. “I wish you’d give me those grins more often, Bree.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/30/2020 7:47 AM
Gabriel was amused, but was thrown off at that last part. "Well, there's a reason I only smile genuinely when I'm alone with you..." He paused, and changed the subject. "Here.. give me that towel. I don't want to touch you with my bare skin."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/30/2020 7:55 AM
Zephyr gave him the towel, smiling pleasantly and looking truly happy. “You have a beautiful smile,” he said, putting his hand on Gabriel’s cheek, “I’m glad I get to see it as much as I do.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/30/2020 8:11 AM
Gabriel took the towel in his hands, getting ready to stand up. That is until he felt Zephyr's hand on his cheek. He blushed slightly at his words as he looked off to the side. He didn't believe him. "You're just saying that.." He said quietly.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/30/2020 8:23 AM
“No Gabriel. I mean it.” Zephyr said as he cupped Gabriel’s other cheek, gently brushing his thumbs under Gabriel’s eyes. “I mean every word I say. When I see that smile, I know everything’s going to be okay. There’s so much love and compassion in that smile, and I can feel it every time you give it to me. Nobody has ever smiled at me like that. You’re beautiful, Gabriel. And I don’t mean just on the outside. You love me, and that smile tells me that.” Zephyr gently kissed Gabriel’s forehead and looked back at him. “You’re the best boyfriend someone could ask for. I love you to bits Gabriel. And I know you love me just as much.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/30/2020 9:02 AM
Gabriel blushed fully now. God, what the hell did he do to deserve Zephyr? He felt so loved whenever he was around him. How could he not smile? Gabriel practically melted inside as Zephyr kissed his forehead. He wanted to express his love back to him. "I'm not the best with words like you are, but... Uh.." He paused in thought, trying to think of words that could possibly describe his love. But he had nothing. He sighed lightly. "Fuck it, let me just get straight to the point; I love you too."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/30/2020 9:17 AM
Zephyr knew that if he could, Gabriel would give a lavish speech like he did. He considered those three words just as poetic as what he himself said, so he smiled lovingly and pecked Gabriel's lips. Making eye contact for a few seconds, he quietly said, "God, you have gorgeous eyes."
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 11/30/2020 10:07 AM
Gabriel smiled softly at the quick kiss. He looked back Zephyr's eyes. "Your eyes remind me of the sky and the stars.." He suddenly spat out what he had been thinking.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 11/30/2020 1:56 PM
Zephyr smiled, adoring Gabriel's metaphor. "Yours remind me of jade.. that beautiful green.. I could just look into them for hours.." he said, doing just that.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/1/2020 6:35 AM
Gabriel's smile grew from that. He glanced away for a moment, they should really get out of the shower... "Want to go cuddle..?" He asked, standing up.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/1/2020 6:59 AM
Zephyr was still smiling and he nodded, still feeling too sore to get up.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/1/2020 7:07 AM
Gabriel laid the blanket between his arms and bent down to pick up Zephyr. Really, it was amazing how easily he lifted him up. He carried him out of the shower and too his bed as he laid bridal style in his arms.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/1/2020 7:16 AM
Zephyr chuckled softly and wrapped his arms around Gabriel’s neck for stability, impressed with how he made picking him up seem easy. Then again, it probably was.. he didn’t have much body mass. He was a pretty small person. “You can borrow some of my clothes if you don’t want to put your dirty ones back on.. I have some hoodies that might fit you..” he said quietly, silently wishing they were close to the same size so they could share. He’d always thought that was cute when couples did it.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/1/2020 7:30 AM
Gabriel sighed slightly and laid him down on the bed. "I should bring some of my clothes over here, I doubt any of yours would fit me." He stated. "I'm just going to go put my dress shirt back on."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/1/2020 7:33 AM
Zephyr looked up at him. “They’re really big hoodies. Like.. really big. They go down to my knees.” He said. “When I was younger I always wanted to be in a hoodie, they gave me comfort. I always got really big ones so I could wear multiple others underneath it.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/1/2020 7:37 AM
Gabriel gave him a bit of a look. "Why multiple at once?" He asked, then thought about it for a second. "You know what? I don't want to know." How the fuck did he not die from heat stroke or something? "I'll try them on I guess, where are they?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/1/2020 7:43 AM
Zephyr pointed to his leftmost dresser. “Bottom drawer on the left hand side,” he told him, grabbing underwear and socks from the set of clothes he’d laid out beforehand. He set the rest on a chest at the foot of his bed. Although he also wanted to wear a hoodie, he didn’t want to cover his new marks. He got under the covers and looked at Gabriel.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/1/2020 8:03 AM
As Zephyr did that, Gabriel walked over to the bathroom, picking his clothes up from the floor then walking back over to the bed. He folded up his clothing, though not the pants. He put those back on, without any underwear underneath. He wasn't about to put dirty underwear back on. He sighed slightly to himself and walked over to Zephyr's hoodie drawer. Taking out the hoodies that he had and throwing them over onto the bed. Once they were all there, Gabriel shut the drawer and walked over to the bed, picking up one of the hoodies. He held it up to his frame, clearly it was a bit small for him. Yeah... that one wouldn't work. He tossed it to the side for now. He would fold them back up later.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/1/2020 8:09 AM
Zephyr smiled and cuddled the blankets, happy Gabriel was actually considering doing this. He watched intently as his boyfriend tried to find a hoodie that’d fit. He didn’t care if he folded them or even put them away, he was just happy that Gabriel had even tried. “I love you.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/1/2020 8:18 AM
Gabriel glanced over at him. "I love you too." He said, then continued to look through the hoodies. Not that one, hm, maybe this one? He tried the hoodie on and moved around in it a little bit. Nope, too tight. He took it off and tossed it to the side along with the others. There was only one hoodie left, and it looked pretty large. He wasn't sure why he just didn't try that one first. He held it up to himself, and it looked plenty big enough. He smiled to himself softly before slipping it on. It's been a long time since he's worn a hoodie... But it felt nice. He went over and picked up the tossed hoodies, folding them up now. As he did this, he realized something. ".. Zephyr, do you have spare gloves? I don't want to accidently heal you."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/1/2020 8:25 AM
Zephyr nodded, “Though, they’re pretty old and I’m not sure if your hands will fit in them. You could always wear my lab gloves if you want,” he said, eyeing the hoodie he was wearing and smiled. “That was my favourite hoodie as a kid..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/1/2020 8:31 AM
Gabriel smiled softly. "Really? Well, I guess I can see why. It's quite comfortable." He said looking down at the hoodie. He was about to ask about the gloves. But the design on the hoodie distracted him. "... Is that a rat?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/1/2020 8:34 AM
Zephyr laughed. “A mouse, but yeah. When I lived in Germany the other kids at the agency I worked at always called me Maus since I was so small. It’s mouse in German.” He paused, “I didn’t have a choice whether to fight it or not, so I sorta embraced it. ... Though I like leech a lot better than maus.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/1/2020 8:39 AM
"Oh yeah, I was going to ask you about that. You never told me you were German. I thought you were Russian or something.." He stated, still smiling. He was happy that he liked being called Leech. He finished folding up the hoodies and picked them up, bringing them over to the drawer and putting them in.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/1/2020 8:45 AM
“I am Russian,” Zephyr said, puzzled. “I’m part Russian part German. My mother is where I get my Russian. I can’t speak it, though. I lived in Germany until I was 12 years old, when my agency took me to America and deserted me.” Zephyr couldn’t say he wasn’t still upset, but the brunt of the pain was gone. “They told my family I was dead and they faked my death, taking pictures, all that. I had no phone, no knowledge of America, and hardly spoke a word of English. I was put in a foster home, never adopted, learned English in high school and here I am.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/1/2020 9:10 AM
Gabriel walked back over and sat down on the edge before Zephyr mentioned his agency deserting him. When he did, Gabriel's smile dropped. Jesus Christ... And he thought he had it bad. "Did you ever get back in touch with your.. family?" He asked.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/1/2020 9:14 AM
"No," he said simply, shrugging it off. "They've long since changed their numbers and I've long since forgotten their old ones. I'm not even sure if they're alive anymore. It'd be a miracle if we ever got back in touch. Though I'm not sure they'd want to be; I never told them that I'm gay." (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/1/2020 9:21 AM
Gabriel didn't know what to say at all. He couldn't even imagine telling his parents anything as a kid, let alone something as important as that. He looked away from Zephyr. "I'll never understand why people care about that so much.." He said, trying to shift the gears of the conversation.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/1/2020 9:29 AM
Zephyr noticed that Gabriel seemed more upset about his story than he was, so he gently held his hand. "Gabriel. I've come to terms with all of this. If I hadn't been dropped off in America, I would have never met you. I probably would never have gotten a boyfriend at all. So many things have happened here that I would have no chance of happening in Germany. You're quite literally the best thing that has ever happened to me. Two years ago, before I met you, would I have chosen to stay in Germany had I had the option? Yes. Now? When I have an amazing job? When I have a house? When I have you? Absolutely not. You don't need to be upset for me, though I love that you sympathise; it's really sweet of you." (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/1/2020 10:59 AM
Gabriel looked back at him as Zephyr grabbed his hand. He smiled slightly at his words. The fact that he was happy, well, it made him happy too. "I was trying my best. Though, I really can't relate that much to your story." He referred to his sympathy.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/1/2020 11:00 AM
Zephyr furrowed his brow. He'd always had trouble with empathise and sympathise. "... Eh?" It wasn't just those words either. Affect and effect, accept and except, and he could never use the right 'its.' Whenever he wrote reports, his grammar was pretty awful as well. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/1/2020 11:08 AM
Gabriel furrowed his brow right back at him. "What do you mean 'eh?'" He asked, confused as to what he was referring too. "Do you want me to explain why..?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/1/2020 11:12 AM
"What do you mean relate? I didn't say you did?" Zephyr was extremely confused, and he sat up to look at him. He was confusing the two words again, as he often did. "I was just saying that it's sweet of you to feel for me..?"
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/1/2020 11:20 AM
The more he spoke, Gabriel just got more confused. "I know... I was just clarifying because I didn't know what else to say..?" He did hear him right didn't he? He said sympathize, not empathize. "I was sympathizing with you, however I wanted you to know that I couldn't empathize with you."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/1/2020 11:22 AM
Zephyr put a hand to his forehead, completely and utterly confused. "I-- what???"
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/1/2020 11:26 AM
Gabriel let out a long sigh, facepalming. "Let me put it more simply- I feel bad for you. But I don't really relate with you."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/1/2020 11:30 AM
That was when Zephyr understood. "OHHHHH!" He laughed at himself and hugged Gabriel, loving him for being patient. "You're the best," he said simply, snuggling his boyfriend and chuckling to himself, knowing he must have sounded like a total idiot. "You put up with all of my stupid shit, I love that."
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/1/2020 11:36 AM
Gabriel hugged him back, careful not to touch him with his hands since he wasn't wearing gloves yet. He chuckled slightly at his sudden realization. "You have no idea how many times I've had to explain something like that to someone.. I'm used to it by now." He said. "Oh, and where are your gloves?" He let go of the hug as he said that.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/1/2020 11:40 AM
Zephyr realised he'd completely diverged from the main conversation. His eyes lit up with this and he gave a sheepish grin. "Ah..! Sorry.. Um, they're in my workroom. There's a cabinet full of ones for different purposes. You can use the short black ones, they're heat resistant..," he trailed off, not mentioning why he needed heat resistant gloves.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/1/2020 11:49 AM
Gabriel nodded before standing up. It was none of his business to know why he had heat resistant gloves. And frankly he didn't really care. He walked towards the bedroom door, and it opened with a loud hiss. Gabriel didn't leave just yet though. If he did, the door would shut behind him. He didn't know the pass code, so he wouldn't be able to get back in. And he knew full well Zephyr wouldn't be able to get up to open it. "Vesper, is there any way to keep the door open?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/1/2020 11:53 AM
Zephyr nodded. He scooted over to the left side of the bed and pulled a lead cube the size of his fist out of his bedside drawer. "There's a sensor on the floor underneath the terminal. If it hits organic matter it won't close, but it also cant get through lead." He struggled to hold the cube, accidentally dropping it on the floor. "... oops."
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/1/2020 11:58 AM
Gabriel tried not to laugh at that, but he did anyways, unable to hold it in. He walked over and picked the lead cube off of the floor, holding it with two hands since it was pretty heavy. "So, put it between the crack in the door, correct?" He asked for clarification as he went back over to the door.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/1/2020 12:01 PM
Zephyr shook his head. "Embedded in the frame of the door underneath the password terminal there's a small lens. Put it in front of that."
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/1/2020 12:09 PM
Gabriel was decently sure he understood now. But he still could be wrong. Either way, he wasn't going to ask for clarification again. "Ohh, alright." He said, pretending he fully understood. He was sure he could figure it out. He opened the door again now, looking for the small lense near the floor. It took him a few seconds to find it, but once he did he put the lead cube in front of it. Alright. Cool.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/1/2020 12:12 PM
"Flawless acting, hun," Zephyr teased with a smirk. "Go win an Oscar."
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/1/2020 12:38 PM
Gabriel looked over at him and his face got slightly hot with embarrassment. That was before he let out a bit of a laugh at himself. He walked away and over to the workroom now. Entering, he looked around. Zephyr hadn't told him which cabinet it was. But he'd find them eventually. He opened a few different cabinets before finding the gloves. He looked at all of them, soon enough finding the black ones and taking a pair. He slid them on, not exactly liking the feeling of the thin rubber against his skin. But he'd deal with it. He walked back over to the bedroom, picking up the lead block and bringing it back into the room.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/1/2020 12:41 PM
Zephyr was still sitting up in bed, scratching one of the larger marks on his chest. Clearly it was irritating him, as the skin around it was red from the itching. He didn't look all that bothered by it though, once again lost in thought as he commonly was.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/1/2020 12:47 PM
Gabriel walked over and put the lead cube back in the night stand where Zephyr had gotten it from. After closing the drawer, Gabriel looked over at him. He noticed his scratching at the mark he had left. "Is that bothering you?" He asked.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/1/2020 12:50 PM
Zephyr returned to earth, blinking and shaking his head. His hand dropped to the blankets and he began fiddling with it. "No, no. It's fine. I'm just not used to that feeling is all." Zephyr looked up at him. "Hey did I bite you too hard? Looking back on it I did really clamp down-- It doesn't still hurt does it??"
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/1/2020 1:01 PM
Gabriel smirked and shook his head lightly. "No, I enjoyed it~... It does still hurt a little. But that's not a bad thing." As he spoke he lifted up the blankets next to Zephyr and climbed into bed. He sat up next to Zephyr, his legs under the blankets.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/1/2020 1:17 PM
Zephyr smiled. "I love you a fuck ton, you overgrown leprechaun," he said peacefully as he laid his head on said leprechaun's shoulder. "God. I don't think I've ever been happier.." he gently held Gabriel's arm, definitely not feeling his muscles or anything.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/1/2020 1:33 PM
Gabriel's eyes narrowed for a moment as he looked at Zephyr, insulted. That was until his head laid down on his shoulder. Which almost instantly calmed him down. Especially when he started talking. Gabriel smiled happily, leaning his head against Zephyr's. "Would you like me to make dinner for you later..?" He asked as Zephyr felt up his arm a little bit. In response to that, he flexed. Quite literally.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/1/2020 1:39 PM
Zephyr blushed in response to it and became distracted with the tone of Gabriel's arm, ogling at the feeling. After he processed what he had said, Zephyr stopped and looked up to him, his eyes sparkling. "You'll make me food..?"
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/1/2020 1:44 PM
"Of course. I like cooking." He said, a small smile on his face as he looked down at him.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/1/2020 1:45 PM
"Okay there's no longer any question about it. You're the best boyfriend ever." Zephyr determinedly spoke, force and utter confidence in his statement.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/1/2020 1:52 PM
Gabriel chuckled at the absolute certainty in his voice. "Zephyr, you hardly even know me." He stated. "Besides, do you even have anything for me to cook?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/1/2020 1:58 PM
"Ehhh... Does microwavable mac and cheese count?" He sheepishly asked, knowing the answer. He sighed. "I slow and accelerate my own metabolism so that I don't really have to eat, and when I do eventually run out of calories, my weight doesn't change. Last time I ate was actually when you brought me those pancakes a couple weeks back..." He thought back, trying to find a closer time when he ingested anything. Nope, yeah that was definitely the last time he ate. "After I did the surgeries on my legs I was still sorta upset.. that's why I ran out of food in my office.. I was uh-- drowning my sorrows in frozen lasagna.." the last bit he mumbled, but it was still audible.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/1/2020 11:10 PM
Gabriel's expression quickly changed into a more concerned one. "... Is that healthy for you to do? I know you have different restrictions than others because of your power..." He seemed suddenly upset at the lack of care he was giving himself. "If you're tight on money, I can buy actual food for you so you won't have to do that... I can even cook it for you too." He offered, feeling bad for him. There was no sense in doing that when Gabriel could easily make something for him.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/1/2020 11:20 PM
Zephyr didn’t want to talk about his lack of self-care. He thought he was doing fine. “I’m okay Gabriel, really.” He definitely wasn’t, and desperately needed more food than he got in life. He just didn’t know how to cook, and hated doing it. Zephyr distracted himself by once again feeling the tone of Gabriel’s arm. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/1/2020 11:39 PM
Gabriel frowned, his eyes trailing down to the sheets in front of him. "You don't sound 'okay'." Gabriel said with concern and the upmost certainty as his eyes shifted back up and over to Zephyr.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/2/2020 8:40 PM
Zephyr looked away and sighed. "You worry too much.. I'm just using my power to my advantage.." he hated admitting that he never really had enough food, enough money for food, enough skill to cook food. He never liked telling people about his eating habits, nor about how he managed to say somewhat nourished. He wasn't even sure if he should tell Gabriel about how queasy eating like a regular person made him. "It's only three weeks. Some species of salamander can go for ten years without a single piece of food.." he wouldn't dare tell Gabriel about how long he once went without eating..
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/2/2020 9:02 PM
Gabriel sighed before turning his head back towards Zephyr. He seemed a little bit angry at him. "The fact that you didn't acknowledge me when I first asked you if going without eating that long was healthy when you used your powers tells me it really isn't. Do you think I care about how long a salamander can go without eating? Vesper, you're a human being. Even with your powers you should be eating at least something every day. Now that I'm here, I'm going to make sure that happens..." Gabriel definetly sounded like he wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/2/2020 9:10 PM
Was.. Was that a threat? Did Gabriel just threaten to feed him? He didn't want a fridge filled with food that would spoil. He didn't want Gabriel to pay for twice the amount of food he should. Zephyr was a small person, he didn't really need to eat a whole lot. An oven lasagna or a Lunchable every couple of months was more than enough to comfortably live on. Let alone the fact he was one of the pickiest eaters of all time. Oh god if Gabriel followed through with this he'd have to monitor his levels, his weight, every single surgical procedure would be changed. Blood would thin, he'd get hunger pangs. FUCK no, this wasn't happening. He'd duct tape his own mouth shut, maybe even staple or stitch it. "But--" (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/2/2020 9:22 PM
"Fine.. One meal a week." He ordered right away, cutting Zephyr off almost immediately. "That's not asking a lot." He crossed his arms. Gabriel cared about Zephyr. And he would go through any means necessary to make sure he was safe. Even if that meant saving him from himself. Even if that meant making him unhappy.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/2/2020 9:37 PM
Zephyr tapped his fingers together. He still felt pretty queasy, thinking of once a week he'd have to choke something down. He'd gone a good portion of his life eating like this, only a couple times in his adulthood had he eaten three meals a day for upwards of three days. It was always the first week of a new year. He always promised himself he'd eat like a regular human for an entire year, but the second his weight wavered from that perfect 137.5 pounds and his blood chemistry changed he noped out and went back to what worked. Every single condition and measurement a human body could go through was carefully set to what Zephyr saw as prime condition, especially with the surgeries in question. He despised when they changed. Absolutely fucking hated it. It was like getting the perfect mile time, slowing and speeding up to get a certain on-the-dot time. If he wanted to, he could use his powers to make himself far smaller, far more muscular, any body type imaginable with enough influence by his powers could be achieved. But he chose these conditions in particular. These things, in his mind, were perfect for him. He crossed his arms and clicked his tongue (adding in an eye roll for good measure), clearly annoyed that he was being treated like a child. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/2/2020 10:04 PM
Gabriel paused for a moment. He didn't appreciate Zephyr's attitude. Especially since he changed his original idea to be more forgiving. He furrowed his brow. "Seriously? You're acting like a child, Zephyr. Once a week? You're complaining about once a week? Like I said, that's not asking a whole lot... I even offered to make food for you so you wouldn't have to worry about it!"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/2/2020 10:12 PM
“I’m sorry okay??? I don’t want my levels to fuck up! They’re all perfect for my line of work! I am in prime condition.” Zephyr realised Gabriel was probably getting the unhealthy thing from the fact his ribs were visible. “Showing a bit of rib isn’t that bad..” he said. “... Why are you upset with me..? My health doesn’t affect you at all..” he quietly mumbled, trailing off.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/2/2020 10:45 PM
"It does affect me because I care about you!" He growled "You can be so naive sometimes..! I'm just trying to help someone other than myself for once!" He spat out the last sentence. Which, really, was something he didn't want to share. It was putting him in a bad light. But honestly, he didn't really care right now.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/2/2020 10:56 PM
Zephyr looked up at him, with a now softened expression. “And I love you for that, Gabriel. I know you care about me. I just..” he sighed. There was no use in arguing with Gabriel. He wouldn’t go back on his word and Zephyr knew he’d just get more upset if he tried to convince him. He dragged himself into Gabriel’s lap and laid his head in the crook of his neck. “I love you. I love that you care about me. I couldn’t ask for someone better. Make me food whenever you want, I’ll eat it just because you made it for me.” Zephyr said, peacefully submitting to his boyfriend’s conviction. He kissed his neck, gently nipping it every so often. Showing affection would become his new way of apologising, since he knew it drove Gabriel crazy to constantly have to listen to the verbal ones.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/2/2020 11:04 PM
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/3/2020 12:33 AM
Gabriel looked back down at Zephyr, his expression still stern as Zephyr began. But as soon as Zephyr climbed on top of Gabriel's legs, his anger and worry practically melted away. Even more so as Zephyr began showering him in love. He let out a sigh as he embraced him, wrapping his arms around his back. His mouth upturned slightly in a smile. "Good..." He said softly, happy that he complied. "You don't even have to-.. eat a whole lot if you don't want too. Just- a few bites at least.." The slight nibbling caught him off guard as he spoke. But he wasn't complaining. He looked down at Zephyr for a moment now. Then kissed the back of his head.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/3/2020 12:40 AM
Zephyr smiled. He’d do whatever he’d have to to make Gabriel happy. That’s all he’d ever wanted for two years. Zephyr gently kissed Gabriel’s jaw, glad he could do these things and make him feel loved while doing it. “Bree..?” He quietly asked, putting his forehead in the crook of Gabriel’s shoulder.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/3/2020 12:50 AM
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I love you too..." Gabriel said quietly, assuming Zephyr was about to tell him that he loved him. Even if he was wrong, he was happy to express his love anyway. After all, Zephyr was loving on him. It was only right if Gabriel did the same.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/3/2020 12:52 AM
Zephyr smiled. “You know me so well. But that’s not what I was gonna say..” he quietly said, kissing Gabriel’s neck again. “I was gonna ask how long you had feelings for me before you told me..” (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/3/2020 3:31 PM
Gabriel just kind of sat there for a moment, not saying anything. I mean... He wasn't fully aware of his feelings until today. Yet, he was still acting on them before that. "Well, to be honest, I'm not sure... I just realized today.." He said the last part quietly.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/3/2020 3:38 PM
Zephyr chuckled. Not because it was only today, but because now he himself sounded ridiculous. "Really..? Now I sound desperate.." Zephyr looked up at him with slight embarrassment, but also relief. "I've kinda had them for a year.. but when you started acting a bit strange, that's when I realized they were actual feelings. I just thought I was attracted to you like any regular person," he snuggled into Gabriel's chest again. "Looking back on it, I should have realized they were feelings a lot sooner.. I often found myself fantasizing. I guess I thought that was a normal feeling when finding someone attractive.." his voice was muffled by the hoodie. "I'm ridiculous aren't I.."
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/3/2020 4:57 PM
Gabriel smiled slightly for a moment, looking down at him. He thought that was sweet. "You're not ridiculous... I just.. I can't read my emotions very well, Vesper. That's probably why I was acting strangely.. I obviously liked you before today." Subconsciously, he knew he had liked him. He just didn't want to admit it too himself. After all, he had never really been in a relationship before. Especially not a romantic one. This had been the first time he ever really felt this way towards someone. All the other times had been for his own selfish reasons. But this? This was different.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/3/2020 5:32 PM
Zephyr smiled up at him. “You’re my first real boyfriend, yknow that? When I broke up with that girl, I didn’t run off with another guy. I never got boners for girls, the thought of straight sex repulsed me, and I hardly felt right being with her.” Zephyr laid his head back down. “I guess it’s sorta cliche but I knew I was gay at a young age. But I tried to ‘fix’ myself. I didn’t see any other gay kids in Germany.” He paused. “What’s interesting is that when I looked at you the first time, I didn’t immediately think ‘Oh I could see myself with him,’ like I did with other guys. I thought ‘wow.. he’s.. interesting.’ I wanted to learn about you, I was so curious as to how you worked. You were so different from other guys, yet, you didn’t exactly give off the ‘edgy and I know it’ vibe.. you.. you were so self assured. I loved that about you. I loved fucking with you and you never messed around. There was never an empty threat with you and god was that sexy.” Zephyr played with the strings of the hoodie. “I guess it’s because I never told you until you were already in pursuit of it.. but.. you didn’t froth at the mouth when I told you I was a virgin.. it didn’t seem like taking my virginity was a trophy to you.” Zephyr started to choke up, his voice breaking, “You didn’t treat me like a feather.. like a ‘poor little virgin’ who needed to be stained.. and you didn’t take advantage of the fact I didn’t know what I was doing—“ he was cut off by his own sniffles, gently clinging to and kneading the hoodie.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/3/2020 6:50 PM
As Zephyr spoke, Gabriel became more and more flattered. He didn't know he had felt that way about him. Then again, how could he? He was blinded by his anger and selfishness. Besides that, he was surprised that Zephyr knew his sexuality that early in his life. Gabriel never had any idea about his preference as a kid. He didn't really care. He had better things to worry about at that point in his life. He stayed quiet as Zephyr continued to speak, but, as he got into the virginity talk, Gabriel quickly grew spiteful. Clearly Zephyr was talking from experience. What kind of scum would do something like that? He held onto him a little tighter as he began to get choked up. "Shhh... It's okay, Vesper. You don't need to say anymore..." He said as he looked down at him, trying to comfort him. He swore to himself if he ever met any of the pricks that made him feel like this, he'd end them right then and there.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/3/2020 7:00 PM
Zephyr was shaking, remembering the countless times he tried to give himself to men. All of them turned the heat up far too fast for him, all wanting to take his purity like it was some kind of prize. An object.. just something to hang up on a wall. Something to proudly display to people. At this point Zephyr was sobbing heavily into Gabriel's chest, clearly in a world of pain.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/3/2020 7:30 PM
Gabriel, as always when Zephyr began crying, panicked slightly. He wanted to comfort him. He wanted him to snap out of that world of pain and get back to the current moment. Where he was safe. He held onto him a little bit tighter with one arm. And with the other, he placed it under his chin, gently lifting up so Zephyr would look at him. He peered down at him, his jade eyes filled with love and care before he lightly pecked him on the lips. He pulled away, offering him a small smile. "Vesper, it's alright... You're with me now.. I won't let anyone hurt you anymore." He said, desperately trying to make him feel better.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/3/2020 7:43 PM
Zephyr was shaking heavily, remembering a time where he had to go through a crawlspace because a guy wouldn't let him leave. Now it was more than pain, it was full blown panic. Just thinking of how tight that space was, how dark. He held Gabriel in what would have been a suffocating wrap if he wasn't so small; his legs around Gabriel's waist and his arms around his chest, balling up the hoodie fabric in his fists. He was clearly terrified, and was even rocking as much as he could in that position. He was having issues catching his breath, the only thing keeping him from completely losing it was Gabriel.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/3/2020 7:53 PM
Gabriel continued to look down at him with the utmost worry. At a loss of what to do since the only thing he could think of had failed him. Was there even anything he could do? He moved his arm back around him, holding him in a tight embrace. He began to feel bad that the only thing he could think to do now was wait it out. Surely there had to be something else. But he just didn't know.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/3/2020 8:03 PM
After a long while, nearly half an hour, Zephyr had calmed down to relatively stable breathing and only slight quivering. He hadn't had a claustrophobia-related panic attack in years. He slowly looked up at Gabriel, his eyes still red and puffy from crying. If he hadn't been there, the attack could have lasted an hour or more. He found it odd that being held tight like that made him feel better, but if anyone else had done it, it probably would have done more harm than good. He looked scared still, terrified in fact, but Gabriel made him so much more comfortable. Everything about him was so calming.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/3/2020 8:26 PM
Gabriel had just been sitting there the whole time, holding onto him. As Zephyr looked up at him, he looked back down. He still seemed quite worried. Gabriel took his hand and cupped Zephyr's cheek like he had done so many times to him. He gently wiped his tears with his thumb, offering him a small smile. "Are you feeling better now..?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/3/2020 8:32 PM
"Only because you're here, Bree," Zephyr said, leaning into Gabriel's touch and sniffling. Eventually, he slowly got out of Gabriel's lap and under the warm covers. He looked up at Gabriel with glassy eyes, practically begging him to snuggle.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/3/2020 8:42 PM
Gabriel watched as he climbed under the covers, still smiling softly before he too laid down, getting situated under the covers. He scooted over closer to him before once again taking his arms and wrapping them around him. "I love you." He said to him.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/3/2020 8:44 PM
"I love you too.. can I ask you a question..?" Zephyr said, gently clinging to Gabriel's hoodie again.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/3/2020 8:47 PM
"Of course, I'll be here all night." Gabriel joked a little bit. Something he didn't usually do. But he was opening up to Zephyr. Of course he would do things around him that he wouldn't do around others.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/3/2020 8:52 PM
"I know that I'm yours.. but.. are you also mine..?" Zephyr shyly asked, loving that Gabriel felt like he could be open.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/3/2020 9:33 PM
Gabriel paused for a moment, his smile dropping as he thought. If there was one thing he was scared of, it was commitment. Then again, he could never see himself cheating on Zephyr. But, if something were to ever happen... "Of course I am." He said, smiling again.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/3/2020 9:36 PM
If Zephyr wasn't a good actor, his unease would have been palpable. But he was, so his happiness felt unwavering. Then he began to wonder who was more dishonest, and fell asleep to those thoughts.
9:38 PM
~ Time Skip brought to you by The Knife Game ~
9:42 PM
Zephyr had dragged Gabriel outside, despite the fact it was snowing. Not allowing him to take the car and instead walk, Zephyr had taken him allllllllll the way to a neighborhood full of rich heroes. Now, he was standing outside of a brick wall. "Just over this wall there's a perfect place to do this." The entire time, Zephyr hadn't told him what exactly he was planning to do with his boyfriend.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/3/2020 9:47 PM
Gabriel sighed deeply, his breath creating steam in the air. "I suppose you want to hop this fence, then." Gabriel stated, sounding absolutely so done. "Why couldn't we just drive here?" He asked, looking over at him. "And when are you going to tell me what we're doing?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/3/2020 9:49 PM
"Yes, because I love snow, and never. You have to figure it out for yourself. I'll give you a boost." Zephyr said, squatting slightly and holding his hands in a lock.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/3/2020 9:53 PM
Gabriel just stood there, staring down at him before letting out a laugh. "Are you serious?! I don't think so. You'd be squashed like a bug!" He placed a hand on his forehead and continued laughing a bit. He though it was absolutely hilarious that Zephyr thought he could lift him. "I think I'll be giving you a boost, small fry."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/3/2020 9:56 PM
Zephyr got a bit ticked, even though he knew deep down that he couldn't even dream of lifting Gabriel. "Oh yeah? Try doing that when your muscles feel like jelly," he said, taking out his extractor and loading in a sinister-looking vial. "I am not nearly as weak as I look, thank you very much!" He exclaimed as he pouted with angry eyes.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/3/2020 10:02 PM
Gabriel threw his head back and continued laughing in a loud uproar. "Alright then!! I'd like to see you try to lift me if you think you're so tough!" He crossed his arms, still laughing. Though, he was slightly concerned about the loading of the extractor.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/3/2020 10:16 PM
Zephyr glared. “No no, you clearly are far stronger than me. In fact, I bet you, with your huge muscles and bench press of upwards of 350 pounds could get up that wall without even using your arms.” Zephyr sassily mocked as he walked towards Gabriel, gun quite literally blazing. “Unless of course your balls don’t add any weight to that impressive count of yours. In that case, lil baby Bree doesn’t have to do it.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/3/2020 10:31 PM
Gabriel gradually stopped laughing as Zephyr walked towards him, realizing he was seriously. He took a step back. "Is this what you dragged me out here for?? Zephyr, you know how I feel about needles." He knew Zephyr was luring him into a trap. And Gabriel was about to fall for it. He had way to much of an ego to not take on something like this. Especially with Zephyr mocking him.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/3/2020 10:36 PM
Zephyr grinned. “If I hadn’t seen them, this reaction would make me think you didn’t have any balls.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/3/2020 10:38 PM
Gabriel sighed lightly. He knew this game, and he was more than willing to play it. He stared down Zephyr. "How long will this last?" He ased. "Or are you not going to answer that question either?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/3/2020 10:39 PM
Zephyr was just grinning, gently taking his sleeve and moving it up, feeling around for a nice thick vein. “Why would I ever answer that?”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/3/2020 10:46 PM
Gabriel just looked at Zephyr as he did this, not wanting to look down at his arm as it was about to get stabbed with a needle. "Oh, I don't know, because you love me~?" Two could play at that game. (edited)
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/3/2020 10:52 PM
Zephyr nodded. “I do love you. If you loved me you’d grow a beard. Yet here we are at a perfect stalemate.” He found a perfect vein in his right arm and practically melted at the sight, shakily smiling. “God.. that’s such a perfect vein..” he shook himself out of his lustful stupor, and poked Gabriel’s arm in perfect precision. He injected the sinister looking fluid into Gabriel’s arm and took out the needle, putting it in his used needles case. “Itll spread across your pectoral muscles and into your other arm, just give it time.. hehehee..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/3/2020 11:25 PM
Gabriel rolled his eyes before he winced slightly as the needle entered his arm. God, he hated that sensation. Getting stabbed? That was better than this because it wasn't on a miniscule level. When it's small like this, it just feels so much more wrong. As the needle was pulled out, Gabriel's skin healed over almost instantly. Gabriel glanced down at his hands now as Zephyr giggled. "Right..." He said in reply, looking up and over at the brick wall. He knew he had at least a minute until this stuff really kicked in. He could climb over the wall now just fine if he wanted too. Zephyr probably knew exactly what he was thinking.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/3/2020 11:28 PM
“Nope. Don’t even think about it.” Zephyr said nearly absentmindedly. “I can and will shove snow down your urethra. Even you can’t recover from that.” (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/3/2020 11:36 PM
He cringed at that thought. "When did you get so confident? Did I rub off on you?" Gabriel questioned as he looked back down at his hands. He started to clench and unclench his fists, in hopes of gradually getting used to the supposed 'jelly' feeling as it took affect.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/3/2020 11:39 PM
Zephyr chuckled and kissed his cheek. After about two minutes, Zephyr had a feeling the serum had worked. “Okay. Try making a snowball.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/4/2020 12:08 AM
Gabriel had been clenching and unclenching his fists for the last two minutes. Though, the numbness had basically hit him like a brick. Nothing could of prepared him for that. He looked over at Zephyr. He was expecting a weakness feeling, not no feeling at all. Well, this was going to be fun. He crouched down to the ground, taking a bit of a deep breath before moving his arm towards the snow. Not surprisingly, he couldn't feel his arm move at all. He couldn't even feel his fingertips as they made contact with the snow. None the less, he kept his eyes on his hand as he slowly gathered up snow into a small mound. He put his hand on top of it, squeezing it as to make a ball. But he squeezed way too tight and the snow crumbled through his fingers. He cursed under his breath.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/4/2020 12:19 AM
Zephyr laughed. “Harder than you’d think, huh?” I’ll wait for you up there.” Zephyr said, stepping back a couple feet. He took a running start, jumping against the wall and using the added height to grab the top of the wall. He pulled himself up, turning around and looking down at Gabriel. He crossed his legs and gave him a cheeky smile. “Told you I’m not weak.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/4/2020 5:48 AM
Gabriel stood up now, watching Zephyr as he climbed the wall. He looked at him and clenched his fists, of course, he didn't realize he was doing this. "I never said you were weak! I stated that you couldn't lift me. You admitted that yourself!" It's surprising that the snow around him wasn't melting at the pure level of anger he felt. God, why did he agree to this? He was clearly at a large disadvantage. But still, he knew he could get over that wall if he tried.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/4/2020 6:00 AM
Zephyr looked a bit surprised, but it turned into a face of submission. Looking away, he tried to figure out what Gabriel was upset about. He was only teasing him like he normally did, usually Gabriel gives him some grace with that.. Zephyr really couldn’t figure it out, but he knew that he was the root cause and felt awful that he’d made Gabriel so upset. When they got over the wall, he’d have to make it up to him.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/4/2020 8:11 AM
Gabriel looked away from Zephyr and instead, at the bricks in front of him. He took a deep breath, trying to calm down a bit. He was mad because he didn't see a point in this. He was mad because it involved him being physically impaired. And that's something he wasn't used too. He was used to making others unable to move. He took another deep breath, thinking how he was going to go about this.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo started a call that lasted 0 minutes 12/4/2020 8:16 AM
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo started a call that lasted 0 minutes 12/4/2020 8:16 AM
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/4/2020 8:16 AM
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/4/2020 8:16 AM
((You're fucking lucky my chromebook is muted))
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/4/2020 8:17 AM
((My hand slipped twice))
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/4/2020 8:17 AM
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/4/2020 8:20 AM
Zephyr noticed he was trying to work this out. “You can wear my boots if you want. They could probably get a better foothold on the wall than your shoes..” he suggested.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/4/2020 10:06 AM
"No." He huffed. "I couldn't fit in your boots anyway.. I can do this myself." He said with confidence before running at the wall and jumping up, not using the wall to gain more height. He didn't think he needed it. He grabbed the top of the wall, not thinking about it too much. He looked down for a moment, making sure he was grabbing onto the ledge as his shoes slid against the wall. No worry, he could hold his weight up fine with just his arms. He smiled slightly at himself, feeling proud. He began pulling himself up, but used way too much force. That proud feeling quickly washed away as he threw himself over the edge. He landed on the snowy ground with a loud thump.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/4/2020 10:11 AM
Zephyr gasped and hopped off the wall, kneeling by him and checking for injuries by instinct, regardless of how it wouldn't matter for Gabriel. He was still a doctor; it didn't matter how crazy he was about it. He made sure Gabriel didn't hit his head especially, before snapping out of it and realising even if he did, it would have healed by now. He sat his boyfriend up, giving him a hug and apologising profusely.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/4/2020 8:10 PM
Gabriel laid there for a few moments, processing what just happened. He hadn't felt any pain on the way down, so he assumed he was fine. He didn't think about this for long since if there was anything wrong, it probably would be healed by now. He sat up now with Zephyr's aid. He gave him a bit of a look, furrowing his brow as Zephyr hugged him. Really, he couldn't feel the hug. "What the hell are you apologising for??" He asked, not hugging him back because he couldn't feel his fucking arms.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/4/2020 8:15 PM
"I didn't mean to make you upset, I'm sorry.. I-If I rub your arms the serum should break up a bit faster than it does.. for you it'll probably end even quicker.. I'm sure your cells are fighting it off.." Zephyr said, taking Gabriel's hand and gently massaging it. "I shouldn't have made fun of you.. I'm sorry.."
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/4/2020 8:34 PM
"Don't touch me!!" Gabriel exclaimed, instinctively pulling his hand away from him as he noticed he was touching it. He began to stand up. "It's fine..! No need to be sorry." He reassured as he got to his feet, yet, his tone was still that of irritation. He didn't want to be helped. He didn't need it. He wasn't pathetic like other people he knew...
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/4/2020 8:40 PM
Zephyr slowly stood up, looking pretty hurt. "But.. y-you.." Why couldn't he hold his hand? Why did he suddenly not want to be touched, why was he mad still? "Gabriel.. I don't understand.. Please tell me what's wrong..?" Zephyr said as he put his hand up to put it on Gabriel's cheek. He stopped short, though, and slowly began retracting it. "Why can't I touch you...? Please tell me what I did.."
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/4/2020 10:54 PM
"Just.. Give me a moment, alright?..!" He sounded frustrated as he stepped away from him, turning around so his back was facing Zephyr. He walked away a few yards, looking down at the snowy ground on his way. Compared to his head up, confident walk, this was out of character for him. As he stopped, standing in the snow, he looked down at his hands. God he hated this. He hated when he lacked control. Absolutely despised it. And right now, he didn't have control over his own body. That freaked him out a bit. But still, he felt the need to deal with this on his own. He never has been one to ask for help unless it was completely necessary..
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/4/2020 11:10 PM
Zephyr wanted to help Gabriel desperately, but he also wanted to respect his wishes. He very well couldn't comfort him verbally when he was far away. Then, he remembered something he always did in Germany when someone was upset. God, he hadn't done this since before puberty. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, stammering quietly on the first syllable until he finally forced himself to the first word. As he sang in soft German, he slowly began walking towards Gabriel. Even though he didn't have a particularly deep speaking voice, his voice was a smooth baritone. Even he was surprised, last time he sang he sounded like a dying dog shoved in a wood chipper. His voice wavered and wobbled occasionally, but it was still pleasant-sounding. As he neared Gabriel he looked at him, trying to see if his last resort comfort was working at all.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/4/2020 11:28 PM
Gabriel stood there for a few moments before his head perked up slightly. He heard the semi-faint sound of Zephyr singing, and suddenly his resentful thoughts were clouded over with instead thoughts of interest. He glanced over his shoulder, his brows still furrowed. But it wasn't in anger, no, it was more in curiosity than anything.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/4/2020 11:40 PM
Zephyr continued to sing to him as he slowly came closer, gently taking Gabriel's hand in his and holding it to his chest. He'd closed his eyes at this point, but still it was clear that he was singing to his love. As he ended the song, Zephyr opened his eyes and laid his head on Gabriel's shoulder, gently raising his hand to his lips and kissing it when he finished, hoping he could have felt it by now. Zephyr hadn't sang in years, but hoped it had calmed Gabriel down. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/5/2020 12:10 AM
Gabriel looked at Zephyr, almost completely mesmorized at this point as he submitted himself to the song. He had no idea Zephyr could sing like that. And the way the soft German trills rolled off the tongue... It was beautiful. It wasn't long before Gabriel too closed his eyes, letting the foreign words carry his worries away. He could of listened to him for hours, but of course, that was cut short as the song ended. Gabriel opened his eyes, looking down at Zephyr. His green eyes filled with wonder. He had never experienced something like that. Had never calmed down that quickly in his life. A soft, loving smile came to his lips as he felt Zephyr lightly kiss his hand. He hadn't even realized how much time went by... (edited)
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/5/2020 12:23 AM
Zephyr could see Gabriel was much calmer, and much happier. Zephyr hadn't spoke German for more than a decade unless it was out of sexual stimulation, and even then it was German intermixed with English. He hadn't sang for longer than that. He was so happy that he'd found a way to calm Gabriel down, and one that he enjoyed. He slowly embraced Gabriel, putting his hands on his shoulders and rubbing them, looking up at him with a gentle smile. "I love you Gabriel. I'll only sing for you, my love," Zephyr quietly assured as he worked the last of the serum out of Bree's muscles.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/5/2020 12:41 AM
"Is breá liom tú freisin, Leech..." Gabriel spat out in Irish tongue, his smile growing wider. He continued to peer down at Zephyr, wrapping his arms gently as well as slowly (he didn't have all of the feeling back in his arms quite yet) around his waist. Similar to Zephyr, it'd been a long time since he'd spoken Irish. He used it sometimes when he was alone. But he'd certainly never used it around others. He was curious to see how Zephyr would react.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/5/2020 12:54 AM
Zephyr’s eyes sparkled in awe, happily biting his lip. He had no idea what language that was, or what that sentence meant, but he was so excited. He let out an ecstatic squeal and buried his face into Gabriel’s shoulder. He loved hearing people speak other languages. It fascinated him, and he thought that the short sentence was beautiful. He hoped Gabriel was fluent in whatever that language was so he could speak it around him.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/5/2020 1:03 AM
Gabriel chuckled at Zephyr's excitement. It was nice to see him happy like this. He moved his hands up to the back of his head, gently playing with his wavy platinum hair. "That was Irish for 'I love you too, Leech.'" you could practically hear the smile in his words as he spoke. It felt nice to speak his native tongue again. A nice refresher from English. But then again, it was even better that his love was so happy to hear it.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/5/2020 1:11 AM
Zephyr’d never heard Irish before, excited to hear more. “Are you fluent?” He asked excitedly. “Oh.. and Ich liebe dich auch, meine Bree,” he replied as he booped Gabriel’s nose.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/5/2020 1:21 AM
Gabriel could only assume that was an 'I love you.' But of course, he couldn't be sure. As Zephyr booped him on the nose, he looked down at it, his eyes crossing slightly. He cocked his brow slightly in confusion for a moment. But then just laughed it off, getting back on topic. "Yes, I'm fluent. I used to live in Ireland. Though, only a third of the people there know how to speak Irish."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/5/2020 1:32 AM
Zephyr loved watching Gabriel’s eyes cross, he thought it was absolutely adorable and let out a hushed ‘aww’ when he did it. When Gabriel responded, he became so much more excited. He couldn’t wait for Gabriel to talk to him in his native tongue, and to talk with him and sing to him in German. “God.. I don’t think I could have a better boyfriend..” Zephyr happily said, giving him a small kiss.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/5/2020 1:40 AM
Gabriel kissed him quickly back before pulling away. As he did, he laughed again slightly. "You say that all the time." He stated. "It's quite flattering.."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/5/2020 1:45 AM
“It’s true.” Zephyr said with conviction, “I’m not saying it for any reason other than it’s true.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/5/2020 1:53 AM
"I know." Gabriel said before sighing happily. He stayed there for a few moments, continuing to play with Zephyr's hair before pulling away. The corners of his lips sayed slightly upturned as he continued to speak. "This is getting too sappy for me... So, what was it that you dragged me all the way out here for?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/5/2020 1:57 AM
Zephyr smiled cheekily, grabbing his hand again and taking him to one of the tiny park things that are in rich neighbourhoods. He bent down and grabbed a clump of snow, forming it into a ball. “Two words: snowball fight!” He yelled with a laugh as he held up the snowball to throw it.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/5/2020 3:43 PM
Gabriel gave a surprised look, his eyes widened a bit as he was threatened to be hit with a snowball. He'd never had a snowball fight before, but he'd seen it in movies and other media. He smiled maliciously, suddenly excited about this. "You're on..!" (edited)
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/5/2020 3:54 PM
Zephyr smiled and threw the snowball moderately hard at Gabriel, but he was weak so it’d probably just feel like a small pap. He backed up and ran behind a nearby tree, gathering snow and making a small reserve of ammunition. In retrospect, this was a bad idea. Gabriel was taller, stronger, and most likely faster in the snow than Zephyr was. I guess I’ll just have to simply perish, he thought as he made a teeny fort with the snow around him.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/5/2020 4:27 PM
Gabriel laughed as he hardly felt the snowball hit him. It was amusing since he knew Zephyr was throwing as hard as he could. He turned around now, running behind a tree that had a few bushes beside it. He crouched down, quickly making a bunch of snow balls and putting them into a pile. He also put a few in his coat pocket to use for later. As he did this, he continued to smirk to himself. He knew he was absolutely going to crush Zephyr. After all, he had all the advantages.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/5/2020 4:31 PM
Zephyr was prepared for war, knowing he’d lose. He get distracted as his fort turned into a small igloo, pretty much getting side tracked from the imminent snow death he would experience. Once it was complete he remembered what he was doing, and poked his igloo to make a small peeky hole to watch for Gabriel. Element of surprise.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/5/2020 4:44 PM
In the time Zephyr made his fort, Gabriel just kept making snowballs. He would make sure Zephyr didn't get over to his side. Because if he did, he would have a whole arsenal to himself. Gabriel grabbed two snowballs in his hands before standing up, beginning to head over to the other side of the playing ground where Zephyr was. He was so ready for this. As Zephyr's little hut was in view, Gabriel snickered. That probably wouldn't protect him for long. He readied to fire one of his snowballs at the small igloo.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/5/2020 4:50 PM
Zephyr heard him coming and similarly readied a snowball. He loved to play stupid games with Gabriel, and just loved him in general. He shook himself out of his thoughts and grinned, quickly standing up and breaking out of his igloo thing, rounding the tree with snowball raised, in his left hand interestingly.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/5/2020 5:49 PM
As Zephyr came into view, he began speaking. "I hope you like snow in your urethra!" Gabriel threatened playfully as he chucked the snowball at Zephyr.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/5/2020 5:56 PM
Zephyr flopped over into the snow, unable to get his footing after being hit. Brushing the snow off of himself, he sat back up. Laughing, he exclaimed, “No aiming there! That is off-limits!” and he threw his snowball at Gabriel’s chest with as much force as he could, which really, again, wasn’t that much at all.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/5/2020 8:36 PM
Gabriel started to cackle as he watched Zephyr fall back into the snow with a single snowball hit. "Alright, fine!" He said, soon before the snowball thrown by Zephyr hit his chest. He didn't even make an effort to avoid it. He continued his cackle to himself, moving the snowball from his left hand into his right and preparing to throw it. He showed no signs of mercy. He wasn't even going to let Zephyr get up first. "Once I'm done with you, you're going to wish you were on fire instead!!" He shouted, clearly unthreatingly as he threw the snowball at Zephyr, aiming for his face or neck since it was one of the only things not covered by warm clothing.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/5/2020 8:58 PM
It hit Zephyr in the face, and he sneezed, shaking the snow out of his hair. Grinning, he grabbed more snow and stood up. "I lived in Germany, bitch, I'm used to the cold!" he teased as he formed a ball from the snow, throwing it at Gabriel's face. Damn, now he wished aiming at the balls wasn't off-limits, that's probably the only thing that would affect him in the slightest. Then he had a bit of a cheaty idea. All he had to do was get Gabriel on the ground, which would definitely be easier said than done. "I'm winning this, whether you like it or not!" he wasn't really angry, but he was happy and excited.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/5/2020 9:17 PM
Gabriel closed his eyes, unmoving before the ball of snow hit him in the face. He smiled softly and shook his head, the snow falling off his face and onto the ground. He opened his eyes now, looking at Zephyr. Gabriel might of been a bit too confident about this whole thing. "You're so confident! How pathetic, since you're going to loose!" As he said this, he took a snowball out of his pocket and once again pelted it at Zephyr's face. Harder than he had last time.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/5/2020 9:59 PM
As the snowball hit Zephyr in the face, it knocked his glasses off and earned him a sore nose. He instinctively covered his eyes and held out his other hand to call a time out. "Hold on! Hold on!" He exclaimed as he squinted, looking around for them. He couldn't see a damn thing, everything was white. He thought he saw them, but when he picked the thing up it was just a bunch of pine needles. He groaned, damning his eyes.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/6/2020 4:06 AM
Gabriel watched Zephyr as his glasses flew off. Oh, shit. He didn't mean for that to happen. He looked down at the ground where Zephyr's glasses lay, realizing they were pretty close to his foot. As amusing as it was to watch him bumble around looking for his glasses, he knew it'd be a shit show if they broke. "Wait..! Don't move." He shouted in warning before walking over to Zephyr. He crouched down in front of him and picked up his glasses. Standing back up now, he perched the specs back on his nose. "Damnaigh tú féin agus do spéaclaí..!" Gabriel said before lightly chuckling.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/6/2020 5:12 AM
Zephyr chuckled, discreetly taking a snowball out of Gabriel’s coat. He promptly smooshed it into his face, laughing and making another one from the snow on the ground. With this one, he grabbed Gabriel’s sweater and shoved the new snowball underneath his shirt. He couldn’t stop laughing at this point, and didn’t even try to get away. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/6/2020 5:25 AM
"Blah!" Gabriel exclaimed as the snowball spread out across his face, beginning to shake his head wildly back and forth to get the snow off. That was before he felt the cold snow come in contact with the skin of his torso. He immediately stiffened up. "AH! Holy shit!" He said quickly, looking down at his shirt. He didn't expect that at all. After all, he didn't see it coming since there was snow over his eyes. He quickly lifted his shirt up, putting his hand under it before brushing the snow away. Christ, that was cold! Once most of the snow was gone, he pulled his hand out and let go of his shirt. Then, looking up, he glared at Zephyr. "You're going to pay for that!!" He yelled, pulling a snowball out of his other pocket. With his other hand, he grabbed laughing Zephyr's scarf, pulling at it as he pressed the cold ball of snow against his neck.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/6/2020 5:31 AM
Although it was cold, Zephyr still laughed. In fact, he laughed harder at the feeling of the snow. He gently took Gabriel’s wrist and pushed against it a bit, trying to get the snow away from his neck. It was tickling him more than anything, it wasn’t the cold sensation that made him want the snowball off. He put his other hand just on Gabriel’s face, trying to push him away a bit. He was laughing his whole time, clearly having fun.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/6/2020 5:50 AM
Gabriel gave him a bit of a look, almost as if he was crazy. "Why are you laughing?!" He asked, starting to laugh a bit himself. Even more so as Zephyr pushed his hand against his face. He let go of Zephyr's scarf, instead placing his hands around his wrist. He pushed Zephyr's hand away from his face a bit, but, he wasn't really trying at all. He was laughing way too hard too put any strength into it. "You're a fucking nut job!!" Gabriel stated in between laughs.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/6/2020 5:55 AM
Zephyr tried to catch his breath, but he couldn’t as Gabriel began to tease him. He loved this and was having loads of fun, and he slowly grabbed Gabriel’s wrist and held his hand, the laughter slowly dying off as he tried to control himself. Gabriel’s teasing only made it more fun, and he was overwhelmingly happy.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/6/2020 6:10 AM
Gabriel looked down at him as both of their laughter died off. He held onto his hand firmly. Meanwhile, the smile on his face had no bounds. "Is breá liom an méid sin duit.." He said, gazing into his eyes for a moment before his expression filled with mischief. "But, this isn't over yet..!"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/6/2020 6:19 AM
Zephyr looked up at him when he spoke Irish, loving his beautiful words and wishing he knew what they were, though he had an idea of what it was. When Gabriel went back to his mischievous self, though, that’s when he did too. “Weit davon entfernt, meine Liebe,” he replied as he had a very cheaty idea. Zephyr began poking him in an array of different places, searching for a particularly sensitive spot to tickle him with. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/6/2020 6:28 AM
Gabriel didn't know what Zephyr said, but he could definitely hear the mischievous tone in his voice. peered down at Zephyr's fingers as they began jabbing him now. He cocked a brow, a smile still on his face. "What are you doing?..!" He asked, confused, but amused. He took a small step back from him, stiffening up slightly as Zephyr poked his side.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/6/2020 6:35 AM
Zephyr evilly grinned when he saw that reaction, taking another step towards Gabriel with his hands up, clearly ready to start tickling him. This was gonna be beyond fun.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/6/2020 2:34 PM
Gabriel stared at him for a moment, suddenly knowing exactly what he was about to do. "No, I don't think so!" He exclaimed before turning around and starting to run away. He did not want to be tickled.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/6/2020 2:46 PM
Before he could start running, Zephyr grabbed the back of Gabriel’s coat and used all his weight to pull him down, of course pulling himself down as consequence. As he landed underneath his boyfriend, he quickly scrambled away and straddled Gabriel, grabbing the bottom of his shirts and pushing up, exposing his midsection. Grinning just as evilly as before if not more so, he began the tickle torture.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/6/2020 3:19 PM
Honestly, Gabriel wasn't fully expecting that. In the last few weeks around Zephyr, he usually had his guard down. He trusted him, after all. Though, it's situations like these where he should learn to put his guard back up. He landed on his back, the snow crunching loudly under him. Before he even knew what was happening, Zephyr was on top of him. He looked up at him, clearly shocked. As soon as he saw his evil grin, he knew it was over. "NO NO, PLEASE-" He pleaded as Zephyr lifted up his clothing. But it was too late. Almost as soon as his fingers came in contact with his skin, he started laughing obnoxiously. "YOU LITTLE LEECH, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/6/2020 3:24 PM
Zephyr was chuckling, tickling Gabriel to no end. He loved this, he loved Gabriel’s laugh and just wanted to hear it more and more. It was so beautiful to him, so happy. He never wanted it to go away. “Ich liebe dich!” Zephyr nearly yelled in response.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/6/2020 3:34 PM
It wasn't long until Gabriel's sides started to ache from all of his uncontrollable laughter. He pleaded for Zephyr to stop. Really, that was one of the first times he ever pleaded like that in his life. He gradually moved his hands to Zephyr's wrists and gripped them, desperately trying to pry them away.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/6/2020 3:36 PM
Zephyr figured it was time to stop, he didn’t want Gabriel to pee himself. When he started to pry Zephyr’s wrists away, he let him and stopped tickling him, still chuckling. “You have a beautiful laugh,” he cooed as he leaned down and gave Gabriel a soft peck on the lips.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/6/2020 3:50 PM
Gabriel breathed heavily as he stopped laughing, feeling the sweet relief of the end of the torture. More so as Zephyr pecked him on the lips. He smiled weakly up at him, but at the same time, he looked a little pissed. But not in a threatening way. "I've never laughed that much in my life.." He stated to him. "I hated it. I thought this was a snowball fight..!" He sat up now, looking down at Zephyr as he was pretty close to him. Since he was straddling him and all.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/6/2020 3:53 PM
Zephyr was smiling. “It is,” he retorted as he grabbed more formless snow and smooshed it into his face again. He took the limited amount of time he had and quickly got up, not effectively running and face planting into the snow.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/6/2020 4:06 PM
Gabriel growled soon after the snow hit his face. He took his hand and ran it down his face, wiping the cold snow off just in time to see Zephyr trip and fall into the snow. He let out a monsterous laugh, amused as he quickly stood up and went over to him. He scooped up a large sum of snow using both of his hands before crouching down to Zephyr and shoving it under the back of his clothing.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/6/2020 4:18 PM
Zephyr yelped and flipped over, sitting up and brushing the snow out from his clothes. He chuckled at Gabriel’s antics, scooping up a snowball and tossing it at him. He crawled away as much as he could before standing up. He was still smiling and chuckling, loving playing with Gabriel.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/6/2020 4:33 PM
Gabriel chuckled as Zephyr yelped, staring down at him as he tried to get the snow out from his clothes. Gabriel hadn't felt this energetic and happy in a long time. He felt like a kid, the way he was giggling and teasing Zephyr with his antics. He needed this. Gabriel snapped out of his joyful thoughts as he felt the force of the snowball hitting him. "I bet you'll feel like a popsicle by the end of this!" Gabriel teased, pulling the last snowball he had out of his pocket.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/6/2020 4:38 PM
“So will you!” Zephyr playfully challenged him as he made a new snowball, holding it up to prepare to throw it.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/6/2020 5:16 PM
Gabriel laughed at that proposal as he too readied his snowball to fire. "Right!" He said sarcastically before throwing his clump of snow at Zephyr.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/6/2020 5:18 PM
Zephyr smiled and stumbled back as it thunked him in the chest, throwing his snowball in response and hurrying behind a tree, where he gathered more snow. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/6/2020 5:33 PM
The snowball that Zephyr threw hit Gabriel's torso with a soft plat. Of course, he didn't hardly feel anything. He watched now as Zephyr ran behind a tree. "You know, you can't hide forever!" He approached the tree he was hiding behind, glancing up for a second, he got an idea. If Zephyr could cheat, so could he. He walked up to Zephyr now, seeming to be not very threatening. He smiled wickedly as he looked at him, reaching up to a thick tree breach and grabbing it before beginning to shake it wildly. This caused a land slide of snow to come sloping down from the tree right towards Zephyr.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/6/2020 5:37 PM
As Zephyr was covered in snow, he laughed and shook the ice out of his hair, giggling and looking at Gabriel. He kicked the snow away from his feet and got it off of his clothes, giggling like a child the whole time. “Touché,” he said in response to Gabriel cheating.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/6/2020 5:47 PM
Gabriel shook the branch for a few seconds before stopping, watching as Zephyr shook the snow off his body. As he did, he too was giggling to himself. "Are you cold yet?" He asked, still giggling slightly.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/6/2020 5:52 PM
Zephyr was giggling all the same, walking over to Gabriel and loving on him. “Yeah, but you’re warm, and I’ve got you,” he said peacefully as he laid his head on Gabriel’s shoulder. He wrapped his arms around his waist, clearly happy. Sometimes he couldn’t believe how much he loved this man.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/6/2020 6:09 PM
Gabriel kelp a small smile on his face, smiling more as Zephyr snuggled up against him. The snow left in Zephyr's hair felt cold against Gabriel's neck, but he didn't mind. With all of this, once again his guard was down. He sniffled slightly, his nose cold and red from the cold. In an attempt to warm it up, he nuzzled his face into Zephyr's scarf. "I love you..." His voice was muffled.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/6/2020 6:16 PM
"I love you too, Gabriel," Zephyr spoke peacefully. He didn't want to take advantage of Gabriel again, nor did he want to ruin the moment, so he just smiled and took off his scarf, and wrapped it around Gabriel's neck. He smiled at him, gently putting his warm hands on Gabriel's cheeks.Then he heard something interesting: music. Loud music. Like, party loud. He looked in the direction of it, seeing a huge house with tonnes of cars pulling up to it. This was a neighbourhood populated mainly by heroes too, so the party would definitely be a fun one. Zephyr looked back at his boyfriend with a mischievous grin. "How about we go crash a hero's party?"
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/6/2020 6:53 PM
As Zephyr began taking his scarf off, Gabriel moved his head back to look at him. He smiled as he felt the scarf get wrapped around his own neck. The softness of it felt nice against his skin, the feeling of it only more enhanced since he knew Zephyr had previously been wearing it. He leaned into his touch, enjoying the warmth of his hands. He felt so comfortable and so invested in Zephyr's presence that he didn't even notice the loud music at first. As his love looked away from him, he looked in the same direction, partially stepping out of his trance as he focused in on the house in question. Gabriel was thinking the same thing as Zephyr as he looked back at him, smirking to himself before he had even said anything. "That sounds great, Vesper." He said without thinking about it twice.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/6/2020 7:02 PM
Zephyr had a shit-eating grin, as he did plenty of times a day, and said, "Just follow my lead. I can get us in no problem." He grabbed Gabriel's hand and walked over to the other side of the street, smoothing his clothes and combing his hair with his fingers. He hadn't impersonated a hero in years, but it'd be easy with a group this big. "Just pass off like you know these people, brag a lot, and constantly talk about how successful you are. It's beyond easy," Zephyr instructed as he began to walk to the house, excited to do this again.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/6/2020 8:46 PM
Gabriel followed him, walking beside him as he held his hand. He too began making himself look a tad nicer by brushing some of the left over snow off of his coat and running his hand through his hair. He did all of this with his free hand since he didn't want to let go of Zephyr. Once he was done, he looked over at Zephyr as he began to speak. "I'm way ahead of you." He stated, a small smirk once again on his face.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/6/2020 8:53 PM
Zephyr walked to the doors, still holding Gabriel's hand, and flawlessly sweet-talked his way inside, playing it off as if he'd known the person at the door for years. It was fascinating how he did it, giving them a broad smile and building an improvised story off of what they gave him. It didn't even sound like he struggled, as if lying was a breeze. He hardly even addressed Gabriel in the whole conversation, allowing them to slide into the party completely seamlessly. His crowd pleaser side was definitely showing, never letting go of Gabriel's hand regardless of how much he excluded him in his random buttery conversations with the other guests. It was damn near scary how well he could act, he should be the one to go win an Oscar. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/6/2020 9:11 PM
As Zephyr chatted with the strangers, Gabriel just simply observed their conversations. Occasionally, he would shift his attention and look around the house. At the furniture, at the knick knacks, but more importantly at the people. These would be the people he'd be hanging around with for the next few hours. Luckily, he didn't recognize any of them. Or at least the ones that were there at the moment. As he quietly observed, he didn't pay attention to the bullshit conversations Zephyr was having. Though, he was impressed as to how well he was pulling this off. Gabriel wouldn't be surprised if he was creeping out the people Zephyr was talking too, with how silent he was. And frankly he didn't really care. He wasn't really a party person. He sighed to himself lightly before redirecting his gaze to his lover as he spoke. "Do you want anything to drink?" He asked, interrupting the conversation.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/6/2020 10:36 PM
Zephyr retracted from the conversation as it continued without him smiled up at Gabriel, kissing his cheek. “If they don’t have vodka, could you do me a favour and spike eggnog with brandy? They probably have shrimp over there too,” he said happily to his boyfriend.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/6/2020 11:10 PM
Gabriel smiled softly as he kissed his cheek. Good thing he didn't know anybody here, else he wouldn't want to have affection be shown between the two of them... Besides that, his eyes practically lit up at the mention of shrimp. "Will do." He said simply before letting go of his hand and walking into the kitchen. It took him a while to come back, but when he did, he was carrying two glasses. One in one hand that was dark red with quite a few shrimp around the rim of it and two large identical glasses with a clear liquid inside in the other hand. He walked over to Zephyr, reaching the hand with the two glasses out towards him. "Here." He said. "It's almost the whole bottle. I know you're a heavy drinker."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/6/2020 11:15 PM
Zephyr grinned. “Oh bless your soul,” he said as he took one, sipping it like juice. Then, he noticed the absolute monstrosity of a drink Gabriel prepared for himself. “What the fuck is that??” He asked, turning his attention to his partner. He was getting bored of this group of people, and he knew practically everything about their achievements. He didn’t rope Gabriel into the conversation he was having and instead turned away from it all together. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/6/2020 11:29 PM
"Oh, this?" He gestured to the red drink in his hand. "It's a spin on a drink my parents used to make." He stated, then casually took a sip of it. "It's basically an alcoholic shrimp cocktail... It's an acquired taste." That was his fancy way of saying that Zephyr would hate this drink. It should be mentioned that Gabriel was acting a little differently then he did when he was alone with Zephyr. It was similar to how he acted at work. But obviously, he wasn't as aggressive and, well, bossy. Instead, he acted more elegantly and carried himself a bit different.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/6/2020 11:38 PM
Zephyr grimaced at it. God.. shrimp. He was practically itching just looking at them. He looked a bit away, noting the change in Gabriel’s attitude, chalking it up to a change in the environment. He heard a commotion going on in the living room, taking Gabriel by the hand and leading him in there. What he saw made him grin: knives. People doing tricks with knives, to be precise. Now this was something he could do. He talked to a few people that were spectating nearby, learning that the main person doing tricks had a power that involved blades, and this was a competition. He stepped back to Gabriel. “Why don’t you go ahead and jump in there? If you cut yourself the wound will just close. Challenge him to a knife game or something, you could be the life of the party,” he said, sipping the vodka and glancing at Gabriel.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/6/2020 11:55 PM
As they entered the living room, the flashy knife show quickly caught Gabriel's attention. How interesting to be doing this at a Christmas party. He smirked to himself slightly, thinking of how amusing it would be if someone were to get cut. Not for a second did he think of joining in himself, though. He glanced down at Zephyr as walked off, letting go of his hand. No matter, Gabriel put his hands in his coat pockets instead as he watched the knifes reflect light as they moved hastily. All he could hope is that some hero would injure themselves, and he would be there to witness it. He snapped out of it as Zephyr started to talk to him. He could laugh at the suggestion that he made, but instead he rolled his eyes. "I'm too sober for that." He said and took a sip of his drink.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/7/2020 12:02 AM
“Then get drunk and go play. This could be your chance to earn some popularity points. Drink the other glass you made me if you really have to, I wanna see you do this,” Zephyr spoke with a somewhat hushed tone. I’m actuality, he wanted to see Gabriel completely drunk off his shit and cut a finger off. If he could regenerate his brain, he could regenerate a finger.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/7/2020 12:25 AM
Gabriel sighed heavily. If Zephyr really wanted this, he supposed he'd do it. It's not like it was anything important. "Alright, fine. If you insist.." He put his drink to his lips again and downed most of it relatively quickly. The only reason he was able to do this is because most of the alcohol was masked by other flavors. He took the glass away from his mouth, taking his hand and wiping away at his lips to get rid of any residue that might be there. He sighed once again, though lightly this time as he looked at the other glass of vodka in his hand. He hesitated slightly before putting that to his lips too, drinking about a third of it in small increments. He knew that he would get absolutely shit faced in around thirty minutes with all the alcohol he just consumed that quickly. He glanced down at Zephyr as he once again took the rim of the glass away from his mouth. "Happy?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/7/2020 12:36 AM
“Extremely.” He said. Suddenly a guest nearby groaned something along the lines of cursing someone’s existence, and others did the same. Zephyr, confused, followed their eyes to the entrance of the house, seeing a familiar face that made his heart sink. He quietly muttered an “Oh god..” as he made eye contact. Erith had just come abruptly into the party, hanging his coat up and letting his fitting sweater expose is muscles. All of his back bare skin was covered in long, stiff maroon hair. The backs of his hands, his neck, everywhere. His actual hair was quiffed up, giving him an obnoxious jock look. He glanced around the house, catching Zephyr’s eyes. Hey, I recognise that twink, he thought as Zephyr ducked behind the living room wall nearby. He strolled over to him, grinning. “Well if it isn’t Twinkie, been a while huh?” (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/7/2020 1:00 AM
Gabriel by no means was paying attention to the exasperated groans of the party around him. The only thing he was paying attention to at this moment was Zephyr. And where Zephyr's eyes went, Gabriel's followed. He looked at the man in question. Who the fuck was this? He glanced down at Zephyr as he heard him mutter, knowing something wasn't right by how panicked he suddenly looked. Zephyr must have history with this guy... Gabriel looked back up at the guy in question, his brow furrowing in anger as Zephyr went and hid and the jock began approaching. Gabriel took a few steps towards Zephyr, blocking the edge of the living room wall as he stared this guy down. "Who the hell are you calling Twinkie?" Gabriel asked, automatically defensive.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/7/2020 1:09 AM
Zephyr instinctively hid behind Gabriel. Erith. The guy who trapped him in his house because he wouldn’t have sex with him. He had to go through crawl space after crawl space to get away from him. He left that place full of holes from Erith’s spines. Zephyr was already terrified, shaking as he was ducked behind his boyfriend. Erith looked at Gabriel. “Well certainly not you. I recognise your lil friend there.. just on the tip of my tongue.. hmm... was it uhhh.. Vesssperr??? I wanna say Vesper. Still a virgin, Vesper?” He asked with a grin. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/7/2020 1:34 AM
Gabriel glanced back at Zephyr. God, he was so terrified... Gabriel would do everything in his power to get this asshole away from him. He looked back at him now, his fist tightening at his side. What the hell did this guy do to Zephyr? The answer hit him as Erith finished his last sentence. He was the reason Zephyr had that panic attack a few weeks ago, wasn't he? If not, he was certainly one of the guys that treated him like shit. Gabriel's hand twitched a bit as he fought the urge to automatically sock him in the face. "Listen, I know you obviously don't have more than maybe four brain cells at most. But anyone with half that amount of brain would be able to tell when someone wants to be left alone. So, to make it easier for you, being the low-life you are, I'm telling you that you should walk away from this situation. For your own sake~"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/7/2020 1:41 AM
Erith was still grinning. “My own sake? Come on, I just wanna talk to the lil guy. What’s wrong with a conversation? He’s got the wrong idea, he was never a bright bulb if you catch my drift. I’m not trying to cause anything, bro, just wanna have a civil conversation is all. Why you getting so worked up over nothing?” the dickhead explained, smoothing his hair back as it began to stand up. He wasn’t trying to look threatened or defensive, aka like a pussy. “He and I go way back.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/7/2020 1:53 AM
"I don't care if you 'go way back'." Gabriel hissed before glancing at him up and down. "If I throw a stick, will you leave?" He asked, clearly insulting his intelligence as well as making fun of his appearance. (edited)
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/7/2020 1:59 AM
“I’m not a dog, fuckface,” Erith snarled in response, his hairs standing up. He collected himself and grinned again. “I assume you’re the one that tainted him. Sad, I wanted to do that, I bet he’d attach himself to me. Twinks tend to do that after sex, they love on you and treat you like you’re their world, then they leave once it gets boring. Seems he’s still fond of you, what have you been feeding him?” (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/7/2020 2:13 AM
Gabriel was repulsed by his words. What kind of 'hero' treats people like that? Like they're just toys to be played with and then thrown away. "The pure scum of the Earth like you disgust me. Who do you think you are? Again, maybe I didn't make this clear enough for you when I said it the first time. So, I'll simplify it. Leave." His tone was beginning to become threatening and his knuckles white as a raging fire was rapidly growing inside of him.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/7/2020 7:28 AM
Erith just chuckled and rolled his sleeves up. “Clearly I’m not gonna be able to talk to the lil one by being nice. Which is a shame, cause I wasn’t planning on beating someone up. How about we take this outside? We wouldn’t want your blood to stain this beautiful carpet,” Erith said with a condescending tone. His hairs were slowly curling upwards in spiked chunks, trying to contain himself. Zephyr, meanwhile, saw how Gabriel’s body language changed. He was getting so upset.. Zephyr slowly reached down to Gabriel’s hand and gently rubbed the back of it. He was confident he could win against Erith, but there’d still be a lot of blood. He quietly reassured Gabriel, “Gabriel it’s okay, you don’t have to do this.. this is what he wants, please don’t let him bait you..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/7/2020 2:50 PM
Gabriel loosened up a bit at Zephyr's touch. He listened to his words, considering them. Then, he huffed slightly at Erith. "You think I would waist my time fighting a dog like you? Please, I've got better things to do. So why don't you just forget about talking to him and go chase your tail in the snow?" He smirked slightly at the last few words. Previously calling him a canine seemed to really get to Erith. Why wouldn't he keep doing it?
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/7/2020 3:12 PM
Erith's hair slowly began to stand on end, collecting in spikes and hardening like spines. "You call me a fucking dog one more time and you'll become a freshly skewered shish-kebab. You want that, leprechaun?" He asked rhetorically as he clenched his fists and his brow twitched. He was sneering with teeth, and was definitely challenging Gabriel. Zephyr was damn near horrified. That was the face Erith gave him when he said he wanted to go home. Except Zephyr wasn't hiding behind someone then. "Please don't fight.. Gabriel please don't entertain him.. Please don't.." he didn't want to see his boyfriend get ripped to shreds.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/7/2020 3:45 PM
Gabriel nearly laughed. It was hard holding back the urge to throw a punch, but he was doing it for Zephyr's sake. And Zephyr's sake alone. Gabriel seemed to be amused at how pissed off Erith was starting to get. But his expression fell slightly when he called him a Leprechaun. Gabriel held his hands behind his back for further restraint. But then again, there would be no consequence that Gabriel could see if he were to fight him. After all, he would win. And he'd get too see Erith on the ground, bloodied and beaten. He smirked at that thought. "As much as I'd love to see you whimper, as I previously stated, I have better things to do."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/7/2020 3:54 PM
"'Better things to do,' is just your prissy rich boy way of saying, 'I'm a fucking pussy, and you'd definitely win in a fight.' It's okay, man, I understand. It's not like you'd win, not when you have that twink begging you to stop. Oh, by the way, lil guy.." Erith said as he stepped closer and had a menacing grin, staring down at Zephyr. "I don't care that you're not a virgin anymore. You're still mine. The mark's gone, but the memory is still there." Zephyr shrank behind Gabriel even more, not wanting to remember that. Dear god, why did he let him do that? He teared up at the thought, balling up the fabric of Gabriel's coat in fear.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/7/2020 4:19 PM
The previously dampard fire burning inside Gabriel suddenly flared up, engulfing his mind. This wasn't because he had called him a pussy, no, it was the way he had just spoke to Zephyr. And the moment Zephyr teared up, even though Gabriel couldn't see the water in his eyes... That was his breaking point. Gabriel drew his hand back, forming it into a fist as he plummeted it as hard as he could right into Erith's jaw.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/7/2020 5:28 PM
"AH FUCK!!" Erith screamed as he held his jaw. Some people around let out a collective oof, and some came over from other rooms to check it out. Erith glared daggers at Gabriel. "Oh you're going to fucking PAY FOR THAT!!" he cried as spikes flared up on his arms. He delivered a sharp right hook to Gabriel's cheek, even the hairs on his knuckles being small spikes. Almost immediately afterwards, he stormed over to Zephyr. Zephyr gasped, looking terrified for Gabriel. He reached out to him, but yelped in pain as Erith grabbed his hair. He was whimpering, looking at Erith with complete and utter terror in his eyes.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/7/2020 6:07 PM
Gabriel stumbled back a bit, but didn't fall over. His cheek had several small holes in it from the punch, each one of them trickling out blood. But Gabriel quickly recovered, grinning wildly as he glared back over at Erith, the small holes on his cheek quicking closing up. Though, his expression fell once again as he saw Erith grab hold of Zephyr's hair. "HEY! LET GO OF HIM, THIS IS BETWEEN YOU AND ME!!" Gabriel roared, quickly storming back over to Erith.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/7/2020 6:17 PM
Erith grabbed Zephyr's neck with his left, his huge hand quickly closing Zephyr's wind pipe. With his right, he guarded, the spikes on his forearm making an offensive defense. He began to slowly back up towards a back door, dragging the small, squirming scientist with him as he desperately clawed for air. He wanted to take this outside, it'd be easier and it'd cause a hell of a lot less damage to the house. He opened the door with his leg. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/7/2020 6:32 PM
"You call yourself a hero?! Pathetic! I'll make sure you're out of a job after this!!" Gabriel threatened as he followed, looking at Zephyr with a hint of worry in his eyes. There was nothing he could do to help him right now. He was concerned if he were to go at Erith, Erith would further harm Zephyr. And that was the last thing he wanted. As they walked outside, Gabriel wiped the blood off of his cheek with his coat sleeve. He was so ready to tear this guy limb from limb. Once they were outside, Gabriel spoke up again. "Alright, we're where you want to be, now let him go."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/7/2020 6:50 PM
Erith considered not doing so, but he needed both of his arms to fight. He threw Zephyr into the snow next to Gabriel, not caring about his well-being. He put his fists back up and stood in a good position. "You say that as if I don't know the little twerp is a villain. I figure you are as well, if you're dating or whatever. You're lucky I don't expose you to that entire party." Zephyr, as soon as he landed in the snow, flipped onto his back and scooted away from the fight, shaking and crying, holding his neck. It'd be bruised the next day. He was hyperventilating, holding his head and rocking in the snow, scared out of his mind.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/7/2020 7:05 PM
Gabriel looked down at Zephyr as he plopped down next to him. At least he was physically alright. He kept an eye on Zephyr as he scooted away offering him a bit of reassurance in his expression. He made sure he was decently far away from the two of them before drawing his attention back to Erith, bringing his fists up in front of him. "Even if you did, do you think anyone would believe you? You've caused more harm to this party than the two of us combined. We've done nothing wrong."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/7/2020 7:12 PM
Erith, in preparation for this fight getting really messy, took his shirt off and let all of the hair on his back stand in spikes. The longest could easily go through a person. He grinned, putting up his dukes and slowly advancing towards Gabriel. "As soon as I get the twinkie to cough that info up, you guys will be dead in two minutes. He'll talk, as soon as I... ruffle his feathers if you catch my drift," he said with clear malicious intent.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/7/2020 7:32 PM
Gabriel didn't show a hint of fright. In fact, he let out a short laugh. Gabriel? Dead? He didn't think so. "If you think you're going to get anywhere near him again, you've got another thing coming." Gabriel stated as he stood there, waiting for Erith to come to him. He was more than ready for this.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/7/2020 7:38 PM
Erith grinned, eventually getting Close to Gabriel, blocking with a shield of spines. "Then maybe I don't waste my breath fighting with you. Maybe I just kill the brat instead. Don't kid yourself, nobody can love a lump of garbage like that. Admit it, you don't love him at all. I don't blame you."
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/7/2020 8:37 PM
As Erith stood there blocking, Gabriel analyzed the parts of his body that didn't have spikes. Face, sides, stomach, and legs. Well, he probably did have spikes on his legs, but they weren't activated right now. Okay, so the things he wanted to avoid were his back, sides of his arms, and his neck. He wasn't too worried about his knuckles since the spikes there were only the size of pins. Blows from that would heal over in an instant. "I think you might of got it a bit mixed up there, canine. You must be talking about yourself~" He mocked him before leaning back and too the side slightly, quickly raising his leg to side kick Erith in the stomach.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/7/2020 9:24 PM
Erith couldn't dodge it and was knocked back, growling and getting on all fours, his back spikes completely raised. He looked at Zephyr, weighing his options on what to do. He could go for Zephyr and fuck him up, or he could take down the big guy that clearly knew how to fight. You could see the thought process, and Gabriel probably knew what he was thinking just by looking at him.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/7/2020 9:50 PM
And indeed he could, Gabriel glanced over at Zephyr for a moment. Worried that if Erith went for him, there was a chance he could be torn to shreds. Of course, Gabriel would do anything in his power to stop that from happening. He looked back at Erith, not wanting to take his eyes off of him for long. "Leech! Go inside!!" He yelled his order, hoping Zephyr had enough of a clear mind in order to hear him. Gabriel slowly walked up closer to Erith now, chuckling quietly. "You know, you look like a small, helpless hedgehog when you're down on all fours like that.. Would you maybe like to prove me wrong?" He mocked again, trying to keep Erith focused on him.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/7/2020 10:58 PM
Erith lunged at Zephyr as he scrambled to get up. Tackling him, Erith trapped him and himself in a ball of spikes. Instead of punching him, he solidified the spikes on his hand and dragged them down his face, earning him dozens of small claw wounds. Zephyr screamed as his happened, trying to get free to no avail. He started crying for help.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/7/2020 11:53 PM
Gabriel quickly reacted as Erith started to move, running as fast as he could over to Zephyr. But he was too late, Erith had already trapped he and Zephyr in a large spikey ball. Gabriel stopped in front of them, not expecting this. Fuck!! How was he going to get through? He started thinking of all the possibilities, but was interrupted as he heard the panicked cries of Zephyr from inside. It was no longer time to think, but to act. Gabriel placed his shoe on the ball, practically stomping on it. Putting two of his hands on one of the biggest spikes, he pulled on it. It was made out of hair, it had to be able to break, right? To his slight surprise, it completely snapped in half and went limp in his hands. He quickly shook it off, looking at the furry blank spot on the ball. Not even thinking about it, Gabriel reached into his inner breast pocket. He stayed like that for a moment before realizing he didn't have what he was looking for: his butterfly knife. He growled softly to himself, instead opting for his fist as he went to punch the open spot.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/8/2020 12:02 AM
Erith felt the hair spike snap as it went limp. He growled and opened it, still over Zephyr. He was growling like a rabid dog, low to the ground and glaring up at Gabriel. He was baring his teeth as well as he sneered, “Get outta here, fuckface! I’m settling some unfinished business!” He glared at Zephyr. He was bleeding heavily from the cheek and neck, whimpering. Zephyr was even paler than he usually was, petrified and unable to fight back. He held his hair in front of his eyes, shaking.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/8/2020 12:19 AM
Gabriel's eyes immediately went to Zephyr as the ball opened. He dropped his fist back down to his side, though he kept his guard up. As he looked at Zephyr, he immediately noticed the bright red liquid running down his face and neck. He looked back at Erith now, a fire blazing in the forests of his eyes. "So am I." Without hesitation, he took a step towards Erith and swung his foot, aiming to kick him as hard as he could right in the ribs.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/8/2020 12:31 AM
Erith definitely got knocked back, rolling a bit away and groaned. Slowly he stood up, looking done. “Okay, pretty boy. You wanna play like that? Fine.” Erith, barely not stepping on Zephyr as he walked to Gabriel, raised his hand in a backhand to slap him across the face, which would hurt like hell if it connected.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/8/2020 12:59 AM
As soon as his foot came in contact with Erith, he put it back down on the ground. With the few seconds he had before Erith got up, Gabriel crouched down next to Zephyr. He put a hand on his neck, right over where the scratches were. "Vesper, I can handle this guy. I want you to go back inside, alright? They can tend to your wounds." His words were call, but still rushed... Since the wound on Zephyr's neck wasn't too bad, it healed quickly. He took his now bloodied hand away, standing up now as Erith began to walk towards them. Gabriel quickly took a small step in front of Zephyr, protecting him as Erith raised his hand to slap him. Gabriel, not having enough time to block, did get hit. The small tac like hairs scrapping along his cheek. He looked back at Erith, his skin stinging like hell from the slap. But the deep small scratches hardly fazed him as they healed up in a matter of seconds. Gabriel smirked wildly at Erith as he made eye contact, once again readying his fists.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/8/2020 10:25 PM
Erith mirrored Gabriel’s look as he took off his pants, allowing the hairs on his legs to turn into spikes. He looked more like a werewolf than a porcupine. He put up his dukes again, and said with a grin, “You know, that lil twink is mine. He gave himself to me and I gladly took a piece. He doesn’t have a scar, now it’s just an indent, and I hate that. But he still let me do it to him. He hardly resisted at all, but he backed out soon after. The little coward ran from me when he gave himself to me. He is mine and I want him back. We both know you don’t actually care about him. Just hand him over. I’ll even pay ya.” Zephyr, by this time, was already inside. He’d locked himself in the upstairs bathroom, tending to other wounds and scrapes. Warming up, he took a vial off of his belt and held it in a bare hand, watching the fight from a window.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/8/2020 10:49 PM
Gabriel heard Zephyr's footsteps from behind him, running towards the house. Good, at least he was safe. Now he could royally kick this guy's ass without worrying too much about Zephyr. Gabriel glanced down at Erith's now spikey legs. Note to self, avoid his legs as much as possible. A kick from those would hurt like hell. He looked back up, his guard still high as he listened to what he had to say. He didn't know whether he was speaking in the metaphorical sense or not. Either way, he wasn't having it. "If I didn't care about him, I wouldn't be fighting you. Do you really think I'd hand him over just for a measly amount of cash?" He sneered before throwing a punch at the front of Erith's neck.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/8/2020 11:17 PM
Erith barely managed to block the hit, and the force of Gabriel’s fist hitting his still smacked his neck anyways. He coughed, his block weakening, but still he wouldn’t shut up. “I literally took a piece of him. A nice juicy chunk. He’s mine. And nobody else’s,” he said with the same level of conviction as before. He moved away a bit, standing in a way that could kick Gabriel with loads of force if he got close. “Give him to me and nobody gets hurt, bro. I’m warning you.” (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/8/2020 11:45 PM
Gabriel gritted his teeth together as Erith blocked his hit. He pulled his hand away, his knuckles pricked and bleeding before they healed over in about a second or less. Gabriel's upper lip twitched a bit as he heard his words. What a sick fuck. He was surprised Zephyr even managed to escape. But glad he did. As Erith moved back, Gabriel moved to the side. "We're past the time for warnings. The only thing you'll be getting is a funeral That nobody shows up too."
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/8/2020 11:53 PM
~Time Skip brought to you by Erith the Hedgehog being a Bitch Ass Mother Fucker. I'm going to go piss on the moon.~
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/9/2020 12:14 AM
Gabriel slowly approached Erith as he was knocked to the ground, a wicked grin on his face. The look in his eyes almost seemed to scream 'I told you so.' He chuckled at the poor little hedgehog who was missing quite a lot of spikes. Especially on his arm. The poor thing must be exhausted by now. Meanwhile, Gabriel was covered in blood. Yet, there was not a scratch on him. His trench coat was littered with holes, mostly in the arms. Quite sad, he'd have to buy a new one. "You know, poodle, you put up a good fight. Almost a shame that it's over now." He crouched down beside him, his eyes filled with malice intent as he grabbed Erith's nearly spikeless arm. He gripped his wrist firmly and put his own arm under his elbow, pushing up on it. "You know, you're lucky I forgot to bring my pocket knife with me today..." He sighed lightly. "This ending here would of been far more drawn out if that was the case.. oh well." He pushed down as hard as he could on Erith's wrist. With that, a loud crack could be heard.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/9/2020 12:27 AM
Erith was breathing heavily and laying in the snow, beat to a pulp and barely able to move anymore. As Gabriel grabbed his wrist, he whimpered, tensing up as pressure was applied. He really did just look like a helpless child now, and completely terrified. But as the tendons and cartilage in his arm began to break, stretch and snap, he started to plead with Gabriel, knowing full well nothing would come of it. When the final break came, though, he let out a long scream, and passed out due to sheer overwhelming pain. As Zephyr saw the battle finally come to a close, he put the vial back on his belt and ran downstairs, pushing through the crowd of people surrounding the glass doors and windows. He yanked it open and ran over to Gabriel, somehow not tripping like he usually did. He wrapped him in a strong hug, scared for him. Zephyr looked up at him, licking his own thumb and rubbing it against Gabriel’s cheek to start to get the blood off. “I love you.. I love you..” he repeated over and over, clearly worrying his little heart out.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/9/2020 12:53 AM
Erith's pained screaming was almost like music to his ears. He had this coming, and Gabriel was satisfied that he was the one to deliver it. Standing up now, he ran his fingers through his hair. Tidying it up a bit as he peered down at Erith's unconscious body. If he was alone without a party of people watching him, Gabriel would kill Erith right here right now. But he simply wasn't able to do that right now. He was masquerading as a hero after all. And the arm break was already pushing it. Gabriel took a deep breath, glancing over at the door as it opened. As soon as he saw who it was, he went to turn and face him. Though, he was wrapped in a tight hug before he could fully do that. Gabriel looked down at him, the fire burning inside quickly going out. He smiled softly to himself as Zephyr began to clean him off. "I love you too, Leech." He said to him, just once. "Are you alright..?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/9/2020 1:00 AM
“No! I’m not alright! I had to watch you get beaten up and bloody, and I couldn’t help you, I was just sitting there!” He sighed. “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up. Are you tipsy yet? Cause I sure as hell am,” Zephyr rambled as he took Gabriel inside. Some people walked outside, presumably to deal with Erith. Nobody seemed upset with him getting beaten to shit, and a few were even giving Gabriel smiles of approval. It didn’t seem like anyone liked Erith. Zephyr took Gabriel to the downstairs bathroom, and wet a washcloth. He began wiping the blood off of his boyfriend, looking deeply concerned. “I love you, Bree. But you didn’t need to get in a fight for my sake. He’s not.. that.. bad..” Zephyr trailed off, clearly lying.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/9/2020 1:20 AM
Gabriel paused, then nodded at him slightly. He hadn't even noticed the light buzz of the alcohol kicking in. He was too focused on the fight. Gabriel put his bloodied hands in his pockets as he followed behind Zephyr and into the house. To the people that gave him smiles, he offered small smiles back. He always had liked praise... Gabriel stood against the wall in the bathroom, shrugging his coat off of his shoulders as Zephyr wetted a washcloth. Under his coat was a brown sweater vest. Not really Gabriel's style, but it was more practical. He looked down at Zephyr, feeling the warm cloth against his skin. He gave him a bit of a reassuring smile in response to his worried look. "Don't kid yourself. I've been in worse fights. I'm just glad you're alright.. Here, let me heal your scratches." He said as he raised a hand to Zephyr's cheek, cupping it lightly.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/9/2020 1:27 AM
Zephyr leaned into his touch, letting him work on his wounds as he cleaned Gabriel up. He continued to wet the washcloth periodically, eventually getting most of the blood off of his face. Then, he took Gabriel’s empty hand and began to wipe that down too. He hoped Gabriel wouldn’t ask about the claiming business Erith spoke about, but had to reassure Gabriel. “Bree, I’m yours, and nobody else’s. I don’t belong to him and I never will, he’s just mad that I got away from him. You’ve claimed me and I accept it, I’m yours okay? I promise. I love you tonnes,” he said, looking up at Gabriel with big eyes, finishing that hand. He gently took Gabriel’s wrist and out the clean hand on his other cheek, taking the bloodied one off and washing it as well. “Also.. a sweater vest? I didn’t peg you as that kinda guy,” he teased, trying to lighten the mood.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/9/2020 1:38 AM
As Zephyr cleaned, Gabriel just watched quietly as he healed his love. Though, as Zephyr began to speak, he looked up from the washcloth action and into his eyes instead. "I know, Vesper. I know.." He said, sighing lightly. Then that sigh turned onto a bit of a chuckle as Zephyr mentioned his vest. "I didn't plan to take my coat off. Having three layers of sleeves just isn't comfortable."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/9/2020 1:46 AM
Zephyr finished washing Gabriel off, he wrung out the cloth and hung it up, careful to get all of the blood out of it. “I wooore like—- ssseven layers as a kid??” Zephyr slurred a bit. The alcohol was clearly settling in at this point, and he walked over to the door, a tad wobbly. Opening it, he looked back at Gabriel and grinned. “Come on, lets go back. Youuu can play that knife game nowww~.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/9/2020 2:04 AM
Gabriel laughed at him a bit before sitting up straight from the wall. He put his hands together, bending his fingers until they cracked. "Right, sure.." He followed him out of the bathroom, forgetting to grab his coat from off the floor. Oh well... It was amusing to see Zephyr drunk, though, it's not like Gabriel was any more sober. "God, you're so cute.." He said to Zephyr with a smile.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/9/2020 2:09 AM
Zephyr rolled his eyes, walked back into the bathroom, and grabbed Gabriel’s coat for him. He got back over to him, shoving the coat at him sloppily, definitely drunk. “Drrrropped this you heckin’ clutz,” he slurred as he contemplated what Gabriel said, “wait.. noooooooo you’re the cute one.” He lazily grabbed Gabriel’s hand and took him over to where they were playing the knife games. He talked to the guy who apparently had a blade-related power, and was handed a tactical knife. Zephyr held it out to Gabriel, red in the face with a woozy smile. Yep, he was drunk. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/9/2020 2:22 AM
Gabriel looked down at the coat, taking a moment to process before gently grabbing it. He looked at Zephyr. "... I don't want this." He muttered softly to himself, but then put it on, not wanting to just leave it on the floor. He rolled his eyes at Zephyr slightly as he called him cute, but decided not to say anything. Before he knew it, Zephyr grabbed his hand and lead him to the living room. Where he was soon being handed a knife. He peered down at the shiny blade, processing before taking it. The alcohol was surely bogging down his mind. Holding the knife in his hands, he smiled at the woozy Zephyr. "I love you... I'm only doing this for you." He stated, referring to the knife game he was about to take part in.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/9/2020 2:34 AM
“I lllove you too~”Zephyr grinned and kissed his cheek. “If yooouu win without cutting a fffinger off, you’ve got a fun time aheeead of you~~” he said with a slight sing-song tone in his voice. He had a cheeky grin, and was definitely drunk flirting with Gabriel. He was giving him a total DTF look, and was definitely insinuating that he’d have sex with him if he won. It was beyond easy to tell. He winked at Gabriel, and sat down in an empty chair near him.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/9/2020 2:54 AM
Gabriel blushed a bit when Zephyr gave him a light peck on the cheek. Even so, his blush only deepened as Zephyr flirted with him. By the time he sat down, Gabriel's face was full read. "Haaaaaaah-" He breathed. He didn't really care about this before. But now? He had to win. Gabriel sat down at a table and glanced around a bit as he readied his knife above his hand. For being drunk, his hand was still steady.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/9/2020 3:05 AM
Zephyr was grinning wildly, watching as everyone that was playing began precariously stabbing the table in between their fingers. He was mainly looking at Gabriel, watching him and silently rooting for him. In all honesty, even if he did fail, he’d probably have sex with him anyways.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/9/2020 3:28 AM
Gabriel stared down at his hand as he begun. If he was doing this normally, he wouldn't have a care in the world. But right now, he looked a little nervous as he stabbed in between his fingers because this time he was drunk. And sex was on the line. As they began to pick up the pace, Gabriel looked just as scared as everyone else at the table. Really, he really shouldn't have anything to worry about. If he were to cut himself, he'd just rege- "AH FUCK!" He suddenly yelled in agony. Blood was absolutely pouring out of his finger. He quickly covered it with his other hand, standing up from the chair with such force that he knocked it over. Maybe he was over reacting a little. He'd experienced much greater pain than this before. And his finger was already starting to heal and grow back.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/9/2020 7:09 AM
Zephyr watched Gabriel as he played, finding this rather therapeutic. But when he hit his finger, Zephyr’s eyes went wide. He darted his eyes around, looking for something to help. Aha! There were tissues on the opposite side of the room. He quickly stood up and shakily hurried over, grabbing the box. He rushed over to Gabriel and took out a massive wad of tissues, putting them on the stump. Using his other hand, he fumbled around with his extractor, loading a cartridge into it and putting a clean needle on it. It would slow the bleeding, if not stop it, and Zephyr hovered through point above the vein in Gabriel’s wrist, ready to poke.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/9/2020 7:49 AM
Drunken Gabriel looked at Zephyr as he did this, panic in his eyes. Though he was bleeding quite heavily, it wouldn't last much longer. Using a whole cartridge of fluid on it would be wasteful. Even so, Gabriel didn't think about that. He just didn't want to get stabbed with a needle. He pulled away from him, holding the tissue wad on his finger. "No, No! It's fine! Everything's fine. Calm the fuck down!!"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/9/2020 8:49 AM
Zephyr understood Gabriel had it under control, and slowly put his gun away, shooing away people that came over to help. “Do you want to go wash again?” he asked, his drunken voice soaked with concern. He gave Gabriel new tissues and took the old ones away.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/9/2020 8:56 AM
"Hnnggg.. yeah- I can do it myself though." He said, a little bit of water welling up in his eyes from the pain. The sensation of his finger gradually regenerating was weird to say the least. He couldn't describe it if he tried. Especially not while intoxicated. Holding the tissues against his hand, he began trudging his way to the bathroom.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/9/2020 9:02 AM
Zephyr followed him, a hand on his back to comfort him. “I’m ssssorry, I shouldn’t have made you d-do that when you’re drunk—“ he said, looking down. He opened the bathroom door for Gabriel, running warm water from the sink.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/9/2020 9:30 AM
"I-It's okay.." Gabriel reassured, though he sounded like he was about to sob. He entered the bathroom with his head down, walking over to the sink. He held his hands over it, leading down to rest his arms on the edge. Once he took the wad of tissues off, they could both see his severed ring finger as it slowly regenerated. By now, it was already a little more than half way done. Just the top portion to go. Gabriel peered down at it for a moment before looking over at Zephyr. "Can.. Can we still cuddle? I want hold..."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/9/2020 9:35 AM
Zephyr looked over, fascinated at Gabriel's regeneration. He stood next to him, watching as his finger grew back in the same condition it was in before. It was amazing to him, how well Gabriel's body could handle his power. He was snapped out of his trance when Gabriel spoke to him. He gave him a soft smile and gently rubbed his arm. "We can still have sex if you want. I don't care that you lost that stupid game, I just wanted to see if you could do it," he reassured Gabriel.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/9/2020 9:46 AM
Gabriel leaned over into Zephyr's touch a bit, his mood automatically perking up as he started speaking. He looked at him, eyes sparkling with hope. "Really?!" He sounded shocked. Just like a little kid.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/9/2020 9:57 AM
Zephyr chuckled at how excited he was. "Yep, really~" he said with that DTF look returning. "How about we go do that--" Zephyr shut off the water and snaked his hands into Gabriel's hair, balling it up a bit, "--right now?~" he tugged a bit, and looked at him with half-lidded eyes, biting his lip. Yeah, he was definitely turned on. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/9/2020 10:28 AM
Gabriel flushed wildly, completely submitting himself to Zephyr. He gave him a wobbly smile, his excitement only increasing. "Yes, my love..." Anything that Zephyr wanted of him right now, he'd do it. "Do you... Want to do it here?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/9/2020 10:40 AM
Zephyr weighed his options. If they fucked in the bathroom, people could bang on the door if it's locked and demand to use it. Zephyr shook his head and took Gabriel's hand, walking out and around the house until he found a storage closet in a secluded area. He opened the door and looked inside. It was big enough for both of them to stand in comfortably. Zephyr pulled Gabriel inside, turned on the light and shut the door. "I've waited all night for this..~" he said in a voice that was dripping in lust. He took off his coat, sweater and gloves, folding them up and putting them on a nearby shelf. Now he was down to one layer of clothing. He still had that wanton look on his face, definitely ready for this.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/9/2020 11:06 AM
Gabriel followed Zephyr around like a little puppy following it's owner. As Zephyr found the closet, he looked inside. Hm, alright. This wasn't bad at all. Not like he would complain if it was. He was just happy to be doing this. As Zephyr pulled him inside, he stumbled a little before catching himself. He looked at his lover with dreamy eyes as he spoke, letting out a loving sigh. Gabriel reached for the scarf that Zephyr had put around his neck earlier that day, gently taking it off and holding it in his hand as he reached for his coat now, peeling it off before throwing it on the nearby shelf along with the scarf. He did the same with his sweater vest, watching Zephyr all the while with a flustered expression. He put a hand on the side of his neck. "Vesper.. I love you~"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/9/2020 11:19 AM
"I love you too..~" he breathily spoke. He could hardly contain himself and was extremely eager to do this. Zephyr took off his button-up and his pants, giving his Gabriel a chance to take his off as well before gently grabbing his hair again and guiding his head to the mark on his neck, wanting him to work on it. "God..~ you drive me crazy..~" he said with a lustful whine in his voice, his excitement showing down below. "How do you do that so easily..?~"
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/9/2020 3:40 PM
Gabriel, surprisingly enough, unbuttoned his button-up shirt pretty fast even though he was drunk as hell. He would be able to do it even faster if he was sober. He was practically a master at buttoning and unbuttoning buttons. Skills aside, he had just gotten his pants on top of the shelf when Zephyr grabbed his hair, pulling on it. He whined softly before looking down at his neck, and the prized mark just below his jaw. He smirked to himself before gently kissing it, nipping at it every so often. He rested for a moment, taking a chance to speak as he wormed his arms around Zephyr's waist. "Heh.. it's because I'm absolutely smoking, my little Pogchamp~"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/9/2020 3:53 PM
Zephyr put his hands on Gabriel’s chest and pushed a bit, on the verge of bursting into laughter as he processed that sentence. “Did you jus—“ he could only get those words out before he began to die of laughter, absolutely asphyxiating as he grabbed a shelf behind him for balance. He couldn’t, he really couldn’t. ’My little pogchamp,’ did Gabriel even know what that meant?? Oh god that was fucking hilarious. And the way he said it— Zephyr couldn’t handle it and began wheezing, tears of laughter streaming down his face.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/9/2020 4:00 PM
Gabriel leaned away from his neck, standing up straight as he gave him a confused look. Why... Why was he laughing? "What?? I-.. was it something I said?" He was absolutely clueless. Even so, as Zephyr began laughing harder, Gabriel started to chuckle a bit. "Why are we laughing???"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/9/2020 4:27 PM
He couldn't help it, he just leaned on Gabriel with all of his weight, grabbing his shoulders and wheezing from laughter. He couldn't breathe, let alone speak. He couldn't get over the fact that Gabriel had called him his little pogchamp without knowing what it meant. He began to calm down when he realized Gabriel had probably put time into researching cute names to call him. That was so sweet of him. Zephyr looked up at Gabriel with loving eyes, still chuckling. "Did you look up cute names to call a boyfriend? Is that where you got that?"
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/9/2020 4:40 PM
Gabriel moved his foot back slightly to keep balance as Zephyr started to lean on him. Continuing to laugh, Gabriel looked down at him. He chuckled softly before speaking as the laughing came to a close. "Yeah... Why?" He sounded a little embarrassed. It was obvious to him now that maybe that wasn't necessarily a good name to use in moments like this. "I'll just stick with Leech from now on..." He muttered.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/9/2020 4:56 PM
Zephyr smiled. God, that was adorable. "That's so sweet of you. You put time into researching it, that's really cute. Maybe call me that later, when we're at home. And sober," Zephyr said as he kissed Gabriel's cheek. Then, his face changed to be far more mischievous. He used one finger to push Gabriel against the door and was grinning. With a sly tone he taunted, "If you're gonna stick with Leech, I'm your leech. Say it." He guided Gabriel's head to the mark again.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/9/2020 5:11 PM
Gabriel smiled at the praise, feeling as though he did a good job. He would definitely call him that again at home once he remembered this. Though, he might not want to say it when he's sober. As Gabriel felt the wooden door against his back, he snapped out of his fluffy feelings and got back to the situation at hand. He peered down at Zephyr, blushing all the while as he was once again was lead to his mark. He let out a shakey breath. "You're my Leech~.." He stated with confidence, his warm breath grazing Zephyr's skin. He smiled softly to himself for a moment before sinking his teeth into the prized mark.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/9/2020 5:35 PM
Zephyr grinned and let out a husky breath, trailing his hands down from Gabriel's chest to his waistband. "Tonight, you take orders from me. I'm still yours, but tonight you're mine. Repeat it, Bree. Repeat it." As he spat out this command, he slipped his fingers into Gabriel's underwear and dug his nails into the skin near the hilt of his member. He began to knead his fingers into said skin, piercing it. Zephyr was taunting him. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/9/2020 6:21 PM
Gabriel let out a soft whine, Zephyr's taunt just making him more excited. And it showed. "I'm yours, Leech.. I'm yours. Do whatever you want with me..." He firmly obeyed his lover, kissing just below his jaw before biting at it again. God, he could hardly stand it. It's not like he didn't like being teased, but... "Leech.. could you touch it... Please?" He whispered. (edited)
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/9/2020 6:35 PM
Zephyr hummed, slipping Gabriel's underwear off and gazing at his member with satisfaction. He moved both of his hands so that they encircled it, but he never touched it. He was taunting him again, and let out a deep chuckle. "You don't deserve it quite yet, my Bree. Take my underwear off first, but don't you even think about touching me or yourself. Look me in the eyes while you're doing it."
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/9/2020 7:02 PM
Gabriel let out a small hastey breath as Zephyr slid his underwear off. He looked down, his member bouncing up to greet Zephyr. As he continued to tease, Gabriel felt as though he could cry. God, he craved stimulation. He needed it. He looked back up at Zephyr, and into his eyes with a pouty expression. Yet, he did what he was told. He moved his hands to Zephyr's waist band, shoving his fingers inside and pushing down. All the while, he continued to look into his lover's eyes. Even though he really wanted to look down at Little Vesper.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/9/2020 8:00 PM
Zephyr gave him a soft smile. "Very good. Perfect, in fact. I'd normally keep taunting you, but for that, you get a reward. Keep looking at me. If your eyes wander I'm going to stop. You're not allowed to look at anything but me. You're not allowed to think of anything else but me. I am your world. I am the centre of the universe. Do you understand?" At this point he had a wild, almost insane look in his eye and a menacing, possessive grin. "*I am your god.*" He gripped Gabriel's hair and began to push his head downwards, almost as if he was daring him to break eye contact. "Repeat it. REPEAT IT." (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/9/2020 8:22 PM
As Zephyr began, Gabriel felt proud of himself. He smiled softly back at him. As he carried on, he continued to obey. Keeping eye contact, his jade eyes glued to his diamond ones. Though with all the orders Zephyr was giving, the proudness he felt in himself was washed over with an overwhelmed sense. The proudness completely deteriorated as he saw the terrifying look in Zephyr's eyes. He didn't know he had this in him... Gabriel let out a small cry as the force of Zephyr's hand began pushing his head down. He began to panic slightly, fighting to keep his head up as he looked at Zephyr. His will was strong, even when like this. He wouldn't loose this time. "You're my world, Vesper..! The center of my whole universe, I rotate around you..! You're my one and only god!!"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/9/2020 8:43 PM
Zephyr noticed the change in Gabriel's attitude. If he liked that type of treatment, he probably wouldn't have fought against the pressure. He'd turn down the godplay, if not stop it completely. He wanted to push boundaries, not break them, but dear lord this was amazing. Zephyr stopped pushing on Gabriel's head, letting out a moan when he repeated those words. "Fhhuck.. you're such a good boy..~ Following my every order like a law..~" Zephyr cooed at Gabriel with half lidded eyes. The insanity in them had quickly died down, Gabriel obviously didn't like it. Now, they were filled with love and satisfaction, and it wasn't fake. "So obedient, like a cute, sweet puppy..~ I'll give you an even better reward, but you still have to look at me like the good boy you are. You're allowed to touch me anywhere but down there. But you have to look at me, okay?"
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/9/2020 9:06 PM
As Zephyr stopped forcing his head down, Gabriel was relieved. He let out a shakey sigh, standing back up straight as Zephyr moaned. He smiled weakly, just glad that he did a good job and that Zephyr was pleased. Seeing his expression turn back to 'normal' was also nice. Gabriel looked back at him with an equally loving look. He nodded after he got his orders, loving the praise he was given. "Alright.." He replied, biting his lower lip slightly. The anticipation of his reward was killing him.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/9/2020 9:17 PM
Zephyr, still looking at him, slowly came closer. Eventually, he took both of their members in one hand, rubbing them against each other and stroking them with the other hand. He restrained a moan and bit his lip, but his eyes didn't leave Gabriel's. "You're doing so good, puppy..~ If you're an especially good boy I have a treat in mind for you. If you keep going like this, you'll get there in no time..~" Zephyr said with a barely restrained moan. Under his breath, he muttered, "God you feel so good.."
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/9/2020 9:36 PM
Gabriel let out a hitched breath at the sensation, his eyes widening slightly. "Hhh.. fuck..." He moaned slightly under his breath, biting down hard on his lip now. Normally he would hate being called something cute like puppy. But right now, he was enjoying it. He moved his hands to the back of Zephyr's hair, tugging on a few strands as he fiddled with it. He leaned in closer, eventually pressing his lips against Zephyr's. He figured if he was kissing him, he wouldn't be as inclined to look down. Gabriel closed his eyes, hoping this was allowed.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/9/2020 9:57 PM
Zephyr thought for a second whether or not to punish Gabriel, but he decided against it, accepting the kiss and closing his eyes as well. He pulled away, opening his eyes and looking directly into Gabriel's again. Now it was time to see if he could keep this up. Zephyr slowly began raking his thumbnail over the tip of Little Bree, adding a bit more pressure every time. "You're doing great, but don't let yourself come until I let you. You're doing amazingly, puppy..~ I love you.~"
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/9/2020 10:20 PM
Gabriel pulled away as well when the time came, peering back into Zephyr's eyes as he looked into his. Suddenly, he winced. "Heh..." He quickly let out as Zephyr's nail lightly grazed against his tip. God.. that sensation... Gabriel nearly glanced down at the action, but caught himself last second as Zephyr began speaking his praise. "I love you too, Leech.." He said to him weakly. He bit his lip again and pulled lightly on Zephyr's hair, trying to distract himself. Yet, he couldn't. It was so hard to fight the urge to look down. And it only got harder as more pressure was added.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/10/2020 7:14 AM
Zephyr let go of his own member, slowly grabbing Gabriel’s with both hands. He continued to fondle the tip with his nail, but gave it extra attention with his other hand. He was hardly touching Gabriel’s shaft at all, stroking only the tip with his fingers and continuing to work with his thumb. “You’re doing so well, pup..~ Now.. would you rather look down or touch me? You decide..~” Zephyr offered as a reward. “And beg for it.”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/10/2020 7:57 AM
Gabriel bit down on his bottom lip a little harder with the added pleasure. He stayed silent for a few seconds after Zephyr proposed his reward. God, why was he making him choose? Weighing his options, Gabriel finally decided. "Leech..~ Let me touch you, please..!" He begged of him, lust in his voice. He moved his hands from Zephyr's hair to the sides of his neck. He brushed his thumb over the love mark a few times.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/10/2020 8:06 AM
Zephyr bit his lip at Gabriel’s words, a little surprised by his choice, but not complaining. So he didn’t have to look away, Zephyr let go of Gabriel and took his hands, slowly hovering them near little Vesper. “Alright.. go ahead, pup..~ Make me proud..~” he cooed, still gazing into Gabriel’s eyes with love.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/10/2020 9:01 AM
Gabriel let go of his lip, opting for a smile instead to offer to Zephyr. He kept his head up as he took his hands, eager to get them on little Vesper. Once Zephyr gave him the okay, he slowly lowered his hands. Finger tips grazing over his member as he grabbed it gently. He took a moment to feel it up, getting a sense for it before he slowly began to stroke it with one hand. With the other, he lightly fondled Zephyr's pair. "God.. Leech, you're so fucking hard~" He complimented, admiring the way his cock felt.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/10/2020 9:55 AM
Zephyr let out a lustful groan at Gabriel's words, loving the stimulation he was giving him. He especially loved what he was doing to his sack, and grabbed Gabriel's wrist that was doing the work, holding it there. "Keep doing that." he commanded with a stern voice, putting his other hand on the back of Gabriel's neck for stability. Little Vesper was throbbing and glistening, just the feeling of it even made Zephyr want to look down at it. But to make it easier on Gabriel's challenge, he continued to look into his eyes. He was still the familiar blushing mess he was when he did this for his first time. Zephyr knew Gabriel knew what he was doing more than he himself did, but he was happy that Gabriel was taking commands. "You're so amazing, Bree~ You're so perfect..~" (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/10/2020 11:01 AM
Gabriel's smile turned into a bit of a mischievous smirk as Zephyr commanded him. With his wrist being firmly held, (which honestly, he quite enjoyed the restriction) he continued to knead at his balls, a little harder than he had been before. Every now and then, he would take them in his palm and squeeze. Not enough to hurt, not a lot at least. As he did that, he continued to work on little Vesper itself around the same amount he was before. Gabriel's smirk grew a little wider at the praise as he looked at his blushing Leech. "You're amazing too, Leech~ I love you so much..." He said genuinely to him.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/10/2020 12:27 PM
Zephyr gave a breathy moan and damn near melted when Gabriel started giving him tougher treatment. When he squeezed them though, his eyes crossed a bit and he promptly shut them, letting out a German curse and putting a leg back to make sure he didn't fall over. God, he loved that. "Do that again, but harder." he opened his eyes and lustfully snarled the command at Gabriel, kneading his neck with his nails. "I love you too.. God, you're such a good boy..~" (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/10/2020 1:28 PM
Gabriel chuckled lightly at the faces and sounds of pleasure Zephyr was making. He had the idea to tease him. But he quickly remembered that this time around, he belonged to Zephyr. He needed to follow commands. He was his puppy, after all. Gabriel gripped his sack with his hand, waiting a moment before forcefully squeezing them. "I'm your good boy..~" He whispered.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/10/2020 1:41 PM
Zephyr's climax control held out, but barely. The moment he squeezed them, he shut his eyes forcefully and dug his nails into Gabriel's neck, and hard. His legs were wobbly and he was breathing hard. After the shock had worn off, he put his hands on Gabriel's chest and pushed a bit. He breathily cooed, "You are my good boy..~" he paused for a moment, looking into Gabriel's jade green eyes. Then, his dom came back and he grinned at his love. "Now let go of me and sit down. And don't you dare touch yourself or take your eyes away from mine. Do you understand, puppy?" he asked, putting a hand under Gabriel's chin, as if he was about to kiss him. He didn't, and simply smirked.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/10/2020 5:39 PM
Gabriel let out a sharp exhale as Zephyr's nails dug harshly into his skin. He was so into the way he used his nails during intercourse. Looking at Zephyr with a fondness in his eyes, Gabriel took his hands off of Zephyr's member. He loved that look in his sapphire eyes he had only when he gave him orders. It was absolutely thrilling. And that smirk... He leaned into Zephyr's touch a bit. "I understand perfectly, Master~" Using a new name he thought of more fitting for the situation, he smiler before following orders and taking a seat on the ground, looking up at Zephyr as he did so. He placed his hands behind him, leaning back on them slightly as he sat.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/10/2020 5:47 PM
Zephyr grinned at ‘master’ and backed up to the shelf with his belt on it, taking his multi tool off of it. He didn’t break eye contact the entire time, staring still into Gabriel’s eyes as he walked back over, straddling his boyfriend’s legs. He put the tool in between their faces, and flicked the blade out. It wasn’t small, and looked like it could cut someone’s skin like butter. Zephyr’s eyes filled with lust, but he had a damn near evil grin. “Now... Cut. Me.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/10/2020 6:02 PM
Gabriel just followed him with his eyes as he got his tool from the shelf. He was a little impressed that Zephyr never broke eye contact once to grab what he was looking for. He smiled weakly as he started to come down on him, straddling his legs. His face turned a bit red at this. He stared at the tool in Zephyr's hands, his smile faltering as the blade flicked out. He looked back at Zephyr, a bit surprised. "... Leech.. I don't know if I can do that..." He said to him quietly, glancing back the knife. He didn't want to hurt him. Though, the thought that he could just heal him afterwards didn't come to his head. At least not quite yet.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/10/2020 6:11 PM
At first, Zephyr was angry, and about ready to punish him. But, he realised how sweet it was. He asked Gabriel to cut him, gave him full consent, yet he wouldn’t do that. His look softened and he put his other hand on Gabriel’s cheek. “I like it, Bree. Honest. How about this, I’ll help you. Give me your hand,” he said, not really as a command but more of a request. He took his own hand away from Gabriel’s face and held it out.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/10/2020 6:29 PM
Gabriel was a bit alarmed by the anger in Zephyr's eyes. He was sure he would be punished. But it was to his surprise when his look quickly softened. Thank god... He thought to himself as he further pressed his cheek against Zephyr's hand. He paused when Zephyr gave him that request, hesitating slightly, but still, he gave him his hand. Glad that he was taking this well.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/10/2020 6:36 PM
Zephyr took Gabriel's hand and put the knife in it, closing his own palm around Gabriel's fist. "Relax, and don't fight me, okay pup?" he requested again as he slowly began leading the knife in Gabriel's hand to just under his collarbone. "I love you. I wouldn't let anyone do this but you. You're the only one that gets to see me like this, and you're the only one I'd let cut me. I want you to do this to me," he reassured. He smiled genuinely at Gabriel, and it was clear he wasn't lying. "If it really bothers you that much, you can always heal me later.. though I do like the scabs.." he trailed off. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/10/2020 8:58 PM
Even with Zephyr's reassurance, Gabriel continued to hesitate. And he sure as hell wasn't relaxed. If he was sober, he'd probably be all for this. And it certainly didn't help that he had just seen Zephyr actually wounded not long before. He looked down at his collar bone area with the blade hovering just above it. He glanced back up at Zephyr, looking into his eyes. He knew he wanted this, he knew he would get pleasure out of it. And he would probably like it himself honestly. He sighed, slowly bringing the knife closer to the area above his collar bone, pressing the sharp end of the blade against his skin before quickly running it across. He didn't put that much pressure on it, so it wasn't a deep cut, but it was still enough to bleed a decent amount. And as soon as it did start to bleed, Gabriel panicked a bit at the sight. He reached his free hand towards the wound without really thinking in attempts to heal it.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/10/2020 9:09 PM
Zephyr's breathing quickened as he saw blood, not out of panic, but sheer pleasure. His breath hitched and he bit his lip, restraining a moan as he let go of Gabriel's hand. Little Vesper couldn't stand taller at attention, and Zephyr's face flushed a new layer of red. God, it'd been too long since he was sliced when he was aroused. He gently pushed Gabriel's hand away and put his arms loosely around Gabriel's neck. "Again, pup..! Again!~" he whined, the words soaked with a wanton tone. Ohhh was he loving this.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/10/2020 9:37 PM
As Zephyr pushed Gabriel's hand away, he paused once again, letting out a small sigh. This would just take a second to get used too. He glanced back up into Zephyr's eyes, giving him a wobbly smile before leaning his head down to his collar. He readied his mouth just below the cut he had made, licking the blood that had dripped down. He smiled a little more to himself, tasting the irony taste of blood on his tongue. As he did this, he readied the knife close to where he had cut before. He dug the blade into his skin, cutting much slower this time. It made it a hell of a lot more enjoyable when he wasn't looking at it but instead just feeling the blade glaze through his flesh. Gabriel put his free hand on Zephyr's cheek, smirking to himself, blood on his teeth. "You really like that, don't you..?~" He asked him quietly, though the answer was obvious.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/10/2020 9:52 PM
Zephyr couldn't help but moan when Gabriel licked the blood off of him, the feeling of his tongue on his skin sent shivers down his spine. He couldn't see it, but the feeling of the blade making its initial pierce and gliding through his skin was immensely pleasurable. Feeling the fibers rip open delicately, the sharp scratching feeling inside of his tissue, every thought and portion of a knife cutting into him were so arousing. "God, pup...~ You work such amazing wonders..~ Cut me all over, leave me with scabs! Slice me open and bite the wounds! Leave me looking like a bear got to me!~" he commanded, lulling his head back and bringing his hands to Gabriel's collarbones, digging his nails in.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/10/2020 10:24 PM
Zephyr's wanton commands practically drove him mad. He would do just what he asked, for he was enjoying this now. Gabriel dug his finger nails into Zephyr's cheek before slowly moving his hand down to his jaw, scratching his skin along the way. As he did this, he moved his mouth over to Zephyr's fresh wound, grinning wildly before sinking his teeth over the cut. Warm blood practically poured into his mouth and he groaned softly in delight.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/10/2020 10:33 PM
Zephyr let out pleasured slurred German curses, trailing his hands down to Little Bree, using nails to get there. He felt for its length, gently grabbing it and stroking it with one and while pressing against the tip with the other's thumb. He felt his wounds oozing blood, the fresh cuts letting air get into the tissue, making his chest cold. He loved the sensation of Gabriel taking his blood in, immensely turned on by it. He wanted to be cut everywhere, with Gabriel lapping up every drop of blood. Just the thought made him moan, and his love's noises didn't make it any easier to cope with it. He didn't want this to end, trying to control himself so he wouldn't climax. God, if only he had a cock ring on.. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/10/2020 11:01 PM
Gabriel let go of his flesh, moaning lightly as Zephyr stroked Little Bree. Leaning back for a moment now to look at Zephyr, he smirked at him as an idea came to his head. There was blood all over his lips, which he took a moment to lick off. "Heh... Vesper.. What if I--" He leaned a bit closer to him, smiling with his red coated teeth. "--sliced your dick a little..?~ I'll even lick it off for you~" (edited)
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/10/2020 11:24 PM
Zephyr looked at him with half-lidded eyes when he began, biting his lip at the sight of Gabriel's lips and teeth covered in blood. He found it extremely arousing, and grinned a bit at him. But when he finished that sentence, however, that's when he was surprised. His dick? Little Vesper certainly liked the sound of it, as it started throbbing again, but Zephyr himself didn't know for sure. He considered for a couple seconds, deciding ultimately that it wouldn't hurt to try. Well.. it would, but he'd either like it or Gabriel would make it go away. His lustful, mischievous face came back as he let go of Gabriel's member with one hand, putting it on his love's chin. "First of all.. you call me master. Second of all, I command you to slice it open. You're my little puppy, and it's your toy. Treat it like a wild dog treats its meals. If you're too gentle, I'll warn you. Do you understand, pup?"
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/10/2020 11:54 PM
Gabriel nodded, seeming excited for this. "Yes, Master~" He cooed before pursuing downwards on Zephyr's member. Finally he got to look at it. His drunken mind practically drooled over the sight. Grabbing it firmly with his hand now, and twirling the knife for a moment in the other, he snickered. Bringing the knife down to his tip, he pressed against it with the point of the cold blade. Then, it danced across his skin, leaving a trail of red along the way. Gabriel's eyes narrowed a bit at the sight and he let out a small moan. "Master... Can you scoot back a bit?~ I want to sink my teeth into it~~"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/11/2020 12:05 AM
Zephyr let out a small moan at being called master, and loving the way Gabriel looked at his cock, as if he was deprived of the sight of it. He winced as he grabbed it, watching the knife twirl in anticipation. When the knife pierced it, Zephyr reflexively brought his hands to his mouth and covered it. He screamed a curse word, muffling it with how tight his hands were against his mouth. Tears formed in the corners of his eyes, but hot damn, did he like this. He could feel warm blood flow down his member and onto his pair, and every time Little Vesper throbbed more came oozing out. Slowly he crossed his arms over his chest as if he were a mummy, and looked at Gabriel with teary, lustful eyes. "No," he said sternly, not moving. "Cut it again." (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/11/2020 12:30 AM
Gabriel glanced up at Zephyr for a moment as he screamed, his smile faltering for a moment as he snapped out of his bloodlust, seeing tears begin to form in his lovers eyes. He looked back down, assuming it was too painful for him to stand. So, he began to move his hand from the underside of Zephyr's member to the top. His fingers just reaching the tip of the wound when he heard his partners rejection. And then his order. He paused for a moment before his smile returned. Good.. great in fact, since he really wanted to continue this. Gabriel moved his paw towards Zephyr, holding his shaft. He had to remember that this was his toy... Digging his claws into his shaft, he took the knife to his toy. Once again cutting into it almost as if it were a hunk of steak.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/11/2020 12:44 AM
Zephyr threw his head back in a long, loud moan, tears streaming down his face. Without realizing it, he'd fallen back a bit, and his hands were on the cold ground now. He could hardly hold himself back anymore, a bloody, teary, drooling and dripping mess. His arms were weak, shaking from the weight being put on them. He was in a world of pleasure, his hands slipping underneath him. He looked at Gabriel with a look that could only be described as utter happiness. Tired, lustful happiness. "Ah..~ Ah--gain...~ D-do it.. again..~~" he moaned. It was clear that at this point, he wanted Little Vesper to be covered in blood. "Th... Then-- devour it. Rip it to shreds with your teeth. Make me scream."
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/11/2020 1:15 AM
Zephyr's pained moan was music to Gabriel's ears. He peered over at him again, his expression absolutely feral. Honestly, it could be compared to a rabid dog. Complete opposite of the look that Zephyr gave him, yet, he was happy too. Even happier in fact as his love gave him permission to continue. He focused back down on Little Vesper, feeling it throbbing and secreting warm, crimson liquid on to his hands. Meanwhile, little Bree was throbbing all the same. For the third time, he took the blade of the knife too his tip. He showed no signs of mercy as he started cutting slowly, painfully, all the way to Zephyr's shaft. The sight sent shivers down Gabriel's spine. He set the knife down beside him now, leaning down to great his little chew toy. He intended to do just what Zephyr told him. Make him scream. Gabriel tilted his head at an angle, taking his bloodied hand and moving it down to his pair, holding them gently. Then, finally, he pounced. Biting down on the shaft of Zephyr's member, right over his wounds. His canines sank into his skin, causing even more blood to rush out. But that's not all he did, no. As he bit down, he squeezed Zephyr's balls in his hand. If this didn't make him scream, he wouldn't know what would.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/11/2020 10:16 AM
Zephyr couldn't take it as his length was cut again, sliced as if it was just a plaything, which of course, it was. It was his puppy's plaything. He let out a long wanton groan as his arms weakened and his hands slipped out from under him, his back now on the cold floor. That slow, deep cut.. it was so painful. That pain that sent a blaring alarm to his brain, that send blood rushing to the wounds, into his member. It only made him unbearably harder. He moaned again as Gabriel set the knife down, the aftershocks of pain still hitting him like separate earthquakes. He was loving every part of this, but knew the worst was to come. He still hadn't bitten it yet. When Gabriel held his sack, though, that's when he knew he wouldn't be able to make it through this. Time felt like it'd stopped as he waited for his love to torture him, nearly getting whiplash when that torture came. The combination of Gabriel's teeth sinking into his tissue, his mouth on his member, the blood, and the icing on the cake that was his balls being squeezed made shock fly down his body almost immediately. He screamed bloody murder out of pure pleasure, his legs drawing up reflexively and his back arching. His hands came up as well as his essence spewed from his bloodied Little Vesper, intermixing with the unending amounts of blood. He was shaking for nearly a minute afterwards, tears flowing and drool threatening to. In that moment, he looked like a puppy, one that was lying on its back, waiting for love. His breathing heavy and wobbly, he slowly looked at his love as his legs relaxed and went limp. He was clearly exhausted, but he'd looked more satisfied and more loved than he ever had. He slowly reached for Gabriel like a small child reaching for their mother, his arm so weak he couldn't lift it for longer than a second. He couldn't even speak, his only way of letting Gabriel know that he loved him was the look on his face. Nevertheless, he was determined to give Gabriel what he had earned.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/11/2020 11:08 AM
As Zephyr's scream pierced his ears, Gabriel unclenched his jaw. Letting go of Zephyr's member. He retreated his blood soaked hand away from his pair as he looked down at the work he had done. Of course, it was a red and white wonder land. Gabriel was so turned on by the sight of it, letting out a small moan. What a perfect chew toy... He hadn't even looked up at Zephyr yet, caught up in his own lust. God, he wanted to lap up the mix of blood and semen so bad. But he also didn't want to over stimulate Zephyr. Though, it's not like he didn't deserve to get what he wanted at this point. His head tilted upwards, looking over at his bliss filled partner. Once again, Gabriel's mouth was absolutely drenched in blood. More so than before in fact. He brought his arm up to his mouth, sweeping it across to wipe some of the liquid off. As he did, he looked at his love like an animal at it's prey. He had to admit, the state Zephyr was in was a sight to see. He didn't even feel bad at this point, too filled with yearning desire to care. He loved Zephyr. He loved him with an undescribable passion... Gabriel got up from his sitting position, instead getting on his hands and knees and making his way over Zephyr, looming on top of him. He bowed his head down towards him now, pressing his red soaked lips against his with the upmost vigor.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/11/2020 11:36 AM
Zephyr couldn't give Gabriel a kiss with as much passion as he did, but he still tried. He lazily did this, eventually jerking his head away to pull off of the kiss. He looked at Gabriel with exhausted eyes, and slowly pointed at his blood and semen-soaked member. "Y...yhou.. c-can... suck.. it..." he managed to whisper before laying his head to the side again. He knew Gabriel wasn't tired, and he himself desperately wanted to keep going, but poor Vesper could hardly lift a finger. He barely clung to a thread of consciousness, the only thing keeping him going was seeing how happy and excited Gabriel was. He loved seeing him like this. He felt a bit bad at the fact he couldn't get Gabriel to climax, even though he desperately wanted to.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/11/2020 2:54 PM
As Zephyr slowly pulled away from the kiss, Gabriel did too. Lifting his head and looking down at the tired boi. He softened up a bit as he looked into his eyes, his feral grin turning into a tame smile. As Zephyr pointed down at his member, Gabriel automatically glanced down to see what he was gesturing too. Even though he already knew. His eyes drifted back up at Zephyr as he waited for him to finish his sentence. He hoped he was going to say what he thought. His eyes lit up with glee once he did, positioning himself back down to Zephyr's length in a heart beat. He peered down at it for a moment. He could hardly see where the cuts were anymore through all the blood. Oh well.. If he accidentally healed them, it wouldn't be that big of a deal. With that, he lowered his head down to his dripping member. He pressed his lips against the tip, kissing it for a moment before sliding it into his mouth. He hummed slightly at the feeling of warmness inside of his mouth. His lips healing some of the wound. He circled his tongue around his tip, lapping up every last drop of his essence in that area. Sure, Gabriel wanted to climax after all the effort he just put in. But he could settle with this...
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/11/2020 3:10 PM
Zephyr grinned at the feeling of Gabriel's lips and tongue on his tip, his toes curling with pleasure. Although he was sad at the thought that Gabriel would be healing the wounds, it made him happy that his love was so eager to do this. Having sperm cells in an open wound probably wasn't healthy anyways, especially not for Zephyr. As he was in blissful oblivion as Gabriel licked him clean, he had an idea. He slowly pushed himself to sit up, grabbing the knife off of the floor. He didn't do anything with it quite yet, though, and simply watched Bree clean him, occasionally letting out a happy whimper or quiet moan. He laid his head on Gabriel's shoulder, enjoying his treatment.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/12/2020 10:33 AM
Gabriel didn't even notice as Zephyr grabbed the knife. For he was too focused on the task at hand. Gabriel took Little Vesper in his mouth a little ways more, continuing to do what he previously did with his tip. Enjoying Zephyr's soft sounds all the while. He smiled slightly as Zephyr laid his head on Gabriel's shoulder. Well, as much as you could smile with a dick in your mouth... He shoved Zephyr's member in his mouth further. This time, trying to take the whole thing. He was confident he could do this, yet, that confidence didn't last long as his gag reflex activated. Instinctively, he quickly pulled away from the length in his mouth. He looked to the side, letting out a cough. With this, some blood was splattered onto the ground. Gabriel had never been good at taking it all...
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/12/2020 11:25 AM
Zephyr gently rubbed his back, whining softly as Gabriel took more of him in. When Gabriel pulled away, though, he got off of him. He wasn’t ashamed nor surprised he gagged. Zephyr had worked hard to get rid of his gag reflex in case he ever did suck a dick, and that was the only reason he could do it so well. He just gave Gabriel a reassuring smile and gently put a hand on his cheek. “That was still really good. If you want to try again you can, but if you don’t you can just lick it, I’ll love it either way,” he calmly cooed, wanting to make sure Gabriel wasn’t embarrassed or upset with himself.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/12/2020 1:23 PM
Gabriel glanced up at Zephyr, lifting his head towards his touch as he held his cheek. He looked a little disappointed with himself. But nothing beyond that. After all, this has happened quite a few times before. Not with Zephyr of course, but with others. He let out a sigh before lowering his head again, hovering above Little Vesper. He stayed like that for a few seconds, hesitating before finally making up his mind. He knew full well if he tried to put it in his mouth like that he would just gag again. "Fuck me... I'm just going to lick it.."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/12/2020 4:25 PM
“If you go slower, you can probably do it. And you have to ignore your gag when it comes. I believe in you, you’re doing really well,” Zephyr gently said, rubbing Gabriel’s cheek. He really did think that he’d be able to do it if he tried hard enough, and he wasn’t at all disappointed. He seemed perfectly content. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/12/2020 6:20 PM
"No.." He said, then chuckled to himself slightly. "You don't realize how many times I've tried to do this.." He admitted. And honestly, he probably shouldn't of. But oh well. He couldn't take it back now.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/12/2020 6:25 PM
"Hmm.. alright. When you finish up, lean back for me, pup. There's something I want to give to you~," Zephyr said as he laid back with his head on the floor. He was determined to give Gabriel his climax, no matter how tired he himself was. The thought didn't come to him on how they'd get out of the closet, at least not really. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/12/2020 8:04 PM
Gabriel's heart rate quickened at that last bit, and he blushed a little bit. "Yes, Master..~" Waisting no more time, he leaned into Zephyr's member. His lips brushed against it as he stuck his tongue out, starting to lick the blood off his length and instead into his mouth. As his lapper raked against his flesh wounds, it healed them over. Which was quite the sensation to feel on one's tongue. Gabriel went at this for awhile, licking away until all the cuts and blood were gone. He looked down at Little Vesper for a moment, proud of his work. It seemed as though there was never any injuries at all. He glanced over at Zephyr, suddenly remembering his order. He grinned to himself before leaning back, supporting himself a little with his elbows at his sides so he could still sit up a bit. (edited)
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/12/2020 8:22 PM
Zephyr let out a shaky moan as Gabriel worked his magic, already getting hard again. He was whining nearly the entire time, the sensation strange, but arousing. When his love finished, Little Vesper was semi-erect. Zephyr sat up, holding the knife in his hand. He slowly raised it, gently touching the tip to Gabriel's neck. He knew he loved it when he'd claw at him there, so he figured he'd like a knife. He didn't press down, though, and instead looked into his eyes, silently asking for consent to cut him.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/12/2020 10:19 PM
Gabriel looked up at Zephyr. Feeling the cold tip of the blade against his neck. He smiled wildly up at him, Little Bree throbbing just at the idea of the knife slicing his neck. "Yes..! Cut me deeply, slice me open!~ Please, Master!~ Please!!~" He begged for it, practically drooling over the weapon.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/12/2020 10:54 PM
Zephyr grinned, his member getting excited once again. He slowly dragged the blade across the side of Gabriel's neck, seeing the dark crimson flow out of it. He softly groaned, putting his lips to the wound, licking and sucking on it. He'd never tasted blood to this degree, but god was it amazing. The warm, irony, silky liquid just sent shivers down his spine. Zephyr took his glasses off and repositioned his head and his body to take in more of Gabriel's blood. Now sitting with his chest touching his love's, he was still softly groaning, Little Vesper throbbing as it was sandwiched between both of their torsos. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/12/2020 11:15 PM
Gabriel let out a deep moan as the blade cut into him. Zephyr probably had never heard him moan that loudly in pure pleasure before. Christ, it felt so good..! He had never been cut in a sexual way like this before... He felt the warmness of the blood flow out, and Zephyr's tongue soon after as he sucked on his wound like the Leech he was. Gabriel continued to let out soft moans at the stinging of pain. Though, his wound was beginning to heal and close up. Even so, he put a hand on the back of Zephyr's head, not wanting him to stop. "Mm.. Master..!~ If you stick your tongue in.. it won't heal beyond that..!~"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/12/2020 11:47 PM
Zephyr loved the noises Gabriel was making, only arousing him more. He did as his pup suggested, planting his tongue in the wound and sinking his teeth into it to wring more blood out of it like a wet rag. God, he could do this for hours. Eventually, he pulled away, blood on his lips and chin and lust in his eyes. He got off of Bree and scooted a bit away from him, laying down and putting his arms behind his head, propping it up. Grinning, he started the second round of taunting. "Prep yourself, puppy~" he said as he let his legs fall, displaying his member standing tall. "And then.. sit on it.~ Lean close to me, so that I can cut you while you ride me.~" (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/13/2020 12:12 AM
Gabriel groaned as Zephyr's tongue entered his cut. That groan turning into a moan as his teeth sunk in. He was going crazy over this. The feeling of his loves tongue brushing up against his severed tissue.. well, it was almost Heaven. Those few seconds felt like hours as Gabriel paid close attention to every movement Zephyr made regarding his wound. As he pulled away, though, he snapped out of it. Breathing heavily as he laid there. He looked at his love, lips curling upward in a wobbly smile at the bloody sight of him. He sat up now as Zephyr began moving away, wondering what he was doing. After all, he lusted for more. Though, nothing could prepare him for what he heard next. His grin broadened. Blood rushed to his face. He'd never done this before... He wasn't sure how to feel other than excited for what was to come. Gabriel crawled over to him, salivating like mad. Once he was over to Zephyr, he climbed on top of him, positioning himself over Little Vesper. He looked down into the eyes of his love. In Gabriel's eyes, the man he once was was hardly there. Instead, in his place was far too much passion and desire.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/13/2020 12:30 AM
Zephyr was surprised when Gabriel didn't prep himself, but he remembered that tears wouldn't be an issue with him. That only made him more excited, that arousal compounding when he saw that lustful look in Gabriel's eyes. God, that look was sexy. He couldn't wait for Bree to ride him, and to slice him while he was doing so. Zephyr set the knife on his chest, putting his hands back behind his head and propping it up. He was giving his love a look of lust and affection, as well as a sly grin. "Go ahead, puppy..~"
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/13/2020 12:58 AM
Gabriel nodded, reaching under himself for a moment and lightly grabbing Zephyr's member. Reading it at his entrance. He lowered himself onto it, his length sliding into his ass. Gabriel let go of Little Vesper now, furthering down on it as he did. He tilted his head back for a moment, groaning at the brand new feeling. Just sitting on it for now, getting used to it, he looked back down at Zephyr. Leaning down towards him as he had requested. Gabriel couldn't be happier right now.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/13/2020 1:22 AM
Zephyr moaned as Gabriel took his member into that warm place, loving how it hugged it and squeezed it. As Gabriel leaned down, Zephyr took the knife and carved a heart into his chest. As it went down to the point, he dragged it down Gabriel’s stomach, stopping just before Little Bree. He set the knife down, putting his hands on Gabriel’s bloodied chest and licking them clean, softly groaning at the taste as he began to grind against Gabriel, slow-fucking him as he indulged in his bloodlust.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/13/2020 2:04 AM
"Ah... Fuuucckk~" Gabriel moaned as the blade sliced through him. He got a little choked up from the pain as Zephyr continued to cut, tears starting to form in his eyes. But still, he kept smiling. Bringing his hands slowly to his chest, he looked down. Seeing the heart his love had made as blood dripped down from it. He watched as he continued to cut down his torso and all the way to his member. He was so aroused at the feelings and the sights. "Yes..~ Yesss..!~ Thank you Mast- augh..!!" Gabriel was cut off as he let out a moan. Once again tilting his head back as Zephyr began to thrust into him. At this point, where the large carving in his chest had started began to close up, the rest following along. Blood dripped down onto Zephyr, coating him in slippery red liquid.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/13/2020 8:12 AM
As crimson flowed into him, Zephyr couldn’t help but let out a long whine. He was throbbing inside of Gabriel, and he began thrusting with a bit more force as he grabbed the knife again. This time, he grabbed the tip of Little Bree and pushed down to get a better angle on it. Zephyr was certainly a sight, blood all over him while he was a blushing red mess. He wanted to cut Gabriel’s member so badly, but he looked up at him with a questioning look to make sure it was okay.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/15/2020 11:04 AM
Little Bree was pulsating under Zephyr's hand. Gabriel let out a curse as the thrusts became more forceful, feeling a bit of pain inside of him every now and then. He looked back down at Zephyr now, noticing the knife looming over his length. He put his hand up to his mouth, smiling wildly once again as water made his vision foggy. He quickly nodded to him, bracing himself. Gabriel could take a lot when it came to stimulation. But all the things that Zephyr put down were completely new to him. He wasn't sure if he could handle it. And it sure as hell didn't help that he was intoxicated.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/15/2020 1:01 PM
Zephyr loved the feeling of holding Gabriel's member, enthralled with how it moved like it was a separate entity. The feeling of the unending amounts of blood rushing as if it was a sprint, knowing he had the power to spill it and interrupt the path, the temptation of that delicious, irony taste, he couldn't hold himself back as he breathily moaned, raising the knife. He slowly sliced Gabriel's abdomen just before the hilt, letting blood spill over his junk and drip off of it like a stream. Zephyr hated that he couldn't lap it up, but he knew he'd have plenty time to quench his thirst later. He began making incremental slices across little Bree, making it look like a bloody rattle. He really wanted to bend it so blood would pour out, but imagining how much it would hurt if Gabriel had done it to him kept him from doing it. He drooled at the sight of the gore, as if he was hungry for it, groaning wantonly and thrusting into his love, stopping at the apex to keep himself deep inside, once again taunting him.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/17/2020 11:59 PM
~Time skip brought to you by unhorny random jump cuts-
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/18/2020 12:15 AM
Zephyr slowly came back to earth from oblivion, a shooting pain headache waking him up plenty. Damn, he was cold. Wait, is this the floor? He sat up, pain rushing to his head as he groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. His coat was covering him, and his scarf was a pillow. Then, he looked down and noticed he was covered in scabs. And the overwhelming amount of blood. What the fuck??? He looked around. Where the fuck was he?? He had his glasses on. He never sleeps with his glasses on. It was dark as shit, he couldn’t make out anything but the dried blood and scabs. Okay, think. Christmas party, got in a fight. Fight?? Is that what this was???? No, there’s no way he’d lay down after a fight covered in wounds, he’d treat them. Then, some memories snapped back. Gabriel! He was with him when they came in here. Zephyr turned, looking for where he could be, seeing him next to him. He grabbed Gabriel’s shoulder and shook it. “Gabriel! Gabriel!” He whisper-shouted. “Wake up!”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/18/2020 12:52 AM
After a few seconds, the sleeping Gabriel groaned slightly. Stirring as he began to wake up. His brow furrowed a bit before he slowly opened his eyes. Looking over at Zephyr now with an expression of pure hatred as he started to come to. "What..?" He said coldly, frustrated as all hell that Zephyr had woke him up. After he had spoke, that's when he became aware of his surroundings. He went to sit up from the floor, suddenly feeling the stiffness of the dried blood all over his body. What the absolute hell? Besides the blood, when he sat up his brain felt like it was splitting in two. He reached a hand towards it, flattening his ginger hair as it came in contact. His blood-soaked coat was over him. The top of which slid down his chest as he sat up. He looked around a bit now, glancing down at himself as well as the room. Where were they?? Why was he naked, covered in blood? Gabriel quickly began to jog his memory, his head hurting too much to immediately start panicking. He was obviously hung over. He really needed to stop doing that.. Well, at least Zephyr was there. That's also probably the reason he was, well, nude. Hmm.. didn't he get into a fight last night?? Not exactly a rare occurrence for him, but usually he didn't wake up in an unknown place covered in blood afterward. Wait, weren't they at a Christmas party or something like that..? Oh.. oh wait... Gabriel looked back over at Zephyr now, his face one of surprise as he continued to hold his head. He wasn't sure what to say.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/18/2020 8:23 AM
As Gabriel had sneered coldly when he woke up, Zephyr stayed silent and retracted his hand, a fearful and confused look plaguing his face. However, it wasn’t from Gabriel being angry. He assumed he would be, waking him up early and all. What scared him is that he didn’t remember anything, and wouldn’t until he was given something to work with, hoping Gabriel could fulfil that. When his love sat up and his bare, bloodied chest exposed, that’s when Zephyr had connected the dots. And more dots. And even more dots. He slowly looked at Gabriel with a similarly surprised expression, but his also had sheepishness and embarrassment in it. He stayed silent for a while, then eventually he looked away and said, “Please tell me that was a wet dream and that we didn’t actually fuck in a stranger’s closet..” (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/19/2020 2:10 AM
Gabriel paused for a moment as he looked at Zephyr, processing all this new information. He took his hand off of his head before looking down at Zephyr's chest as well, seeing all the blood and scabs from cuts. Gabriel looked back up now, into his love's eyes with still some shock. But on top of that, there was worry. He no longer seemed to be cranky about being woke up now that he realized the situation they were in. He sighed deeply. "Well... Judging by the fact that we're in a stranger's closet, I don't believe that's the case." He spoke to him as if that was obvious. Then, he glanced back down at his chest. "... On a side note.. Are you alright..?" Gabriel began to ponder whether or not he had given Zephyr those wounds. But for the life of him, he couldn't remember. It could have also been from the fight... "Did I do that..?" He muttered as if he was talking to himself, thinking out loud.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/19/2020 2:19 AM
Zephyr felt the scabs in his chest, his look calming. He scooted closer to Gabriel and held his hand. “Yeah, but I asked you to. It was really nice and.. I loved it,” Zephyr said as he looked away. “I remember now.. we cut each other.. and.. drank it..” he let go of Gabriel’s hand and tapped his fingers together. Then, he remembered something. “You.. rode me.. and called me master..” Zephyr slowly glanced at Gabriel, hoping he wouldn’t be too upset. He slowly lifted his own coat off of his legs, looking at Little Vesper. Good, it wasn’t sliced open. But it was still very bloody. “I’m sorry Gabriel, I wish I hadn’t gotten drunk like that, we wouldn’t have had sex in a closet if I hadn’t.” (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/20/2020 7:47 AM
Gabriel watched as Zephyr brushed his hand over his scabs, continuing to try and find pieces to this puzzle they found themselves in. Though, that search stopped as Zephyr's hand touched his. Gabriel looked back up into his Love's eyes, listening to his reassuring words as he spoke. He'd forgotten about Zephyr's pain kink at the first sight of his injuries. He was glad that they were wounds from him, and not that asshole he fought before... Gabriel continued to listen as he filled him in on the details he had forgotten. But as he continued, he quickly fell into a state of disbelief. Him,ride Zephyr? That couldn't be right. Yet, as the memories came flooding back to him, he couldn't deny it. Gabriel's eyes widened and his brows lifted in, once again, shock. Needless to say, this was completely new for him. Personally, he never saw himself as submissive enough for that. He liked to be in control after all. Alcohol does some crazy things... His expression returned to normal. Letting out a sigh before he started to speak. "We'll talk about this later. I'd like to focus on getting out of here first.."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/20/2020 9:00 AM
Zephyr saw as Gabriel’s expressions had changed, hoping he believed him. He didn’t have any reason to lie about this. When Gabriel spoke, his expression fell a bit. He hated ‘talking about it later.’ It sounded like he was in trouble. Zephyr held Gabriel’s arm and put his head on his shoulder, trying to think of ways to do this. “I can call an Uber, we can put on the cleanest of our clothes and wait for it to get here, then we can make a run for it,” he thought aloud. He looked up at his love for input.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/20/2020 5:13 PM
Gabriel believed what Zephyr had said. He just.. didn't think he had it in him to do that. And that's what shocked him. As Zephyr's face fell slightly, Gabriel didn't pay any mind to it. He figured it wasn't important. He leaned into Zephyr's touch as he held his arm. Showing a little affection as his partner suggested a plan. He figured it was probably the best option. "Alright... At least we won't be out in the snow for long.." He let out a small sigh. "I'll be paying for the Uber, then." It wasn't like it was a big deal. He had plenty of money to go around. After he finished speaking, Gabriel went to stand up. But paused as he felt an aching pain in his legs. He furrowed his brow in confusion and concern as he glanced over at Zephyr. Mother fucker.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/20/2020 5:28 PM
Zephyr smiled as Gabriel leaned into his touch. “You don’t have to pay for it..” he quietly said, not knowing if he had any money on him. He didn’t have a bank account. He had no credit or debit card, and all of his money was in cash. He rarely ever had any on him. Zephyr looked at Gabriel as he tried to stand up, and an extremely obnoxious shit-eating grin plagued his face. With a mocking tone, he paralleled what Gabriel has said to him when they fucked in his shower. “Do you need me to help you?”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/20/2020 7:14 PM
"Shut up!" Gabriel's head pounded as he roared in annoyance. Really, it was way too loud. But he didn't care. He looked away from Zephyr, feeling embarrassed. "And I'm paying for it, you scut." Irritated, Gabriel eventually stood up. Even though his lower half hurt like hell. He knew he'd be able to move- He'd make himself move. Even though it'd hurt. He took a deep breath, running his hands through his hair, trying to calm down. As he did this, he glanced up at the shelf above them where some of their clothes still resided. Up there was his under-shirt. He'd put that on along with his sweater vest... (edited)
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/20/2020 7:39 PM
Zephyr jumped and winced at Gabriel’s sudden anger, the volume making his brain feel as though it’d split in two. From the pain alone he teared up, but when Gabriel quite literally added insult to injury, he sniffled. Bringing his legs up to his chest, his tears spilled and he looked away. Why was he so angry? Zephyr was just teasing him.. but Gabriel definitely was insulting him. Thinking on it only made him more upset, looking like a beaten puppy as he tried to wipe his tears away.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/20/2020 8:03 PM
Gabriel, not noticing the upset Zephyr on the floor, waddled his way over to the shelf. Gabriel was an expert at hiding any kind of suffering. To other people, the most he'd ever show was a bit of discomfort. Of course, the one exception to that was when he was shot in the head... Gabriel reached up to the shelf, grabbing his button up. Holding it, he turned towards Zephyr. Once he laid his eyes on him though, he immediately froze. His heart quickly swelled up with regret. He looked down, clutching the shirt in his hands a little tighter. "I'm sorry..." He muttered softly. He didn't often apologise for his behavor. "I didn't mean it.." (edited)
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/20/2020 8:17 PM
Zephyr looked up at him with big eyes, looking like he was really trying not to turn into Niagara Falls. He sniffled and slowly stood up, putting on his sweater and pants, folding up his underwear, undershirt, and coat. He closed his eyes, and took a shaky breath. “It’s.. fine.. just.. please don’t yell at me..” he said as he wiped his tears. They didn’t stop streaming, not even slow. He was clearly still very hurt. He pulled out his phone from his pants pocket, ordering an Uber and picking up the bloodied knife, flicking the blade back in and putting it on his belt. He slid his feet into his shoes, bunching his gloves into the pile of clothes he held to his chest. Unlike his common self, after he finished doing everything he had to, he didn’t attach to Gabriel. Zephyr just leaned against the wall with his eyes on the blood stained tile, occasionally wiping his tears on his sweater sleeve.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/20/2020 8:50 PM
Gabriel's heart, or at least the bit of heart he had, nearly snapped in half at his reply. He hesitated slightly before picking up the rest of his clothes, putting on his button-up, pants, vest, and shoes. Not only did he hurt physically. But now he hurt mentally. He didn't think Zephyr would get so upset... Folding up his coat, Gabriel looked over at Zephyr as he leaned against the wall. He glanced down at the bloody floor for just a second, sighing before moving his eyes back over to him. "I didn't mean to yell.. I just... can't hold back my anger sometimes." He hated to admit that. Even though it was obvious to all his peers. Gabriel liked to think he had absolutely everything in check. But clearly, that wasn't the case.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/20/2020 9:27 PM
“I know. Like I said,” he sniffled, “it’s fine. I pissed you off. I should be the one apologising.” Zephyr said quietly, almost submissively. He didn’t want to make Gabriel more upset. “I know you didn’t mean it,” he lied. He didn’t know whether or not Gabriel meant that. He looked at his phone again, checking the driver’s progress. It was clear he was avoiding looking at his love. Zephyr knew he could be a clingy person, and overwhelmingly annoying at times. He wouldn’t be surprised if Gabriel really did think that about him. “You don’t need to apologise for saying things like that.. I know I’m an annoying little shithead a lot of the time,” he muttered. He glanced at Gabriel for only a moment before looking back at his phone. “It’s just the yelling..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/21/2020 11:21 PM
Gabriel sighed after his love finished speaking. He wished he could just make it all better with a click of a button. Usually he wouldn't care if he hurt someone's feelings like this. Hell, he wouldn't even apologise. But this was Zephyr. He can't just lash out at him like that. He cared about him too much to see him upset. He was obligated to make this better. Gabriel waddled over to Zephyr now before leaning against the closet wall next to him. Their arms brushed together, and Gabriel grabbed Zephyr's hand. Brushing his thumb over it as he looked over at him. He offered a small apologetic smile. "I love you.." He spoke quietly.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/21/2020 11:38 PM
Zephyr, his eyes watery and sad, looked at Gabriel when he’d leaned against the wall. He looked at his hand when Gabriel took it, looking back up at him as he smiled. He gave a small smile in response. “I know.. I love you too,” he replied as he looked at his phone again. “The driver should be here in about 2 minutes..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/21/2020 11:49 PM
Gabriel looked away at him and at the closet door, continuing to smile softly. Happy he was able to make him smile. "Hm.. We should probably get out of here, then." He suggested as he continued to hold onto Zephyr's hand.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/22/2020 12:01 AM
“I feel like we should wait until they get here. If we make a mad dash we’re less likely to be caught,” Zephyr retorted, holding his love’s hand and staring at his phone. He remained silent for a few seconds before mentioning, “I don’t have a Christmas tree.” He was clearly saddened. He loved Christmas to death, but he didn’t get the chance to get a tree this year. “It’s too late to, all of the trees are out of stock, and I don’t think they’ll be shipped and cut until Christmas Day. That’s not enough time to decorate it. Augh, and I was going to drill a hole through the roof this year, how did I forget! Schiesse!!” He cursed as he glared at the floor. Dammit! Every year he forgot to drill a hole!
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/22/2020 2:51 AM
Gabriel nodded in agreement at Zephyr's retortion. Honestly, he didn't much care if they got caught or not. After all, doesn't this happen at parties all the time? Gabriel looked back at Zephyr as he began talking about Christmas trees. He picked up that he was upset by this. Even though to Gabriel, it didn't seem like a big deal. And what was this about drilling a hole through the roof? He raised an eyebrow. "Mm.. I'm sure we can find a tree somewhere, Vesper." He stated with certainty. "It's still.. early in the season, I don't believe it's too late."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/22/2020 3:04 AM
Zephyr looked at him. “You’ll get me a tree..?” He said in wonder. “Trees are expensive, though. You don’t have to do that. There won’t be many presents under it anyways.. I’m always on the naughty list..” he said, looking honestly upset. He believed wholeheartedly in Santa Claus. “Like every year..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/22/2020 3:16 AM
"... What do you mean? I know you haven't had a lot of people in your life previously. It's obvious that you wouldn't get many gifts." Gabriel said, pretty confused. He didn't even think about the possibility that Zephyr thought Santa was real. He did hold his hand a little tighter though in response to the saddened tone in his voice. "And of course I'll get you a tree if you really want one.." He said, once again offering a smile. How could he not buy him a Christmas tree after making him cry..?
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/22/2020 3:26 AM
Zephyr smiled when Gabriel told him he’d buy him a Christmas tree. But, he figured Gabriel would make fun of him for believing in Santa. Nobody seemed to, but Zephyr just couldn’t shake it. If Santa wasn’t real, why has the legend survived this long? “I.. I wrap presents for myself and open them on Christmas by myself every year.. I don’t get coal, though.. maybe he just forgets about me..” he saw that the driver would be here soon. “My parents always told me I was on the naughty list..”
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/22/2020 2:06 PM
Gabriel glanced down at Zephyr's phone as he spoke, seeing the driver would be here soon. Sighing at his love's disappointment, he looked back up at him. Gabriel was still confused, though. Perhaps he was telling a joke? If that was the case, he probably wouldn't sound so upset... "... Well, you won't need to do that this year." He reassured, not knowing what to say about the naughty list and coal comment. But he should probably say something.. "I don't think you're on the.. 'naughty' list, Vesper." In any other situation, this would probably be a situation where he would flirt instead. But he figured now wasn't the time. ".. We should get going."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/22/2020 2:43 PM
Zephyr looked at him and nodded, opening the door to the closet. His phone dinged, letting them know the driver was there. Knowing he couldn’t very well tow Gabriel in a sprint, he held his hand tighter and began a brisk walk to the entrance that he hoped Gabriel could manage, making hardly a sound as he got the the front door. After letting go of his love’s hand and securing his belongings, Zephyr yanked it open and waved their Uber down, running out to it and giving the driver instructions while waiting for Gabriel to make his way to the car.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ started a call that lasted 0 minutes 12/24/2020 1:50 AM
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/24/2020 2:10 AM
Gabriel stood behind Zephyr as he opened the closet door. Clutching his trench coat against his chest as he too held onto his hand a bit tighter. He kept up with Zephyr as they walked. His longer legs helping him out. Though of course, that didn't keep his body from aching and his legs from slightly wobbling as he quickly walked. He felt absolutely horrible. Perhaps it could be compared to a dumpster fire. Still, he kept silent. Feeling a slight relief as he stopped, waiting for Zephyr to open the door. Once he did, Gabriel huffed slightly in annoyance. He still had to make his way to the car. As Zephyr left to go talk to the driver, Gabriel once again started walking, bringing his free hand up to his coat, further securing it against himself. He was almost to the car when he lost his footing and tripped. Not getting a chance to catch himself since both of his arms were holding his coat. In conclusion, his face hit the concrete ground beneath him. Though, it was pillowed by a thin layer of snow. Still, it didn't do much to help.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/24/2020 2:29 AM
Zephyr turned as Gabriel fell, gasping and throwing his bundle of clothes in the back seat of the car. He ran to Gabriel, kneeling beside him and gently pulling him out of the snow. He laid Gabriel's head in his lap. He wouldn't tease him about falling over, since teasing him last time earned him a reprimand. "Are you alright, my love?" Zephyr asked with a kind smile, his hands on Bree's cheeks. He leaned down and kissed his forehead.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/24/2020 3:05 AM
Gabriel quickly became aware of what just happened. He moved his arms under himself, sitting himself up with ease. It wasn't long until he felt Zephyr's hands on him, aiding him slightly in sitting up. He glared up at him, some blood coating his nostril. "I'm fine.." Even though Zephyr was trying to help, Gabriel felt like he was being teased once again. Pitied. He despised being pitied upon. To him, it was the worst form of mockery. A scowl appeared on his face as Zephyr pecked his forehead. He wanted to go off. He really did. But he quickly remembered how upset his love would get if he did so. He didn't want to make that happen again. Taking a deep breath, he wiped his scowl off of his face before speaking. "Vesper.. please let go of me." He said begrudgingly, trying his best to just brush it off.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/24/2020 3:20 AM
Zephyr noticed that somehow Gabriel still got angry, and he didn't even tease him. He was still pretty saddened by this, and he let go of him, standing up. It hurt him that he couldn't even be concerned for his boyfriend without him getting mad at him. He just wanted to make Gabriel happy. He was bad at masking how upset he was, just opening the back door of the car and getting in, looking out the window and sighing to himself. He sniffled, trying not to cry. Again.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/24/2020 4:20 AM
Gabriel sighed, grabbing onto his coat once again and standing up from the cold ground. He sniffled to himself, not sure if his nose was running from the cold or if there was just blood in it from falling straight on his face. I guess it didn't really matter. Gabriel walked over to the car now, opening the door and getting in the back seat with Zephyr. Setting his coat down in between them before shutting the door again. He looked over at his love, hoping he didn't upset him. Again. He didn't even notice who the driver was at this point. Especially since he was sitting behind them. He reached over and gently placed his hand on top of Zephyr's.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/24/2020 11:05 AM
As soon as they got in, the driver turned around and looked at Zephyr. “So let me get this straight. You want me to drive to a decrepit field..?” As Zephyr turned to look at her and nod, she softened and said, “Hey are you alright?” This guy looks familiar. Think, Alex, think! It was only then that she realised the other person in the car existed. She craned her neck to look at him. “Gabriel?” Zephyr hadn’t paid any mind to what the driver had looked like when he spoke to her earlier, but now that she was concerned, he faced her and realised she looked vaguely familiar. Where have I seen her before?? He was about to respond to her question when she turned to look at Gabriel. Her words shocked him a bit. She knows him? Zephyr glanced at his love with a confused look.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/24/2020 1:35 PM
Gabriel turned his head to look at Alex. Quickly realizing who she was, he pulled his hand off of Zephyr's as to not let her see. Wait.. hasn't she seen them kiss before? He shouldn't be worried, then... Besides from that, Gabriel was surprised to see her. He put on a fake smile before speaking. "Alex..! I didn't know you were an Uber." His voice sounded oddly affable, though with a slight miserable undertone that suggested he wasn't used to speaking this way. In certain social situations where Gabriel happened to be a person of significance, he put on this gracious facade. Of course, Zephyr and anyone who worked with him would know that this wasn't his true nature. He glanced back over at the curious Zephyr now, his mood seeming to have changed with this new happy-go-lucky approach. "Vesper, this is Alex. I've known her for quite a long time... She works at The Glass Ember." Gabriel explained before looking back at Alex. "Please tell me you're still working at the restaurant.."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/24/2020 1:46 PM
She nodded. "I am, just working two jobs to feed me and my cat is all. You don't have to do that, by the way," she gesticulated to the two men's hands that were no longer touching. "I watched your entire confession. God, that was cute. I was rooting for you the entire time," she smiled. She was relaxed, and looked at Zephyr. "So.. Vesper huh? Nice to formally meet you." Zephyr was relieved at her putting their hand holding at ease, though he didn't put his in Gabriel's afterwards. His expression fell a bit when she mentioned the confession, however. That night was associated with so many awful things, including when he killed his first and only love. Just the memory stung, and he looked out the window again, digging his nails into his palm. God, he wanted to chop the hand off that held the gun. He muttered in response, "Zephyr. Nice to meet you too."
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/25/2020 2:00 PM
Gabriel's smile faltered as he began to feel a bit awkward from Alex's words. Even though he knew everything that happened that night, as well as what happened after... He still couldn't remember it too well. He didn't want to remember. Even though that night lead to them eventually becoming a couple.. strange how it turned out that way. He would of never come to terms if that night didn't go the way it did. He'd guess it was worth all the pain to finally be here... He turned back to Zephyr as Alex greeted him. Staring as he just looked out the window. He could tell he was upset about the memories, same as he was. Apart from that, it didn't help that he didn't think to introduce him by the name he liked others to call him. Gabriel inched his hand back over to him, laying it on Zephyr's arm.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/25/2020 2:18 PM
Zephyr looked at Gabriel and smiled, scooting closer to him into the middle seat. He was upset, sure, but his love made him so happy. He held Gabriel’s arm and laid his head on his shoulder. He wasn’t up to speaking, however. He just shut his eyes, ending the conversation with Alex. He was exhausted anyways. Alex was a tad surprised at Zephyr’s cold nature towards her, but she worked next to rich assholes. This was nothing. “Right, sorry bout that. Anyways, off we go I suppose,” she turned around, starting the car and beginning to drive to Zephyr and Gabriel’s bunker.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/26/2020 2:56 AM
~Time skip brought to you by two guys sitting in the backseat snuggled up together because they are gay~
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/26/2020 3:24 AM
After they had gone back to their bunker, changed clothes and washed up. They decided to go get their Christmas Tree. As of now, they were both in Gabriel's car, heading to the place. He sat in the driver's seat of course. After all, he would never want someone else to drive his car unless they absolutely had too. Gabriel's grogginess, as well as his soreness, had gone away a considerable amount. Still, he wasn't at one hundred percent. But he was better than he had been. He glanced over at Zephyr who sat next to him in the car, recalling how upset he had been earlier. Gabriel's expression was that of slight sorrow. It appeared as though he had something on his mind. Yet, he didn't say anything.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/26/2020 3:28 AM
Zephyr was excited to get a tree, his happiness allowing him to think about the incident. He remembered that Gabriel filtered himself, restraining his anger, and that he said please. He was trying to be nice, and he simply wasn’t used to it. That was fine by Zephyr, and now he was happy once more. He’d find a perfect tree and perfect ornaments, and he’d decorate it with someone else this year! It would be amazing. He was practically bouncing while looking out the window and windshield, looking for the perfect one. But, all of the wild trees were HUGE. “These trees are all way too big for our house. Maybe we can find a Christmas tree farm and cut one there?” He wondered aloud, looking at Gabriel for input. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/26/2020 3:39 AM
As Gabriel saw the excitement displayed by Zephyr, he smiled softly to himself. Forgetting about his thoughts and instead focusing on the present. Though, Zephyr's words confused him slightly. Keeping the soft grin on his face, he raised his eyebrow at his love. "I'm already ahead of you, Vesper.. Where did you think we were going?" He questioned before looking back at the road. "After this, where would you like to purchase the ornaments?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/26/2020 3:44 AM
Zephyr chuckled at Gabriel’s rhetorical question, thinking about his regular question as he watched the trees go by. “Hmmm.. I already have a few ornaments, but they aren’t super beautiful or anything. Maybe a ceramics or glass shop..? I’ve always found glass ornaments to be really beautiful..” he rambled. He loved Christmas to death, and it was clear by how happy and excited he was. “We can also make some! I’d love to make ornaments with you..” he fantasised as he spoke. He gently took one of Gabriel’s hands in his own, holding it and rubbing the back of it with his thumb. “You’re gorgeous, y’know that? Not just on the outside either.” Zephyr gushed, wanting to love on his boyfriend. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/26/2020 11:24 AM
Gabriel was too always one for Christmas. I mean, when he was little. His parents were usually always home then, so he would look forward to it. In his teenage years, though. He began to care about it less and less along with his parents. Now in his adult years, he didn't really think much of it. It wasn't as though he had anyone to spend it with. But this year was different. He loved seeing Zephyr so happy about it. And he happened to know just the place to go to both buy and make glass ornaments. He held his love's hand back and went to say something about this, but paused before he could. Caught a bit off guard by Zephyr's compliment. "... Thank you." Gabriel spoke, not sure of what to say. He never knew how to handle genuine compliments. "But I beg to differ." That last part just.. kind of slipped out. It was true, but something he would never admit too. Wishing he could take his words back, he just sat there. Holding onto his love's hand a bit tighter. Waiting for his reply.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/26/2020 11:38 AM
Zephyr calculated a bit, thinking of what to say. Then it hit him, and he said, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Maybe you don’t see how amazing you are, but I sure as hell do. You have walls, sure, and I’m damn near certain there’s some turmoil in that heart of yours, but to me? That makes you who you are: one hell of an awesome boyfriend. You’re so sweet, but you’re assertive at the same time, and you don’t take any shit from anyone. You protect me, look out for me, and every move you make tells me that I’m yours. I don’t know about you, Bree, but all of those things are pretty gorgeous to me.” Zephyr placed his other hand on Gabriel’s chest above his heart and looked at him. “I don’t care about what dark shit could possibly be going on in here, but I know part of your heart is dedicated to being absolutely beautiful. That’s what I choose to focus on in you. That’s what I see. I love you Gabriel. And I mean that,” Zephyr consoled as he slowly retracted his hand from Bree’s chest, and instead putting it on their clasped hands. He closed his eyes, putting his forehead to Gabriel’s shoulder and smiling. “I mean that,” he muttered quietly.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/26/2020 12:23 PM
Gabriel had assumed that Zephyr would go on about how much he loved him. Yet in no way did he expect it to be this involved. Of course, some of it was cheesey. But that didn't mean it meant any less to him. He continued to sit there, leaning into Zephyr's touch. Sure as hell at a loss for words. He stared at the road before slowly turning the steering wheel to the right, pulling over so he could fully focus on his love and not crash his car while doing so. The wheels rolled into the grass, and he lifted his foot off of the gas pedal and instead on the breaks. The car soon came to a stop, and with that he looked down at Zephyr, hesitating. "Leech.. I need you to promise me something." (edited)
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/26/2020 12:28 PM
Zephyr looked up at Gabriel and into his eyes. He looked a bit concerned, to be completely honest. Gabriel wasn’t normally this.. solemn. Usually, Zephyr would promise before actually knowing what exactly he was promising to, but this seemed different. “What is it?” He asked timidly, not having the slightest clue what Gabriel could be entailing.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/26/2020 1:05 PM
Once again, Gabriel hesitated. ".. Promise you'll continue to focus on that part of me no matter how I might act or what other things you might find out..." There was the upmost earnesty in his voice. Zephyr wouldn't get this from Gabriel a lot. Only when they.. really needed to talk. He glanced away, breaking eye contact. Which was out of character for his assertive nature. "I love you, Vesper... But I'm not the most loving person.. I need you to know that."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/26/2020 1:19 PM
Zephyr searched Gabriel’s eyes before he looked away. ’Other things he might find out?’ ‘Not the most loving person?’ What did these things mean? If Gabriel had done something heinous in his life, Zephyr couldn’t promise to look past it. He took a breath and said, “I’ll only promise you that if you promise me that you won’t ever hurt me while we’re together. Physically, emotionally, or mentally. And I need you to promise me that.. if you ever stop loving me.. that you’ll tell me. That you won’t lead me on and let me think that you still do. If you promise me that, then I promise I won’t ever focus on your flaws or mistakes.” Zephyr didn’t know what Gabriel was hinting at, but he wanted to be prepared in case it was something huge.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/26/2020 1:47 PM
Gabriel looked back into Zephyr's eyes as he started to speak. Once again, he looked hesitant. Which, honestly, wasn't a good sign... He started to not like where this conversation was going because now he had to promise something he wasn't sure he could do. "Vesper.. You and I both know I've already hurt you."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/26/2020 2:54 PM
"I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT!!" Zephyr yelled almost instantly. "I care about you!! You're my entire world!! I don't care that you've hurt me in the past, just try not to do it again!! Learn from your fucking mistakes and I promise you I will never see you for your flaws!! If you hurt me, apologize! If you don't love me, then break up with me! EVEN IF YOU'RE A SHITTY PERSON I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU!! The only thing you could ever do to stop that is hurt me without being sorry for it!!" he screamed.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/26/2020 4:00 PM
Gabriel recoiled back slightly as Zephyr raised his voice. Again, something he wouldn't normally do. But he was more vulnerable than usual... He had put his walls down so he could speak from the heart. He looked away from Zephyr as he screamed, unmoving. Even holding his breath slightly. As Zephyr finished voicing his emotions though, Gabriel let out a sigh. Looking almost emotionless.. unreadable. He spoke as he looked back into his love's eyes. "I promise.." He replied simply, somberly.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/26/2020 4:44 PM
Zephyr sighed, "I'm sorry I yelled. I promise too, my love. I promise I won't look at you for your flaws. Is there something that you needed to tell me..?" He calmly asked. "It sounded like there was something important..?"
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/26/2020 6:11 PM
Gabriel placed his chilly hand on Zephyr's cheek, forcing a small smile at him. Brushing his thumb over his skin. He shook his head gently. "It's alright.. and No... I already said it." He stated. Gabriel wasn't going to tell him. Not now. Maybe not ever... But he was convinced he'd find out one way or another. "I love you." His eyes were filled with affection as he looked at his love. Gradually, he moved his arms to wrap around him. Leaning himself over towards him a bit more. "I love you..." (edited)
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/26/2020 6:33 PM
Zephyr leaned towards him as well, giving him a small smile and looking into his jade eyes. "I love you too Gabriel. I love you tonnes," Zephyr quietly assured as he gently pressed his lips to his love's, closing his eyes. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/26/2020 6:47 PM
As he kissed his love, he closed his eyes and smiled genuinely. He kept his lips pressed against his for awhile before slowly pulling away. Taking a breath. "You're divine, Vesper.." He complimented.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/26/2020 6:52 PM
Zephyr took a breath as well, looking up at him and smiling. "You're perfect, Bree. I love you so much," he replied, wishing he could kiss Gabriel forever. He glanced away, seeing in the distance a chain-link fence in the snow. Behind it, trees. Christmas trees! "Gabriel look, Christmas trees!"
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/26/2020 7:26 PM
Gabriel slightly raised his brow, turning to look behind him... Interesting, he was right though. "Hmm.. This isn't where the tree farm is... Perhaps it's a private property?" (edited)
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/26/2020 7:29 PM
"So what if it's a private property? Let's go take one! They look higher quality than ones growing on farms anyways. It looks like they're purely decorative. Seems like a rich asshole." Zephyr said with conviction, opening the car door and walking out, popping the trunk and getting wire cutters out of it.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/26/2020 8:21 PM
Gabriel didn't seem to at all be opposed at the idea of stealing a tree. He examined the trees as well as the fence as Zephyr spoke. He thought about how they would go about this. They could get over the fence.. somewhat easily. But getting the tree over it was a different story. It didn't help that Gabriel wasn't feeling his greatest. As he heard the car door shut, he looked over. Seeing Zephyr was gone. Parking his car and pulling his keys out of the ignition, he opened his side of the car now. Stepping out before shutting the door behind him and walking over to Zephyr. His feet crunching in the snow as he walked. As he got to the back of the car, he peeked at what Zephyr was getting. Wire cutters. Right. Why didn't he think of that? "Leech, I think I should get the tree alone. You see, I wouldn't be surprised if we were shot at." He tapped his shoe on the ground as he explained. "I can carry the tree just fine on my own."
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/26/2020 8:28 PM
Zephyr looked at him, a tad puzzled. "I've survived just fine with bullets in me, Gabriel. In fact I have about three imbedded in the soft tissue near my lungs. Taking them out would be too risky, so I just leave them in. Plus, you don't seem like the type that can cut a tree down efficiently. I spent 6 years of my life chopping firewood every day," he rambled, taking an axe out of the trunk as well. He'd snuck these convenient tools into Gabriel's trunk at one point, because they're good tools to have. He walked over to the fence and began cutting wires in a shape they could both walk through.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 12/27/2020 9:32 AM
Gabriel didn't say anything in response. Zephyr had made good points. All of which were true. Though, there was one thing. "I can cut down a tree..." He mumbled before following Zephyr to the fence. "Also, when the hell did you put those tools in my trunk??" Gabriel asked as he stood by Zephyr, waiting for him to cut through the fence. How the hell didn't he notice sooner? I mean, by no means was he complaining...
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 12/27/2020 11:32 AM
Zephyr had a foot planted on the fence, another dug into the snow. He clamped down on one of the links and it snapped. He honestly looked pretty attractive as he did this, as he made it look incredibly easy. “I don’t doubt you can cut a tree down Gabriel. I’m just saying you might not know the best way to go about it.” Another link snapped. “And I don’t remember. They’re good tools for any villain to have, so I put them in your trunk.” The final link snapped, and Zephyr tossed the cutters into the snow and pulled the now cut piece of fence down, covering it with snow and packing it down. He looked up at Gabriel with eyes that were just begging for approval. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 1/1/2021 1:55 AM
Gabriel put his hands in his pockets to help keep warm as Zephyr began cutting the metal fence. His eyes planted themselves on him as he worked... Impressive. I mean, even though almost anyone could do labor like that, Gabriel thought it was still rather attractive. Especially with how small he was. Though, he would never say anything about that. "Well.. it's appreciated." He thanked him for the tools. Trying to be kind to make up for his lashing out earlier. As well as the conversation they had shortly before... As Zephyr looked up at him, Gabriel gave him a slight nod of approval. Along with a soft smile. "Lets go get a tree. Shall we, my Leech?"
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 1/1/2021 2:10 AM
Zephyr smiled at Gabriel’s words, and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before nodding. “Let’s get a smaller one,” he suggested as he walked through the whole in the fence. He stayed behind the trees, sizing them up and determining whether or not they’d look good in the bunker. He was practically bouncing with excitement, so happy to be getting a tree with his new love. His thoughts gradually drifted to how happy he was that Gabriel was his partner. With all of his redeeming qualities and reciprocated love, Zephyr couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend. Though his mind was active and feeding him imagery of memories he’d made with Bree, on the outside he was clearly spacing out again, leaning against the fence behind a perfectly sized tree. (edited)
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 1/1/2021 9:50 AM
Gabriel followed him into the restricted area, ducking under the fence. His hair brushed against the cut wires as he kept his hands in his coat pockets. Standing up straight, he looked at the trees. Now seeing just how high of quality they really were. Good. He wouldn't want a shitty tree. Especially if they were stealing it. Gabriel stayed close to Zephyr, not wanting to stand out in the open incase anyone was home. He sure as hell didn't want to get caught for stealing a god damn tree of all things. Standing by Zephyr, he waited for him to take action. When he didn't though, he looked over and down at him. Seeing he was lost in thought. "Zephyr, this isn't the time.." He quietly said.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 1/1/2021 10:01 AM
Zephyr shook himself out of his thoughts at Gabriel’s voice, glancing up at him and smiling before taking the axe in his hands and grounding himself in the snow. He swung at the trunk of the tree, bark and inner wood coming off with a loud thok. For a person as small as him, he was surprisingly effective with the axe. It had been a while, however, so he was working up a sweat about halfway through. He look his coat off- hanging it on the fence- and rolled up his sleeves, grabbing the axe again and continuing to work. He worked without speaking, but letting out the occasional grunt when he would miss the spot. But, this didn’t happen often- only once or twice. Eventually, he heard snapping and knew the tree was close to falling, taking a look around to make sure nobody was out. Even if it was a small tree, felling was always loud.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 1/1/2021 11:14 AM
Gabriel continued to stand by the fence for now, giving Zephyr a hint of a smile in return as he took a step back, wary as he readied his axe. Soon, the sound of cutting wood filled his ears as he watched his love. He had to admit, his effectiveness surprised him. You wouldn't expect someone as small as him to know how to do something such as that. A little while in as Zephyr took off his coat and rolled up his sleeves before continuing his work, Gabriel thought this was quite fetching. The sight of someone doing an act of physical extersion with nearly perfect if not spot on form always got him going slightly. Though of course, Gabriel was a man who could easily control himself. His desire didn't control him. Though, his love for Zephyr was an exception. Still, he didn't say anything. Just.. stared.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 1/1/2021 11:28 AM
Though he could feel Gabriel’s gaze as he worked, Zephyr didn’t mind and felt proud of himself for being able to get Gabriel to stare at him. After confirming that nobody was outside, he used extra force for the last few chops, felling the tree with a loud snap. Humming in content, he looked for something to tie the tree with. He’d forgotten to bring rope. Setting the axe down, he walked over to Gabriel and snuggled him, needing his boyfriend’s touch once more. “I forgot to bring anything to tie the tree up with,” he commented, laying his head on Gabriel’s chest and listening to his heartbeat. “Do you have anything?” he wondered aloud, hoping he did, as this would be awkward if he didn’t. Not looking at him and continuing to pay attention to the pulse in his love’s chest with the utmost contentment, he smiled.
Lumin ★.*.⋆ 1/3/2021 8:58 PM
Gabriel continued to watch as his small Zephyr knocked the tree down onto the ground. His eyes averting from his boyfriend and instead onto the tree. The weight of it causing snow to fly out a little ways from under it. "Good job." He complimented. Though his voice was pretty monotone. He looked at Zephyr again as he started to walk over to him, not expecting the up coming snuggle. He looked down at him. The shock quickly dispersing as a small smile soon came to his lips. He wrapped an arm around his back, beginning to reply. "You mean to tell me you put all those tools in my trunk for villainous purposes and you didn't include any rope?" He didn't sound angry as he said this. Instead using a bit of a teasing tone. As he spoke, he gently played with the ends of Zephyr's hair. Feeling its softness against his fingers.
Dilf 2, Electric Boogaloo 1/3/2021 9:30 PM
Zephyr gave a small chuckle to that, laughing at his own stupidity. "Yeah, that's what I'm saying." He didn't want to move, loving when Gabriel played with his hair. It felt so nice to be touched, to be physically assured that he wasn't alone. To be certain that he was loved. He did turn his head, though, to look at the owner's house. "They have Christmas lights on their roof." He looked back up at his boyfriend with happy eyes. "We can take a strand and wrap the tree up with those. We can decorate the bunker with them afterwards." Of all criminal acts, it was clear Zephyr was most comfortable with stealing. "God.. I love you so much.." he mumbled as tears started to form in his eyes. He was just so overwhelmingly happy, he felt so loved whenever he was around Gabriel. He looked back up at him with watery eyes and a shaky smile. He was practically begging for a kiss.
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